Spar with me?

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The sunlight streaming in through my window woke me up. I groaned and rolled into my pillows. I had a splitting headache and the sun was somehow too loud.

I sat up on the edge of the air mattress. I look around and saw Eli asleep on my bed. I smiled he looked so peaceful. I stood from where I was sitting and crept to the closet. I threw on some athletic leggings and a sports bra. I sat at a vanity in my room and put my hair into two braids.

I didn't want to leave Eli alone so I went over to my bed and gently shook him awake. He flinched and tried to push me away. "Hey hey hey! Shhh Eli it's me calm down you're safe."

It hurt my heart but it worked. He sighed. "Oh! Sorry.." I grin. "Hey it's ok. Get dressed. We're gonna get some food and then i'm gonna drag you to training with me. He stood from the bed and I passed him some clothes I found in the back of closet. I waited for him to change and when he was done we walked to the kitchen. It was only 8 so I wasn't surprised that there wasn't anyone awake.

I tossed Eli an apple and peeled a banana for myself. We ate in silence as I rushed around the kitchen making Sam's hangover cure for myself. Once we were done there I showed Eli the gym and gave him a little mini tour along the way.

We got there and it was also empty. I showed him around the huge training area and pointed out all the areas. I pointed out the shooting range and noticed all the training guns and knives were gone and a note took their place.

If you want to use training weapons talk to Tony first. Precautions for Mr Shadow man.

I rolled my eyes. "Ok well I guess no shooting range today... but i'm gonna use the punching bags for now. Fee free to do whatever!"

I started towards the punching bags and heard the treadmill turn on. For the next half and hour I punched and kicked at the punching bag getting close to knocking it down. I didn't even hear the doors open.

"I still can't believe y'all ran literally over 30 laps and still taunted me everytime you passed me. It's messed up man."

I heard laughter and turned around to see Steve, Bucky, and Sam walking in.

"Sup pigtails" Bucky greeted me.

I rolled my eyes and squinted at him. "Ok mr ponytail!" I laugh. I turn back around and keep working. "Yo remind me not to get on your bad side Y/n."

I laughed. "I don't think you could get on my bad side if you tried Sam."

I felt someone behind me. I turned around and went to jump onto their shoulders but I was stopped and pinned to the ground.

"Yikes... you're getting kinda predictable now." Steve jokes.

I giggle. "Or is that just I wanted you to think?"

He cocks his head and I flip him over me and have him pinned to the ground. I raise an eyebrow and stand up, brushing myself off.

I offer him a hand up and once he's up he pulls me in. I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him. He gives me a little peck on the cheek and let's me go. My peace is interrupted by arguing.

"Look all i'm saying is that Thor would most definitely beat Cap in a fight!" Sam's arms were up defensively. "Nah man Steve would win." I laughed. "I think Bucky just has a man crush on Steve" He glared at me which just made me laugh harder.

I noticed Eli had stepped off the treadmill and was cooling down. "Hey E!" He looks towards me surprised. I smirk. "Come spar with me!" He just shakes his head and laughs before heading to the sparring mat. I grin, this would be fun. Sam sits on the bench, water bottle in hand ready to watch. Steve is leaning against the wall and Bucky is standing next to him.

"10 bucks she wins" Sam whispers to Bucky, who just nods in return.

Eli reaches the mat and I stick up my hands ready to fight. He smiles at me. "Just like the old days huh?" I laugh "Oh yea definitely, i'm still gonna kick your ass." He raises an eyebrow.

We get into sparring and almost immediately I land a punch to his shoulder. I come at him kicking and he blocks my strikes. On my last kick he grabs my foot and twist me around. Instead of falling I flip and land back on my feet. He comes at me this time and he lands a few blows but I manage to block him. We continue on for another few minutes. I finally see and opening to kick the backs of his knees and knock him down. I take it and once he's on his stomach I place my foot on his back and flex.

"Told ya. That's my girl!" I smile back at Sam then lend Eli a hand back up.

"Again" I hear him grunt. I nod and get back into position. I look over to see my friends almost shocked.

This time, he seems frustrated. He lands more of his punches and i'm not able to strike him as much. Moments later he grabs my foot and flips me onto my back. He pushes down on my stomach. I just smile back at him. He helps me up and look over to see Sam handing Bucky some money. "Damn it man."

I walked over to the water machine and filled two cups. I handed one to Eli and we both drank up. I walked over to the bench and laid myself across Sam and Bucky who didn't even move. I was slightly exhausted.

"Alright folks next in the ring is E and Steve! Woooooo" I giggle.

"You sure you wanna do this kid?" Steve questions him.

I look over to Eli and nod. He just takes a deep breath and placed his cup down. "Let's go old man"

I laugh and feel Sam and Bucky let of a little laugh too.

I sit up and push myself between the two of them. I watch Steve and Eli spar and move around the mat. A few minutes later Steve lands a blow that knocks Eli down. He helps him up and smiles back at me proudly. I make a little face at him and stand up.

"Hey don't worry E, it only took me a few days to beat Stevie here." I smile over at Steve.

Eli seems too caught up in his water to care.

Steve looks over at me and smirks. "Let's see it then" he challenges.

I smile and hand my cup to Sam who just tosses it at Bucky.

"You're on." I walk back onto the mat.

We both get into stance and obviously I take down Steve fairly quickly. Super soldier or not not even he could stop a badass girl with her mind made up.

I end straddled over him with him hands pinned down. I smile down at him and lean in to kiss him.

"Oh god please just get a room."

I look up and see Eli with a strange look on his face.

"Yea what the kid said" Sam agrees.

I laugh and stand up. "Shut up" I chuckle. I help Steve up. "Ok well i'm gonna head up for breakfast if anyone wants to join?"

They all nod desperately and the five of us walk to the kitchen together.

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