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36 years passed after the Kurukshetra war

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36 years passed after the Kurukshetra war

Sitting beside the  window opening to a large parapet, Dharmaraj Yudhisthira was enjoying the tangerine hue of the dusk. Being the Emperor of Aryavarta wasn't a small task and as now he was giving the huge responsibility to Parikshit, he had been worried how the little child would succeed in handling the responsibility. 

Arjuna wasn't in the kingdom. He went to Dwarka as soon as Daruka came with the heartbreaking news that Krishna left the mortal world. The news broke everyone's heart especially Arjuna's and Panchali. But as instructed by Krishna, he went to Dwarka for the rescue of Krishna's wives and bring them back to Hastinapur. With the demise of Krishna, it felt their responsibilities in this Earth finished. They're nothing without Him. 

 Waiting for Arjuna to return so that they could decide a date for Parikshit's Coronation and then retire to the mountains,the memories of his life flooded into his mind. The beguiling and tranquil days at Satshringa followed by hardships at initial days in Hastinapur, the disciplined time at Guru DronaCharya's Ashram, the destitute times after the Lakshagrih incident, the marriage with their beloved Draupadi, the fortunate times during Indraprastha and then the inauspicious Dyuta. 

"Aryaputra! What are you thinking?" Panchali's voice broke his trance.

"Priye..! I was just recalling the days we spent, the hardships we went through,the happiness we celebrated and the sorrows we shared." Yudhisthira replied making Draupadi sit beside him

"Aryaputra..." Draupadi became shy and sat with him..

As watching the sunset with his beloved Draupadi, Yudhisthir drifted more into his past days. Life hadn't been easy for him or his brothers from the day they left their childhood at Satshringa, from the day he shed his childhood and became father to his brothers.


As this book is based on Yudhisthira, from the next chapter it will be on his POV.

I hope you guys like the prologue. Will be updating the first chapter soon..

Thanks DityaaRajput10 for such a beautiful banner

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