The Days At Satshringa 3

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We went back home with Nakul on my shoulders only to find Sahdev crying standing near the house because he fell down from the adjacent tree of our house when he tried to climb up

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We went back home with Nakul on my shoulders only to find Sahdev crying standing near the house because he fell down from the adjacent tree of our house when he tried to climb up.

"Sahdev!! Anuj how you fell?" I screamed and kept Nakul near the verandah and ran to Sahdev, kneeling down to take him in my arms.

"Jyestha! See I got such a big wound!"  Sahdev cried pointing towards his wound and narrating how he tried to climb the tree to get the fruit in the highest branch and couldn't keep balance and fell.

"Why don't you call Pitashree or Bhrata Bheem? Don't you know you're small so you've a tendency to get hurt?." I fondly asked while cleaning the wound because I didn't want him to cry more. I was really anxious today to see two of my brothers getting hurt. And the worst part was that I wasn't even with both of them.

"Nakul you come too. You also got some wounds near your shoulder." I called Nakul and cleaned both of their wounds.

"Okay you two sit here and let me bring some medicinal herbs for the wounds from Mata Kunti. And Nakul! Don't try to move from the place." I reminded Nakul because I knew as soon as I left this place,he would sprint and again start doing some mischief.

I went inside the room to find Mata Kunti preparing for dinner as if it was already dark outside. The sun could be seen lurking behind the forest trees, the redness was fading and the dark blue was settling down with little diamonds spreading into the sky.

"Mata please give me the medicinal paste." I went to her and asked for the herbs.

"Why Vatsa Yudhisthir?" Mata asked me with curiosity.

"Actually Mata, Nakul got in danger, and Sahdev fell down climbing the tree. So I need the paste to apply to their wounds." I honestly answered Mata.

"What! Nakul and Sahadev got wounds! And you're telling me now Vatsa!" Mata Kunti was worked up hearing the news. She immediately got up and almost ran to get the paste, she kept in the corner of our humble kitchen.

I then went back to Nakul and Sahadev, to check on them only to find them talking to Pitashree, who returned from the nearest Ashram with Bheem and Phalguna. I noticed that Bheem and Phalguna too were worried about the twins and Bheem was almost angry at them for their carelessness.

"Why Nakul? Why did you go inside the forest alone without me or Jyeshtha? Or Sahadev, can't you wait for us to get that fruit? You guys are small and you should understand that you are not allowed to do some activities!" Bheema scoffed in anger. Poor Nakul and Sahadev! They almost started to cry.

"Bheem! Let it be. They're small kids. They'll obviously do mischief. You go and get fresh. And also take Phalguna with you." I intervened and made Bheem go inside our hut. Phalguna wasn't ready to go, he wanted to be with his Jyeshtha, still I caught his hands and gave it to Bheem to take him inside the house.

I went to the twins and hugged them with Pitashree caressing their heads when Mata Kunti came running with the medicinal paste.

"Nakul! Sahdev! Your Bhrata told me you guys got in danger today!" Mata Kunti looked really angry and concerned for them.

"Don't worry Kunti, it's their age to play and get wounds. Why are you getting tense?" Pitashree tried to calm down Mata Kunti. He even took the paste from his hands and started applying it on Nakul's wound.

"You won't understand Arya!! They are really small and they should not go anywhere alone!" Mata Kunti was really concerned now, "And you Sahdev! Vatsa! You should have waited for your Pitashree's arrival, what if any bone got broken?" Mata Kunti loved Sahdev a lot. She couldn't see a small scratch in his body so I could understand why she was so concerned about them.

Suddenly, Mata Madri came with pitchers in her hand. I understood she came with water from the nearby stream. Suddenly she saw us sitting by the verandah and almost ran to us.

She kept the pitchers nearby and was anxious seeing Mata Kunti applying paste to Nakul and Sahadev. She ran to them and started caressing them and took the paste from Mata's hand and started applying to them. I went to them and took Sahdev to lap as he wasn't stopping crying both because of pain and also because of Bheem's scolding.

"Shh!! Shh!! Don't! I'm with you. You know your Bhrata Bheem na! He's really protective of you. Don't worry! I'll scold him for scolding you.." I was making him silent.

We then went inside the hut only to find Sahdev sleeping in my lap. I could feel he was in a lot of pain so sleeping would be a better option for him.

I then went and washed my hands and feet to sit down in meditation and my evening worship.

After my evening worship, I went to Pitashree for the evening lessons.

After the lessons, Pitashree was telling us the stories of our uncles and grandfather who lived at Hastinapur. I was amazed hearing about my uncle, Dhritarashtra and wanted to meet him.

"When will we meet them Pitashree?" I eagerly asked my father.

"Vatsa! You will soon meet him. Just few more days, I may take up you children to Hastinapur. May be next summer we all may go to Hastinapur for a few days." Pitashree replied us fondly.

Just then Mata Madri called us for dinner and Pitashree ordered us to go and have dinner, so after taking leave from Pitashree for the day, we cheerfully left the place to have dinner thinking about the next summer when we might meet our grandfather, uncles and cousins.

But I guess destiny decided something else.


Hello This is Anindita, presenting you another part of "As Yudhisthira Says." Do tell how did you like this part.

Beautiful and amazing covers are given by _justloveharry_33

Beautiful and amazing covers are given by _justloveharry_33

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