Chapter 2

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Mallory and the footmen took my luggages to the private jet. Before she left, I hugged Mallory and said goodbye since she wouldn't be able to join us in England. Father said that my uncle would provide for us at the Darlington Mansion during our stay.

I joined my family in front of the house to see that they were all waiting for me. We took a hovering POD already programmed for the personal royal airport.

For the whole POD ride Alex was bragging about him meeting the Prince and courting the English ladies. Elizabeth was more interested in the English gastronomy as always. Mysteriously this time, I didn't care about the food nor did I care about the boys. I was concerned about why the whole family had to leave for the entire summer for my father's job. Our parents didn't raise us, governesses did and when he had to leave on a job, he would go alone or with Isabella.

Mother was snapping her fingers in my face to bring me back from my daydreaming. "We're here darling."

"Oh yeah. Sorry." I grabbed my purse and followed her up the carpeted stairs into the blue, red and white plane, the colours of the royal American family.

The flight attendant closed the door behind me and I walked to the white leather seat beside Bessie. We took off and I fell asleep before realising it.

                                                              *          *          *

We arrived hours later. It's already 10 am here. My brain was still foggy with sleep but I put a smile on my face for my uncle Brad who I never met.

The plane landed at the royal airport and I was already seeing two figures waiting for us. I could see my mother was excited to see her brother again. I think she hasn't seen him since she left over two decades ago.

The door opened to another red carpet staircase. My father led our small procession, my mother at his arm. My brother, then me and finally my sister followed them. As soon as Isabella's heels were touching the ground, she ran as fast as her heels would allow her to Brad's open arms. Brad looked like a giant, he had an imposing figure that screamed "don't mess with me". His light brown hair matched his shining gold-flecked eyes.

"Baby Bella! It's so good that you could finally come back!" He looked at us over her shoulder and broke the embrace, "I see our family has become quite larger since!" He stepped aside to reveal a tall blonde woman, "Can I present you my wife, Anastasia."

The woman who was my aunt took a step forward and shook Isabella's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

My mom smiled back at her and turned her hand towards us "Can I present you to my family: my husband Edward and our children Alexander, Naomi, and Elizabeth."

"The pleasure is all ours, Lady Darlington," Alex said as he bowed. Bessie and I followed his example.

"We'll take two PODS to go to the Darlington mansion, it's not very far from here," Anastasia offered us.

We went through the British security and got into the PODS heading to the elite district.

During the trip, We took a highway filled with flying PODS, exiting to the elite district. We roamed the streets of Mayfair where we glanced around to see the grand houses. These neighborhoods were for the nobility and the surrounding ones were for the wealthy.

The Mansion was located a few streets away from Green Park. The first thing we saw beyond the black iron gate was a fountain of cristal water. The estate itself was a large building of slightly tinted blue bricks. The black doors were guarded by two valets. The PODS stopped at the entrance and the valets rushed to assist us.

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