The Days at Satshringa (2)

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The next day when Madri Mata returned home, she was glowing differently

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The next day when Madri Mata returned home, she was glowing differently. Her glowy face held a jovial smile.I ran to her and hugged her tight. She seemed really delighted and was glowing from within.

She cupped my face, looking at me with her loving gaze. She knelt down to my height.

“Putra, a new brother will be joining you very soon!”


We took care of Mata Madri along with Mata Kunti and Pitashree. We used to help her in the kitchen, especially Bheem, though he was just 3. He loved to work in the kitchen. Phalguna and I always helped her to bring water from the nearby stream so that she got ample amount of rest. 

Mata Kunti too was delighted with the news of our brother. She looked after Mata Madri like a mother hen.

We all were content and pleased, and with the upcoming bundle of joy, nothing could have been better.

After a few months

The roar of thunder tore the previously peaceful environment as the sky darkened.

“Vatsa! Come inside, a thunderstorm is on the way!” Mata Kunti screamed, willing to be heard over the thunder.

"Okay Mata!" Bheema replied loud. 

He ran towards our house while I held little Phalguna’s hand and took him in.

We entered our humble abode, settling on the grass mat that was laid before our food. We fold our hands in a praying position, thanking god for our meal.

I was about to put a bite in my mouth, when I heard Mata Kunti whispering to Pitashree that Mata Madri wasn't keeping well those days. I couldn't figure out what she was saying. But from the words I could feel that our brothers are coming soon. We couldn't control our excitement! Especially Phalguna as finally he was going to be an elder brother and would not remain the youngest! 

We couldn't control our excitement and finished our dinner to be with Mata Madri this time.

She looked extremely tired and Mata Kunti was making her eat the dinner. She was extremely glowing and her smile looked divine. 

We sat with her for quite some time, until Mata Kunti came and took us to sleep.

All of a sudden, we heard a loud thunder and it started to rain heavily.

After sometime we heard Mata Madri screaming in pain and Pitashree telling Mata Kunti something like going outside to the nearest Ashram to bring a midwife.

Then I saw from my room that Pitashree was going somewhere in the heavy rain which made me concerned about him.

I couldn't sleep with both anxiety and excitement to be an elder brother again. I saw Bheem and Phalguna sleeping soundly beside me and this made me feel better. I waited for my father for a long time until I fell asleep with tiredness.

"Yudhisthir! Vatsa Yudhisthir! Wake up! Go and meet your brothers! Come on!" Mata Kunti called me. I woke up with a start to find my two brothers fast awake. We went to meet our new brothers. Phalguna was happiest as he got someone whom he can pamper and give orders. 

I ran to Mata Madri's cottage and saw two tiny doll-like humans sleeping peacefully beside her. 

Their tiny hands, tiny feets, tiny features made me so emotional that I got two brothers.

Mata Madri called me and asked to take them in my arms. The feeling of them moments, I couldn't describe, it felt like they're my children and vowed that I would always treat them like my children. 

I carried both of them from time to time, when a question striked in my mind!

"Chhoti Maa! Who is the elder?"

"Vatsa Yudhisthir, the one with dark skin is older and he's the youngest." Mata Madri clarified my doubts.

Bheem then started poking me to hold his new brothers and so was Phalguna. I then passed them to my brother taking care of them, especially the youngest who was in Phalguna's lap, as Phalguna himself was small.

Pitashree came to us and then said to three brothers, "Vatsas! They're your new brothers. Don't ever make them feel that they're not. Always treat them like your younger ones and never differentiate between them and your brothers." I didn't understand why Pitashree was telling like this! They were my own! I couldn't ever differentiate between them and Bheem-Phalguna. Nevertheless, we all promised again to Pitashree Pandu that we would love them even more than us. Bheem was already protective of the elder one. He wasn't ready to leave him from his lap. 

"Vatsa Bheem! Please give him now, he needs to have something!" Mata Kunti requested him.

"No Mata! He will remain in my lap!" Bheema refused to give him away.

"Arre after he had something, I would give him again to you. Please give na." Mata again requested.

Then what Bheem thought, "Okay I understand, he needs to have something to grow big." and gave away the elder one to Mata.

Then I asked Pitashree, "What should I call them?"

"Hmm… Tomorrow Maharshi will come and keep their name.." Pitashree assured me. 

The next day, Maharshi came from nearby Ashram and the Naamkaran ceremony was held.

Maharshi kept Nakula for the elder one and Sahadeva for the younger one.

When asked for the meaning, Maharshi replied that Nakul is another name for Mahadev and Sahdev is one who is always with God. I was really delighted to know about their names. 

"Nakul and Sahadev!" I muttered under my breath.

After few years, 

"Jyeshtha! Jyeshtha! Help me" 

I suddenly realized Nakul was shouting my name! I grew anxious and ran towards the place, from where the voice was coming

"Jyeshtha! Help me"

"Nakul!! I'm coming!!

I ran fast to reach inside the jungle to see Nakul was hanging in a tree branch and a bear was under the tree.

"Nakul! Don't worry Anuj! I came" I assured him who was literally sweating with fear and seemed he would faint in some time. I grew anxious as I didn't want to hurt the animal but I had to save my younger brother.

Suddenly, I saw a wooden log kept near the clearing beside the tree. I swiftly took it and with the tactics my Pitashree taught us to be safe from wild animals, I put it in the bear's mouth to save my brother.

Then I climbed the tree and saved my younger brother and climbed down with him.

But before we went from there to our home, I made sure I freed the bear's mouth and gave some wild fruits and vegetables to eat so that he didn't remain hungry!!

Since it was getting dark, we proceeded towards home, putting Nakul in my shoulder since he was hurt. 


Hello!!! Finally done!! Phew!!

There's a new update. I hope you guys like the chapter and please like, comment, share.

Till the next chapter, Adiós!!

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