I Have Everything Under Control

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I'm startled by a knock at the door.

"Y/n? It's me... Open up." Sam calls from behind my door.

I scramble to pick up all the papers sprawled out on the floor.

"Y/n?" Sam says, his voice somewhat muffled through the door.

I shove all the papers under my bed until they're fully hidden. I quickly pick myself up and brush myself off.

When I open the door i'm greeted by Sam standing there, his arms crossed. I yawn to try and keep the image from earlier.

"Cut the bullshit." He says harshly, eyeing me down.

I roll my eyes. "What's up?"

He pushes the door open and walks into my room. I try to hide my worry as he enters my room and sits on the edge of my bed. He pats the empty space beside him.

I sigh and plop down next to him.

"There's no Y/n shaped dent in your bed, so you obviously weren't 'resting'." He says accusingly. "What's going on?"

I rest my head on his shoulder. "It was just... different this time. My head was pounding when I came back and it's never done that before. He put thoughts in my head. It felt like I wasn't in control of my own brain." I confess.

I feel his eyes fall on me but I don't look back at him.

"I'm here if you need to talk ok?" He says comfortingly.

I smile ever so slightly and nod. After lifting my head off his shoulder, he stands and opens his arms for a hug. I smile and hug him tight. A moment later I pull away and watch Sam leave my room.

Releasing a breath of relief, I lock my door. I slide my back down the door and sit on the ground. My head was pounding again, but now for a different reason. I had too many things going through my head and so many decisions were spinning around my thoughts.

I pull the papers out from under then bed again. If I could just figure out a few more things then I could bring everyone else into this. I tried doing things on my own before and it was a lot harder than it should've been.

Of course, I would have brought them into it now, but I needed more information and I didn't want Loki getting suspicious.

I pull my hair back and crawl under the covers of my bed. The soft and fluffy blanket felt comforting and I start to drift off to sleep. My eyes become heavy and I finally succumb to the  tiredness.

".... Madrid. If we aren't there fast enough we might lose more people.." Someone shouts while pounding on my door.

I shake awake and sit straight up.

"Hello?" The voice says again.

"Y-yea i'm awake. I'll be out in a few." I mumble.

Their footsteps recede and I roll out of my bed. My clothes were in a corner where I had tossed them the day before. Exhausted, I trudge to the pile and quickly change into my clothes. My pendent was kept in my desk so I grab it and pin it to myself. I grab my boots from my closet but don't bother to put them on yet.

When I open my door i'm surprised by someone running past me.

"Let's go!" They shout.

In that quick moment i'm fully awaken and I run after the person ahead of me. I run up the stairs until I reach the roof. Everyone else is already on the jet and I can see them waiting for me with the engine already running.

I run and jump onto the loading platform as the jet slowly starts to hover and take off.

Someone catches my arm as I jump and pulls me in.

"So why's Madrid such a big deal?" I ask after catching my balance.

"Hydra has taken over a government building and the Udhar are in the surrounding streets. Several dead already." Nat says from bedside Clint at the front of the jet.

I sigh and find a spot on the bench. My boots are on the ground beside me as I scroll through a tablet with images and schematics of the buildings in downtown Madrid and near the government building.

Once we're about 15 minutes out Clint gives everyone a heads up. I snap my head up from the tablet and start to put my boots on and prepare myself.

Clint drops us off a few blocks away from the chaos. You could see smoke rising in the distance and people running towards us in a desperate attempt to escape to attack. I tap my pendent and smile as the suit envelopes me once again.

We split into teams of two and im paired off with Bucky. Everyone goes their separate ways and Bucky and I take off to the east side of the city. We reach and alley way close enough to the action where we could see Udhar if we peeked out.

"Ok so we stay together, you blast the aliens and i'll take any HYDRA and get the people away ok?" He says as we both get into ready positions.

I nod and then I let out a quieted scream. I grab my head and wince in pain. All the other noise is blocked out of my head and I hear a voice that takes over my brain.

"Go to the alleyway beside the museum, someone is waiting for you"

The blinding headache fades away and I pant in relief.

"The hell was that?" Bucky asks panicked as he holds my arm.

I meet his eyes, he's genuinely concerned. "It's just a headache, i'm fine." I say shaking my head.

He raises an eyebrow. "Maybe you should sit this one out?" He suggests.

I shake my head. "Can't take a sick day if you're a superhero." I grin and run out into the streets.

I hear Buckys footsteps not far behind me. I charge up my hands and start to blast the creatures in the street nearby. Somehow I had to lose Bucky and get to that alley.

There are several stray HYDRA soldiers roaming our streets and Bucky attacks them and brings them to the ground. He helps any civilians move away from the city and into neighboring towns.

I'm in the air blast and lifting the aliens, moving them to my will. While moving through the streets we start to reach the center and I see some of the Guardians shooting at the aliens in front of the government building.

I lower myself to the ground as Bucky comes up bedside me.

"I'm gonna go run a quick check of the east quadrant, you go with the guardians, i'll be right there." I direct as I turn on my heels and take off back down the street we were just on.

All the Udhar are either dead on the ground or too injured to move. Every so often i'll see people running and i'll point them in a safe direction.

I look around me and quickly move into the alley as I approach it. In the alley is a man in HYDRA tactical gear holding his gun protectively.

I reach lightly charge my hands and fling the gun from his hand and into the wall. Surprised, he jumps and then relaxes when he sees me. The man quickly pulls something out of his pocket and holds it out to me.

I cautiously grab the paper and tuck it into my suit. He readjusts himself and grabs his gun from the ground. Just as he stands up straight again a crack rings out and he falls to the ground.

I whip around to see Bucky lower a gun, the smoke still escaping the barrel.

"Why were you just standing there?" He practically shouts.

I start to run with him back to the center of the city. "I've got everything under control." I pant.

Last update: 02/26/21   9:59am

Good morning yall! Did you guys really think Y/n was going to go to Loki's side? I think she's learned her lesson. Anywho love you all and thank you for all the votes and reads! I love reading all the comments too!!

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