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At that time,they discussed Elara met Theodore in the living room

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At that time,they discussed Elara met Theodore in the living room.He was sitting on the couch alone . The living room was the most beautiful place in the house. There was a piano, a bookshelf with some old books.Elara really wanted to stay there and read a few poets, but the boy promised her that he will show her around.
"The plan is,we are going downtown today, I'll show you around and then we can go to the party. There is a river on the other side of town but I'll show it later in days .So come on, we'll take a bike if you don't mind.
"No problem, let's go ."she said, and they left the house together.
They didn't talk  , she admired the landscape, she thought about  the old movies.She had the feeling that she was shooting a movie right now and she was the main character, but it wasn't a movie. It was her life and actually she really enjoyed it, she could live here until she was 70, no phones, no internet, how beautiful it would be.
They arrived and stopped the bicycles.

"I'll be right back ", said the boy and went to the nearest bistro.
He returned with two boxes of cigarettes.
"Do you smoke?" He asked her as he pulled out a loosie.
"No," she said.
"Hm, I thought you do.I remember in ninth grade everyone thought you were smoking just because you were in this place where smokers were."
"Yes, I know, I remember once  Martin came to see me and asked if I'm a drug dealer, but I swear I never did drugs," she recalled.
"Yeah, I know. They all said you and I, we're both dillers, and you're probably doing this because of me." The girl was confused, she did not know it.When did they rumored that?Why doesn't she know about it?
"I did not know it". She said. The boy held the box and she took one. He laughed.
"What? I said I don't smoke, but I didn't say I'm not in the mood to smoke."

"I didn't say anything. "He put his hands up." Come on, I'll show you the bookstore. Heard you like to read. "He said, leaving her.
"What does it mean you heard I like to read, I remember well I didn't tell you." She followed him.
"Yes, but your mom told me about that," and he opened the door.
The bookstore looked like an old bookstore, you could see that not many people visited it.Elara didn't mind it,that means she has enough time to search after a book,what she likes and enjoys.
"Come on, I'll buy you a book."
"Since when are you so nice, I remember that you were always arrogant to me."
"I've never been arrogant to you, you just never know me that well," he said, picking up a book. "What about this?" the girl  read  the title: Romeo and Juliet ,Shakespeare.The story about a boy and a girl ,who killed themself in the name of love.And the drama happend in Italy,how ironic.
"I've already read it and have the book too," she said after a long contemplation.
"Hmm than pride and prejudice?" The story about a feminist,who marries a man who is older than her.She said the same thing as before. He showed the next two books ,but she had already read them.

"How could you read it all?What should I buy than? Hamlet? "he  took the book.
"I haven't read it." She smiled.She said the truth,actually she didn't even know ,what's the plot ,but after seeing the cover,she wanted it.
"Finally. "he said ,he took the book and went to pay. She didn't know why he wanted to buy her a book they weren't even friends.
"Come on, the party starts in about 30 minutes." They left the store and went to their bikes.Elaras book collection became richer with another one.
"Why did you buy the book? You didn't have to, "she asked the question.
"I don't know, I just wanted to give you something, don't ask me why, I don't know." He  starts to ride, the girl followed him.
"Thank you, you're actually really nice, I always thought you were the guy who beats old women and kids," she stated.
"What?" He started to laugh. "I'm not that bad, okay, you're right, I was arrogant at times, but not because of you, I didn't feel nice to people. But that was a year ago, now I'm nice. "

"No, you are not. "she interrupted him.
"Right, I'm not, but I want to be." He winked.
They were on the field, there were teenagers, loud music, drinks and freedom.She always imagined going to a party like this,but the neighborhood where she lived,never did parties like this.
"Isn't it nice?I recall in London weren't parties like that.But we have to leave at 9 pm, mom said she wants to have dinner together with us.So we have one hour.I'm going to my frineds ,go and enjoy yourself . "
"Okey."She said ,but he was already gone.She didn't want to party with him, she promised herself that she would forget about him, no matter what. She went to the table, took a glass of alcohol, a boy approached her.
"Come ti chiami?" He asked.
"Elara," she said, was proud of herself to understand what the boy said. "But I'm sorry ,I don't speak Italian."
"Oh, no problem, my name is Adriano by the way." She shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you. "She took his hand.
"Come dance with me," he said and led her into the crowd. She went after him. They danced there.
"You are beautiful," said the boy.
"Thanks, you are handsome as well ."
"You came with Theo , right?" He asked.
"Yeah, just because I'm going to stay with my family at their house," she said as they danced.
"Ohh, I understand ," he said. She looked around and saw the boy she was coming with.
"I'll be right back," she said, leaving him there.
"Do you enjoy the party?" The boy asked, he was smoking again.
"Yeah, my gosh this is the best day of my life, I'd stay here all day and dance, can I have some?" She pointed to the cigarette.
"We have to go, it will be 9pm soon."
"Oh okay, let's go then." Theodor stood up and they already wanted to leave, but someone interrupted them.

" Elara, wait. "Adriano shouted. "Are you leaving?
"Yes, I'll see you later," she said.
"No, wait. "he said, coming closer, then kissed her. Elara was shocked, she didn't know if she wanted to kiss him back .The boy stepped back . "I hope you will dream of me. "he said, Elara was a little bit disgusted. He left them.
"Hope you dream of me, oh my god, I can't." Theo laughed holding his belly.
"Just shut up and let's go." She said rolling her eyes. "Fuck, it was my first kiss. My first kiss was with some stranger handsom Italian , argh. " She said, but deep down she was happy about it. She wanted to kiss a stranger,but she felt nothing in the meantime the kiss. She couldn't feel the power she wanted. He wasn't the right guy.
"Come on, mom is waiting for us,"Theodor said, and they drove back home under the shine of the stars.

Come ti chiami?=What's your name?

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