Chapter 8

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I had contacted Moriarty a few hours after leaving Sherlock's flat. Apparently, he was busy for the next few days and could not meet for a while. I took this time to do some actual research. If Moriarty wanted something from my father then something must be of interest.

I layed low for the entire day, avoiding the rooms or hallways he could pass by. At last, Edward left for his office in the MI6 headquarters. Right as I pushed the door open, my ring started buzzing. Sherlock was asking when the meeting was. I quickly typed I was sort of busy at the moment but he didn't care and asked again. Only he could sound so firm by text messages. I replied the day and time, next wednesday at 10 am.

I closed the ringtone of my ring before passing my head through the door. Making sure no one had seen me, I got a quick swipe of the hallway before going in the office. None of the locks were actually locked, that was surprising for a CIA agent.

I quietly shut the door behind me and closed the three locks. I looked around me. I don't think I've ever been in this room before. My father kept his job quiet. He was oftenly out of the country on missions and unless it was for a long period of time and for a non-dangerous mission, he didn't bring us along.

Nowadays, his missions were more diplomatic and helping with the secret forces of other countries allied to America. We had visited and lived in many of those countries like Brasil, France and Japan. I know that before Alex was born, his missions were more dangerous. The type of jobs that led him to deal with assassins and mafia leaders.

He had left with his computer. I could search his desk now and his computer later. I slid into the chair behind the desk and eyed the four drawers on its sides. He did not keep them locked apparently. It just eased my search.

I opened each of the drawers and didn't find anything of interest. A few coins or sheets or a hidden gun. Typical agent stuff. I looked to the surface of the desk and the things on it. A lamp, some pictures and business cards, his name plate.

Something in the gleam of the golden name plate caught my eye. I took it and turned it around in my hands. Nothing special to it, just a black and gold name plate for Agent Blakeley. But a little tube mechanism snatched my attention right before I placed the object to its place. It looked like tiny hinges. I brought it close to my eyes, it seemed like it was some sort of compartment. I tugged both sides apart to realise it was only attached by a magnet. No lock on it either. A single USB key fell from the tiny compartment. On it was written A.G.R.A. The initials didn't ring any bell.

Unfortunately, USB keys were such an archaic thing and I didn't have a computer to roam through its contents. Sherlock would surely have something for it. I can't let Moriarty know what's in the drive. I shouldn't look at it before seeing him.

I slipped the drive into a hidden fold of my dress, checked if everything was back in its place. I ran out into the corridor until I reached the double doors separating that corridor from the common lounge area. Coming back to a walking pace, I gave a small cursty to my uncle who was drinking around the hearth. I pulled a neutral face when I crossed my mother, slightly nodding to her before making my way back to my room.

* * *

A few days later, right before the meeting, I stopped at Sherlock's flat to see what the drive was all about. The owner of the flat was gone, out for a new case of his. I took the computer and plugged the USB key in.

The files opened, five of them. Each one bearing a name starting with the initials that formed the acronym on the drive, A.G.R.A. Ajay, Garrett, Rosamund and Ashton and an unnamed one. I looked through the first two files. Nothing stood out for my attention until Rosamund, the only woman of the group. A picture appeared and it took me a second for me to understand what was in front of me. The picture was of Mary Watson, John's wife. It couldn't be. I roamed through her file too, trying to connect her with the two first. There was only one mission, an assassination attempt, that was similar to Ajay's and Garrett's.

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