The note

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We reached home and everyone was talking. We walked down to the kitchen and everyone sat around the couch. I grabbed a bottle of champagne from Tony's collection.

"I know Eli and I know he wouldn't want us to be mourning him for long. He was a man who loved celebration, so instead of moping let's crack open this bad boy and celebrate him."

I pour everyone a glass and I sit back down. "To Eli!"

We all raise our glasses and cheers to him. I smiled and looked at all of them. God I loved these guys. We sat around the couch talking about some Eli memories for hours.

It was around 11 when Fury burst through the elevator. "Ok who's gonna tell me what the hell is happening?"

Everyone was obviously startled but we stayed quiet. I don't think anyone knew what he was talking about. I cocked my head and looked around to see everyone else with the same expression.

Fury holds a small note in his hand, he waves it at us as if that would help us recognize it.

Clint nodded towards Fury. "What's it say?"

Fury angrily stomps over to us, stopping in front of everyone.

Dear Shield,
Sorry about the Shadow. We know you all favored the boy. Just know, that's what happens when you take our toys. Cant have them spilling our secrets. Hope to see some of you soon.

I can feel the anger building in me as Fury finishes speaking. "They're talking about E and they want me back. Jesus christ." I stand from the couch and walk to the kitchen me.

"Fear not lady Y/n, we won't let them get you again." Thor says in seriousness.

I grab a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet and flip off the lid. I smirk. "Oh i'm not afraid they will get me again, i'm almost excited. Ivan finally kill the rest of them. They're the ones who should be afraid. If they thought I was difficult then, they've got another thing coming." I laugh before taking a swig from the whiskey bottle.

I was lying. I was absolutely terrified of what would happen if I was taken again, but fake it til you make it you know.

I wipe my mouth and look back at my friends and Fury.

"Look I know it's late so 9 am tomorrow, meeting room and we will discuss our plan of action. If Hydra can get their hands on Y/n again and make her their soldier again, then that endangers everyone." He eyes my down.

I feel woozy. I raise the bottle to Fury, bow my head and stumble out of the room. It was all too much. Before I could get to my room Sam caught up to me.

"Hey hey hey!... Y/n slow down." Sam calls out before grabbing the bottle from my hands. I pout at him before accepting defeat.

"You okay? I know this day has been a lot..." He questions obviously a little worried.

I drunkenly laugh. "No yea i'm just great right now. Attended my best friends funeral and found out my worst nightmare might be coming true all in one night. It's just my life, it's typical at this point." I shrug.

Sam looks at me and I can see he's upset.

"Oh don't worry Sammy, i'm used to it." I boop it on the nose and smile sadly.

He pulls me and embraces me in a hug. "I love you. You know that right?" He asks.

I smile and pull away. "I know Sam" I half smile. I look away and open my bedroom door. "Can you um ask Steve to come?"

He nods at me and pulls me in for one last hug before walking away. "You know you can talk to me if you need to right?" He calls as he walks away.

I smile. "Yes Sam I know, thank youuu"

He shoots fingers guns my way and I act is if i've been shot and I hear him laugh. As soon as he's gone from view I close my door. I change into a tank top and some shorts. I walk over to my closet and pull out Eli's old sweatshirt. I throw it on over my tank top and sit on my bed, waiting.

I'm lost in thought until a minute later when I hear a gentle knock on the door. "Come in" I call.

The door opens to reveal a half smiling Steve. I smile back at him and pat the bed beside me. He closes the door and walks over to where I was sitting. He sits beside me and I climb into his lap.

"Can you stay here tonight Steve?" I ask.

"Of course I can, whatever you need Y/n" He says which is very comforting. I hug him tight and scoot back towards the pillows. I motion for him to follow and he copies my moves. I leave the lamp on beside my bed.

I cuddle up into his arms and snuggle into his chest. "Hey Steve?" I ask quietly.


"I love you" I whisper to him.

"I love you too Y/n" He answers giddily.

I look up at him and he's smiling.

"Steve?" I ask again.


"Please don't let them get me again. I can't do it again. If they get me and control me again. Please for the love of god kill me ok?"

He shifts and lifts my chin so i'm looking in his eyes.

"I swear to you, they will never get you again ok? There's always another way"

I smile back at him but I don't believe anything he's saying. I know at some point or another they were going to have me again.

I snuggle into his chest again. It felt so nice being held. I felt safe. My eyes began to get heavy and I drifted to sleep.

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