The Days at Satshringa (1)

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I was born to Maharaja Pandu and Maharani Kunti at the lap of Satsringha

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I was born to Maharaja Pandu and Maharani Kunti at the lap of Satsringha. The peaceful days of my childhood with my brothers and my parents always delight me when remembered.

Pitashree Pandu was my Guru in early years of childhood. He always taught me how to be a good human following the path of Dharma. It was said by my celestial father, Dharmaraj, during my birth that I would be called "Yudhisthira", one who would be "sthira in Yudhha". My brothers Bheem and Arjun were my heartbeats. Bheem was always ready to protect me  from any kind of problems. Arjun, whatever I said, he was ready to do that. I said many times it is okay to say no, but he never agreed. For him, I was his ideal. 

We used to roam in the Satsringha valleys a lot. Going from one mountain to another, climbing trees, chasing rabbits, wandering in the forests. Those days of Satsringha — I miss a lot! I wish I could go back to those again. Those carefree days with my family. I miss them so much. We used to sit in lessons together, Arjun being small was exempted from the lessons and used to play in the gardens and helped Mata Madri sometimes. Mata Madri loved us very much and always cared for us like Mata Kunti. 

My relationship with Mata Madri was really a sweet one. She used to pamper me a lot. Cooking dishes for me, putting me to sleep with her lullaby, when Mata Kunti was busy with Bheem or Arjun she used to be with me and take care of me. Ah Mata Madri! She was really a beautiful woman indeed. Pitashree Pandu used to tell that she was a warrior too. I totally loved to spend time with her. 

Pitashree Pandu had an immense knowledge about politics. He used to train me in earlier days so that I could become a successful king, after my Tatshree Dhritarashtra. He used to tell about the heroic deeds of my uncle Dhritarashtra who was the king of Hastinapur. My father used to consider him as his ideal. He even told me about my Kakashree Vidur and Pitamaha Bheeshma's heroic deeds. I wanted to meet all of them and also my 101 other brothers and our only one sister. It would be so delightful to play with all my brothers, running here and there in glee. 

My two hearts — Bheem and Arjuna. The day Bheema was born, I was chasing rabbits outside and when I returned, I saw him lying beside Mata Kunti. I was really surprised to see a huge baby lying beside my Mata Kunti. Then Pitashree Pandu, noticing the confusion on my face said,"Putra Yudhisthir, this is your younger brother Bheema. He will now play with you, will roam with you and also may sometimes fight with you. But putr, you never should be angry with him. Always protect your little brother and be patient with him. Also, most important love him unconditionally." 

"Yes Pitashree. I will protect my younger brother and love him always." I promised to my father. Even if my father hadn't said, I would have loved and protected him. 

"Now putr, take your baby brother in your arms." Pitashree Pandu then handed him to me.

I was really scared to take Bheema in arms, he was a healthy baby and I feared that I would drop him off. But as soon as I took him in my arms, he woke up and passed a toothless smile to me. And from that moment I knew that he would be my heart forever.

Some days after Bheem's birth, Mata Kunti was coming from a place with newborn Bheema, suddenly she heard the tiger's roar and dropped Bheema from her arms. She soon was shocked to see that the rock that he fell on was cracked and Bheema didn't get any injuries. I cried hearing the incident. It took me a long time to be okay.

After a year of Bheema's birth, my Phalguna was born. Me and Bheema were in another hut when suddenly Pitashree Pandu came to us, very happy. He then exclaimed in joy," Yudhisthir! Bheem! Meet your younger brother! Go and see him."

We couldn't control our excitement, especially Bheem, because he finally became an elder brother. He hurried inside the hut and took Phalguna in his arms. He was elated to meet his little brother and didn't want to share him with anyone. After a lot of pestering, Pitashree Pandu took Phalguna and gave him in my arms. I was delighted to see him. Suddenly, he captured my finger with his tiny hands and that was the moment I knew I had to protect him from every danger. 

"Putra what will you call him?" Pitashree asked us.

I immediately then replied," I don't know about others, but I will call him, my Phalguna. The apple of my eye..." 

Pitashree again reminded us about our duties to our younger brother and even this time I promised from my heart that I wouldn't even let a harm come to him.

Bheem, Phalguna and me used to enjoy a lot in the woods. Bheem used to care about us so much. Whenever either me or Arjun fell down or got a wound while playing, Bheem used to cry the most and sometimes forgetting my wound, I had to pacify him. But what to do! I couldn't see my  younger brother crying. 

About one year after Arjuna’s birth, while I was in my lesson with my father, Mata Kunti came to him and told something about Mata Madri. She was looking grave.  I wondered what they're discussing. Then they three went somewhere, keeping my brothers with me. I was really confused and scared at first but I needed to take care of my brothers so I gathered my strength and protected them. 

They returned after sometime and Mata Madri didn't return, I was scared to the point that I started crying. Pitashree Pandu had a tough time convincing me that she was safe and would return soon. 

I waited a lot for her, and gradually sleep took over me.


Done with the update. Guys do tell how you liked it. And please don't forget to Vote and comment.

Also, I have been a part in collaboration book with 3 more crazy peeps. Please do check out Lovemythology_'s account to read our book "Kalaantar : Love Beyond Time."

Also guys if you love and respect Yudhisthir, do take part in the OS contest organised by Dharmaraj_Admirers_. Rules and forms are mentioned in the book "The Pearl of Dharma"..

Thank you all.

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