Where could they be...

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At Canterlot
A few hour before...

Cadence and Shining Armour were shocked to have heard what Celestia had said.

"Does... does she know?" Cadence said soft.

"Y-yes!" Celestia said lowering her head.

"How could you not tell us!" Shining yelled at Celestia.

"I told your parents. I have keep Twilight a secret for nearly 1000 years. She had slept for thousands years because of your doing!" Celestia said as she raised her hoof at Nighmare Moon.

"Thou doing! Thei is one who never listens. All this is thou doing!" Nightmare Moon yelled making Celestia finch.

"And now thou will pay for thei crimes!" Nightmare Moon said as a portal appear next to Celestia as she can see Tartarus and all magical creatures that are imprisoned there.

"No! You can't!" Celestia said as she widen her eyes.

"Can! And thei will!" Nightmare Moon said as pushed Celestia into the portal.

"Nooooo!" Celestia yelled as the portal closed making Nightmare Moon laugh.

"Auntie!" Cadence whispered.

"You can either join us or parish like Celestia!" Sombra said. Cadence and Shining looked at each other.

"Twilight is my... like a little sister to me. And all want is her to be safe." Shining said.

"Don't worry, she will be with her family soon. And she will be happy." Sombra said. Shining slowly lowered his head.

"And thou, thei little niece?" Nightmare Moon said. Cadence didn't know what to say.

"I-i need more time to think about." Cadence said lowering her head down.

"Very well! For now stay with us and we will find Twilight." Nightmare Moon said as she extended her wings so Cadence and Shining followed them to the castle.

As soon as they enter, Sombra began to mind control every guard they saw and giving them the order to look for Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

A few hours past and there was no sigh of Twilight nor her friends.

"Where could SHE be!?" Nightmare Moon yelled as she stomped her hoof at the floor making it crack.

"It's not like thei vanished  into tin air!" Nightmare Moon said in frustration.

"Equestria has changed over time in a thousand of year! She could be anywhere!" Cadence said calmly.

As they looked to a map of Equestria.

"I can't even find the Crystal Empire anywhere on this map." Sombra said.

"The Crystal Empire!?" Cadence and Shining said.

"It's where I come from. A beautiful, shiny, icky, place not until I began to rule it." Sombra said as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't thei remember! We made it disappear including thou. We think the spell came off for thou, only. Perhaps the Crystal Empire will appear for another year or two, who knows!" Nightmare Moon said.

Sombra grunted at that as if he remembered something bad.

"Ah, yes! Where Celestia was in my mind fear spell. While you turn into... this. " Sombra said.

"It was a pleasant transformation." Nightmare Moon said.

"Where was the last place you saw her!?" Shining said.

"In the Castle of the Royal Sisters!" Nightmare Moon.

Cadence and Shining looked at her confused. Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes.

"Celestia really didn't like us! Near the village of Ponyville! In the Everfree Forest!" Nightmare Moon said.

"Twilight was always good hiding. She won a couple of time in the game of hide and go seek." Cadence said.

"Yeah, she always kick our behinds!" Shining chucked a little.

"But she always stays in same place but when we stay there for to longe; she knows it is no longer safe. So she moves to another!" Cadence said as she as thinking.

"What does thou mean, dear Cadence!?" Nightmare Moon said.

"We should sent a guards in Ponyville!" Cadence said.

"And why is that!?" Sombra said.

"Because she probably knows that you come over here to rule over Equestria. Therefore she would never go where you might be. She will always want to have a distance between you. And her home is in Canterlot. So she might not be here. But the only place she has ever been was..."
"In Ponyville!" Shining said as he had the same idea as Cadence.

"Of course! Thei knew where we were going and thou is probably in the obvious place! What a clever little girl." Nightmare Moon said.

"Guards!" Sombra yelled as a few guards came into the room.

"I want Ponyville surrounded. No one comes in and no one leaves. Is that clear. And tell me if anyone is suspicious or going to the Everfree Forest!" Sombra said.

The guars bowed their heads.

"I knew I like you!" Nightmare Moon said smiling.

Cadence smiled at the comment.

"Thank you!" Cadence said.

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