The mare in the moon talk!!

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On long a way land, and I mean a  really, really long way, there was a dark, blue, navy alicorn princess with chains around her neck,belly and hoofs. She was facing Equestria, not in a good position either. 

This alicorn was like this for over 987 years. She felt anger,  jealousy, and most of all lonely. With no pony to talk to.

This mare in the moon is non other than Nightmare  Moon!!

"How could thei sister do this do us!!" Nightmare  Moon said to herself. 

"She does not know of our child!?" She said tears forming her eyes.

"Pations dear Luna! We will find revenge for our child! This chains wouldn't keep us here for ever!" The queen of nightmares said. She too felt anger of losing her daughter. 

"Tia, will pay! If it weren't for thou sister! We would still have our precious daughter back!" Nightmare Moon said anger in her voice.

All of the sudden they heard a whisper for a wish.

"Mmph... who might be wishing upon our moon!? It has not been done for years!" Nightmare Moon said. 

"Should we answer!?" The Nightmare queen said. Nightmare Moon was preparing. 

"Who thou wishes abound my moon!?" Nightmare Moon said loud.

"M-my n-name is T-twilight S-sparkle!" A little voice of filly could be heard. Nightmare Moon was in shocked.

It was Twilight, her Twilight? Nightmare Moon question herself.

"Twilight  is thou you!?" Nightmare Moon said again schoked. 

"Umm..yes!" Said the little voice again scared. 

Nightmare Moon had river of tears in her cheeks. She has finally found her little star. But the filly sounded afraid.  Nightmare Moon cleared her throat.

"Don't be afraid little one! It is just thou!" Nightmare Moon said in a mother's voice.

"Umm.. who might you be exactly and where are you!?" Said Twilight a little more confident.

"Thou are in the moon!?" Nightmare Moon said. 

"What!? Really!? How!? Why!?" Twilight said too fast and curiosity could be heard.

"You are like thou father!" Nightmare Moon said giggling.

"You know my parents!?" Twilight said. "How!?" She said again.

'Parents!?' Nightmare Moon though.

"I'm thous mother!" Nightmare Moon said. 

"No your not! My mommy is Twilight Velvet." Twilight said.

This broke Nightmare Moon's heart. She started to shed tears.

"We are such a fool." Nightmare Moon whispered in anger as she teared up.

"Are you okay!?" Twilight said again.

"Yes little one! Thou find... Thou confused thou with another pony. Our apologies!" Nightmare Moon said. 

"Now thou tell us what thou wish was so we must grand it!" Nightmare Moon said as she sniffed. 

There Twilight told Nightmare Moon about wished for knowledge to why  she was on the moon. And talk for nearly hours. Twilight was already getting tired. Twilight let go of a cute yawn. Nightmare Moon giggled.

"Thou must be tired! Go now sleep on!" Nightmare Moon said. 

"Good night Mare on the moon! And thank you for my wish!" Twilight said. 

"Your quite welcome little Twilight! It was my pleasure!" Nightmare Moon said. 

"I hope I see you tomorrow night."
Twilight said.

"Thou will see each other very soon!" Nightmare Moon said.

"I hope you find your daughter one day!" Twilight said. 

"Thank You! Now sleep thou need rest!" Nightmare Moon said.  Twilight yawn and said "bye!"

"Goodbye in deed!"Nighmare Moon said.

"She's a nice filly! We wonder if we would ever find my little Twilight!? " she said. 

"Don't be fooled! She is our daughter!" The Nightmare queen said.

"B-but the filly said thou already has a mother!" Nightmare Moon said. 

"What if thei sister gave our daughter away!" The Nightmare queen said yet again. 

"No! Impossible!It has been years! And the filly is thei, a filly." Nightmare Moon said.

"A growth spell Luna think! Celestia might have put a filly spell to make her small again and took her memories all this years! Imagen it thou sister gave our filly to different mothers yet not the real mother." The Nightmare queen said.

With this Nightmare Moon anger grew larger.

"Thou is right! Tia will pay for this! No will ever take our precious daughter again" Nightmare Moon said with more anger in her voice.

"Yes! That's right Luna! Celestia will pay!" The Nightmare queen said. 

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