Chapter - 7 I Promise

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Hello! Sorry for the wait, I've had alot going on in school so this chapter isn't the longest. But hopefully it's good. Love your comment and votes keep it up! :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of tolkiens characters nor do I claim to.

Like all the times this chapter isn't edited at all so there might be some spelling mistakes in there, especially since english isn't my first language.

please listen to the song to the left! It's amazing:) I swear I get pregnant everytime I listen to Ed Sheeran!

Hope you enjoy. Xx


There were not many moments when I was speechless. Ever since I was a little elfling I had always had an input to every conversation I was in. So having nothing to say was nothing I had experienced much.

But right now I could honestly say was totally lost for words.

His eyes bore through mine and my breathing was already shallow. I could see determination and something I could not figure out in his face.

"Athlás, leave us. Lady Galadriel, I would highly appreciate if you gave us a moment of privacy." His voice was strong and vibrated off the walls, I shuddered and casted my eyes down as both my brother and the lady of light left us.

Traitors! I thought grimly.

My eyeswas fixated on the floor as he strode towards me with an elegance I would never be able to walk with. He stopped mere inches away from me, and his body was towering over me.

"Look at me." His voice was soft, yet had an edge to it that implied that I should do what he said.

But since when did I do what I was told? yeah that's right...never. So me being me, kept my gaze on his boots that slightly poked out of his robe. When I denied him he took a deep breath and then I could feel soft fingertips under my chin.

He applied some pressure and my head rose up until my eyes met his. I was hit by the emotions that danced in his eyes. Sorrow, caring, worry and other emotions I couldn't pick up.

"I cannot let you leave, I cannot lose you too. I need you to much to let you go." His voice faded to a whisper but it did not escape my hearing.

"Thranduil, I..." I started.

"No. Let me finish." He interrrupted. "I have long clung onto the memories of my wife but I realise now when I'm about to lose you, that I need to let go. I was given a second chance to have someone to care for, even love. I would be stupid to let you go, so I won't." He finished.

The words he said warmed my heart and my emotions were hard to keep inside.

"I need you to promise me..." I started with a slight shaking to my voice. I tried again.

"I need you to promise me that you won't shut me out. Okay? That I can be there for you, and you will be there for me."

I closed my eyes in fright of rejection. If he said no I don't know what I would do. The pain would be inbearable.

"I promise."

His voice was like bandage on my wounds. Healing all the cuts in my soul and I opened my eyes to look into his.

As I looked into his ice blue orbs that were filled with warmth, something stirred in me. An emotion I haven't felt before. But I ignored it.

"Then I'll stay." I softly spoke, not turning away my gaze from his eyes.

His face instantly relaxed upon hearing my words and he let out a sight of content. Then he embrace me and I happily let myself fall into his chest. He kissed my forehead before leaning his chin on my head.

This is where I belong.


Later on I found myself in a room with a gathering of both Tauriel and Aredhel along with Legolas, Atlás, Thranduil, Lady Galadriel, Lord celeborn and Lord Elrond.

I had to explain my whole "Sauron situation" to everybody and how it had started. Everyone seemed scared for my well being, and even though this was an unsettling situation, I still felt happy that they cared so much.

Lady Galadriel told us that on the day-time when I was conscious, Sauron could not enter my head. But when I was sleeping, the block that kept him from entering would dissappear which gave him acces to my light.

So she told me that on the nights I had to sleep in Thranduils bed along with him, cause the mate bond would push him away. But in order for it to work he had to have bodycontact with me. As we had discovered last night.

But when I thought that the meeting was over, Galadriel turned towards me and spoke up.

"But, my child. That is not the only thing that has changed with you is it?" Her voice told me that she already knew but the curious faces of the other ones craved an explanation.

I anxiously bit my lip and with my hightened hearing I could faintly hear Thranduil growl to himself.

"Well... The only way I can explain it is that my senses are hightened beyond normal. I can hear things I shouldn't hear aswell as seeing things clearer and acknowledge things better."

Everyone was quiet for a moment until Lord Celeborn spoke up.

"I've heard of this before. Elves with special talents, that is. I've met some a long time ago, but they were all uniqe. One, I remembered had the gift to bend the elements while another could make anyone do whatever they wanted them to. And ofcourse, my wife with the sight."

Celeborn gave Galadriel a smile filled with love and adoration which she returned. My heart swelled at the sight.

But then I focused on answering.

"So what you mean to say is that what this a-a gift?" I couldn't help but to stutter a little, this was all so surreal but at the same time I was relieved that the explanation wasn't that I was crazy.

"Yes. I do think so." He answered with a smile.

When I looked around I could see that everyone was looking quite stunned but at the same time happy. When my eyes met the familiar blue orbs I could see pride in them.

Was he proud over me?

" This gift will serve you well in war, and other situation. All you need to do is practise." Galadriel smiled to me.

Well that is good, I thought. Alot of wars appearing at these times.

After a while of cosy chattering everybody decided that a good nights sleep sounded good.

We said our goodnights and then everybody spread out to their bedrooms and I thought I saw a look being shared between Aredhel and my brother. But I didn't spend time thinking about it when I felt Thranduil's hand guiding me towards his chamber.

Although I didn't know if I should be calling it his chamber or if I should call it our chamber.

But I didn't really care, aslong as I had him.

After going to the bathroom to change, cause I was way to prude to change infront of him, we climbed into bed.

He instantly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my back towards his chest.

He gave me a kiss on my shoulder before whispering.

"Goodnight, melamin.(My love)"

And that's how I fell asleep, full with contentment next to the one who made me whole.

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