The Day At Satshringa (4)

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The spring came after the winter and it was my most favourite weather

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The spring came after the winter and it was my most favourite weather. The advent of this season is enough to make me elated. The soothing breeze in the air, chirping of cuckoos, squirming of squirrels and awakening of other animals who had been in hibernation during winters, new leaves in the trees makes me feel so energetic.

The songs of cuckoos, squirming of squirrels and awakening of flora and fauna made my heart swell in happiness and joy. I wish all the seasons were like spring, but that's something against the rules of nature. Every season has its own importance in the laws of nature. And we can't be selfish for ourselves.

Spring brings us happiness through the vibrancy of nature, but that year, the arrival of spring brought sadness to us. It was the last time in our life, we had been a complete family. I wish I could be that Yudhishthira once in my life again, I was at that spring for the last time.

I remember clearly, At one chilly evening, when we had our supper done and sleep arrangements were to be made, we asked Pitashree to tell us a story about his past life, about Hastinapur. Pitashree hesitated a bit but started to tell the story to us. He told how he and Jyesth Pitashree used to go hunting during summers, practiced sword fighting with each other and swim in the nearby Ganga river.

"Putra Yudhishthira.... Your Jyesth Pitashree was better than me in all aspects. Though he couldn't see, his instincts were amazing. They never failed him. He was a better warrior than me. I hope you will learn more about kingship from him." Pitashree told me once.

He then went to tell about their youth when once Jyesth Pitashree tamed an mad and old elephant only by himself. I listened in only wonder how mighty and brave that might be. How good it would be to be an apprentice under him to be a good monarch. With the help of my 104 brothers, I would be able to make my ancestral kingdom thrive on wealth.

Pitashree also told about Pitamaha Bheeshma, Kakashree Vidur. How three of the brothers used to play together and Pitamaha Bheeshma used to train them for warships. He told how Pitamaha Bheeshma got the "Bheeshma" title which he himself heard from Pitamaha and royal priest Kripa. We heard in wonder about Pitamaha's fight with his teacher which went on for several days and months and years when finally Lord Shiva intervened. I wanted to meet that Holy man, the son of Mata Ganga. As much as I heard from my father about them, my crave to meet them increased.

itashree also talked about Kaka Vidur. Whenever I used to listen to him, I don't know if I believed I knew Kaka Vidur for a long time. I never met him but I would feel he was an integral part of me.

Pitashree made a promise that he would take me and my brothers to Hastinapura the next summer to meet my family.

"Thank you Pitashree." I thanked him as I went into a deep slumber for that day.

With that promise, I waited for the arrival of summer for the first time in my life. Spring was going on in its full glory. The flora and fauna of Satshringa was to be seen. Various types of seasonal as well as normal flowers adorned the whole place. Different types of animals and birds were present. Felt like we were in the garden of heaven sometimes.

The first month of the spring went smoothly, as we five brothers planned and executed how to meet our rest brothers in the upcoming summer, where to visit in Hastinapur. Pitashree also sometimes listened to our discussion attentively. I could feel he was also happy to meet his family after a long time.

In the second month of spring, my heart used to get downcasted for no reason. As if it were giving any signal which might turn our life upside down. Phalguna's birthday, which was on Phalguni Purnima, came that year early. We celebrated his birthday in a great manner. Mata Kunti and Mata Madri cooked his favourite dishes. We visited different Ashrams to take the blessings of God and different saints. Pitashree gifted Phalguna a handmade bow as he was excellent in archery.

"Putra Arjun, here's a small gift from my side. A bow. " Pitashree told delightfully as he handed over the bow to Phalguna.

Phalguna bowed down to take Pitashree's blessings as he received his gift.

"Yashashwi Bhava!" Pitashree blessed.

We're super happy that day. Our happiness was short-lived.
How I wish I would know that this was the last celebration we did as a whole family.

Later in that spring one day, Mata Kunti and us five brothers went to a nearby Ashram. Pitashree and Mata Madri didn't come with us due to some reasons. I wish they had come with us that day, but who can falsify the destiny.

My mind wasn't at peace that day. I felt like running back to Pitashree. Since last night, I didn't feel like leaving him.

I sat on Dhyan at the temple, still my mind wasn't at peace.

"Mata, when will we go back?" I asked Mata who was engrossed in her prayers.

"Shh.. Yudhishthira, not now. Let me complete my Dhyana. And when you become eager like this, complete your Dhyan too.." Mata reprimanded me as I went back to Dhyan again. Still my heart wasn't at peace. I wanted to go back to Pitashree.

We were back from the Ashram at some second prahar of the day when we heard Mata Madri screaming for Mata Kunti while entering our home.

"Madri??" Mata Kunti too screamed back asking where she was.

"Come beside the stream, Jiji. But please don't bring children jiji." She told Mata Kunti.

Mata Kunti told us to remain inside the house and went towards the stream.

When she returned, our life turned upside down.

We did meet our other relatives that summer, but in a different way.


Hello, after a long time!! This chapter may not be that much good. But I promise a regular update from now on!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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