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He was laughing. My eyes widen.


I glance down at the folder.



I stand and reach for my gun. "STOP"

This catches the attention of some of my team.


I raise my gun and line it up with his chest. I can hear others scrambling to me in slow motion.


I pull the triggers as the last syllable escapes his lips. Although I pulled the trigger, the words he say seem to hit me like a bullet.

My mind seems to be shrunk down to nothing. I fall to the floor my eyes starting to shut. I feel arms try to catch me just before I hit the floor.
~Avengers POV~

Their small talk was interrupted by a desperate yell. They all turn around at the same time to see Y/n  gun raised, pointing at the prisoners.

"Y/n" Nat questions.

They get closer to see Mack with an eerie smile on his face speaking nonsense. Before they can get close enough Y/n fires her weapon. She falls to the ground and Steve dives to the ground to catch her head.

The entire jet goes into a frenzy. Mack is on the ground, single shot to the chest, surrounded by a pool of blood.  Tony is holding up Y/n's head reaching and trying for a pulse or any sign she was ok.

"I'VE GOT A PULSE" He yells through the panic. She wasn't wounded in any way so they set up on the chairs head on Steve's lap.

Bucky stood in a corner, he looked focused on something. Nat notices. She raises and eyebrow and approaches him.

"What are you think?" She asks, keeping her eyes on Y/n.

"The words. They weren't the same, but they used a similar sequence to activate.... activate the winter soldier. If they had a similar sequence for Y/n..." He says unsurely.

Nat looks up at him and they make eye contact. Nat nods slowly and leaves him standing there. She gathers the rest of the team, except of course Steve who stays with Y/n on his lap.

They meet on the other side of the jet and whisper.

"The words, Hydra could have brainwashed her when they had her. There's no telling what it did." Nat informs the team in a hushed tone.

It's silent for a moment.

"She knew what it meant.. she tried to stop him before he said it. How did she know?" Clint asks turning back to Mack.

"There!" Sam exclaims quietly. He points to a small backpack and file strewn on the floor near where Y/n had stood.

Before they had a chance to investigate Steve gets their attention. "She's waking up"
~your pov~

My eyes fluttered open. Where was I? I was surrounded by a group of people. They looked like they had just walked out of a Party City. There was a woman, she had her hand on her waist band, wrapped around a small gun.

I sit up immediately and put my hands up. I widen my eyes. "What the hell is going on?! Where am I?! Please don't shoot!" I cry glancing at the woman with the gun.

The group of people around me looked confused. I look around to see more people, except these people were chained up and cuffed. They were smiling at me. I gave a small smile back.

My focus was brought back to the people in front of me when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn and smack the hand off of me and see a very offended blonde man. I lower my hands slowly as the woman releases her gun.

"Hail Hydra" I hear a man mutter from the group of prisoners. I turn to him and cock my head.

"Y/n?" Another man questions.

"I... I don't know who that is..." I mumble.

I stand from where I was sitting and push past the people in front of me, looking for any kind of door or exit. They make no effort to stop me. I am starting to panic as I realize there's no exit. I run up to the front of the room where theres a large window.

All I see is sky.

"A-are we on some kind of plane?" I ask frantically. "Get me off! Get me off! I don't want to be here!" I practically scream at them.

A few of them try to approach me. I look down and see i'm wearing a suit of my own. Small guns and knives at my waist and ankle. Although I don't know how to shoot I grab a pistol from the waistband. I raise it at the strangers.

"Get. Away. From. Me. And get me off this plane" I demand. My hands were shaking.

I think they knew I didn't know what I was doing because they almost looked at me sympathetically.

"Please." I beg.

I know this chapter was shorter than others but this week has been busy. :/ I'm trying to find time to write! Thank you guys for reading and voting. Your guy's comments make my day!! Anyways love ya ! <3

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