Lovers again!

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"Thou will never take our daughter from us!" Nightmare Moon said as she hold her sword.

"She was with you the moment of birth! I deserve to keep her!" Sombra said as he swung his scythe at Nightmare Moon.

"Ha! Thou weren't even there to see thei eyes open for the first time!" Nightmare Moon said as she blocked Sombra's attack.

"And who's fault was that!" Sombra said angry an used his magic to make crystals shoot towards Nightmare Moon but she blocked them.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room:

"You girls ready!" Applejack said.
"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie said.
"Of course!" Rarity said.
"Um yes!" Fluttershy said.

"Let's do it!" Rainbow Dash said as flew towards the sleepy Twilight without Nightmare Moon or Sombra seeing her.

"Where ready Princess!" Applejack said.

"Alright! Go through this portal it will take you to Ponyville! That's as mush my magic can take you!" Celestia said making a portal.

"Aren't you coming with us your majesty!?" Rarity said.

"No! Nightmare Moon can sense my Alicorn magic. She will track me down easily! But not Twilight! She was bearly born to know her Alicorn magic. Go before it's to late!" Celestia said.

Not wanting to disobey her orders the girls went one by one. The portal slowly closed as they all went through it.

Soon Nightmare Moon notice Twilight was missing.

"Where's our daughter!?" Nightmare Moon said as she didn't see her.

"I put her down here!" Sombra said looking at the place where he last saw her.

"She's gone! And so are the others!" Celestia said.

"Thou will pay for this!" Nightmare Moon said getting angry.

Sombra suddenly grab Celestia by the neck and throw her to the wall.

"Aaaahh!" Celestia screamed in pain once she fell down.

Sombra walked towards her and once he reach her he pulled Celestia's mane with his magic.

"Where are they!?" Sombra said.

"I don't know!?" Celestia said.

"Lies!" Sombra said.

And again with his magic he threw Celestia to another wall.

"Tell me where they went!" Sombra said.

"I don't know!?" Celestia said again weakly. And once again he threw her, but this time she fainted.

"Pathetic." Sombra said as he grabbed Celestia by mane to see she fainted.

"Tia is very loyal to thei subject. Tia won't tell thou anything!" Nightmare Moon said.

"What are you proposing?" Sombra said curious.

"We must work together! First we conquer Equestria together! Then sent all the guards to find thei daughter!" Nightmare Moon said.

"Did you suddenly forget that her subject are loyal to Celestia! And only Celestia. I will go find her myself!" Sombra said a bit impation.

"Thei's stubbornness cost thou the Crystal Empire! Thei Luna outsmart thou with ease. " Nightmare Moon said.

"More like she became into you!" Sombra said.

"How were the crystal ponies loyal to thou!?" Nightmare Moon said questioning.

"Out of fear or mostly because I hypnotize them!" Sombra said.

"Excellent! Thou will hypnotize everypony in Equestria and they be loyal to us only! And..." Nightmare Moon said as she looked at Sombra.

"Thou and us can have that family we always wanted! What does thou say Sombra!?"Nightmare Moon finished.

Sombra looked at her cautiously. He didn't trust her at least not Nightmare Moon.

"Very well my dear. I accepted your proposal. But I want just one condition." Sombra said.

"Oh and what's that!?" Nightmare Moon said.

"I want Luna and my daughter by my side." Sombra said.

"Luna is gone forever. Thou decided this and thou will never leave. It is us or nothing." Nightmare Moon said.

Sombra looked at her in anger. He knows this isn't his Luna, but he knew deep down she was still there. So having no choice he agreed.

"Very well then." Sombra said.

"Good, now let us leave." Nightmare Moon said.

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