The love of her life!

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1,004 years before Nightmare Moon Return!

"Oh why won't my sister ever listen to us or want to play!?" Said Luna sitting in the Garden of her night sky. Luna had tried to ask Celestia to play with her,but she never had time to talk to her.

"Celestia always cared for her subjects more than she cared for us." Luna said by herself. Tears running down her cheeks.

"Princess! Why are you alone and crying!?" Said a nice sweet voice behind her. Luna turned around to see a grey unicorn with black mane. And green eyes starting at her in consern.

"Who might thou be!?" She asked nicely.

"Oh my apologies princeses! I'm Sombra from the Chrystal Empire!" Sombra said sweetly. Luna smiled.
"Long way home!" She said.

"Oh yes it is! But I like exploring Equestria whenever I have the time!" Sombra said. Luna then looked at her sky. Sombra silently sat next to Luna.

"Beautiful sky isn't!" Sombra said.

"So you do like my night sky!" Luna said smiling. Sombra chuckled.

"So you must be princeses Luna! The princeses of the beautiful night!" He said.
Luna brushed.

"Oh thous apologize! Thous name is Princeses Luna!" Luna said.

"Nice meeting you Princess Luna!" Sombra said.

"Like wise! Sombra!" Luna said. "And to answer your question! Yes, I do love your beautiful night!" Sombra said making Luna brush harder.

"Thank You!" Luna said.

After that day Sombra and Luna became great friends. They began to see each other more and more. They all so began to have feeling for each other.
Two whole years past and Sombra became to wanting more than friendship.

"Sombra what's the picnic for!?" Luna said.

"Just relax!" Sombra said sitting down in the blanket and looked at the stars. Luna did the same. Sombra then looked at her in the eyes.

"Did I ever told you that you shine brighter than any star in your night sky!" Sombra said. Luna brushed.
"No!" Luna said.

"Then it's true!" Sombra said.

He then kissed Luna in the lips. Luna didn't care and kissed him back. She knew that she loved him very much.
Luna began lower herself in the blanket. Sombra got on top of her. He began to kiss her neck.

"I love you Luna!" He said. "I love you too Sombra!" Luna said as he kissed her. They made love and stopped to just sleep there in Luna's night.

All of the sudden a huge wave of magic woke the couple up. Luna and Sombra started at the sores. It was Celestia.

"What are you doing with my sister!?" Celestia said screaming. Her mane was on fire. Her eyes were furious.

"Sister, I can explain!" Luna said,but it was too late. Celestia grab Sombra by his neck with her magic.

"I will kill you myself! No one touches my sister! Without my permission!" Celestia said yelling.

"Celestia! No! I love him!" Luna yelled out. Celestia looked at her confused.

"What!? You fell for him!? He is lying Luna!" She said.

"You don't know him!" Luna yelled at Celestia.

"Yes I do! It's that right umbra!" Celestia said looking at Sombra.

Luna couldn't believe it see fell in love with an umbra. A creature of hated. Luna began to cry harder. He lied to her!

"Luna! I can explain!" Sombra said.

"You have lied to me! I don't ever want to see you again!" Luna said storming off.

"No! Luna!" Sombra said behind her.
He was now crying.

"I can explain!" He whispered.

Celestia realized she did a horrible, deathful mistake. She let go of Sombra. Sombra gave her a confused look.

"Leave! And never come back! Leave Now! before I changed my mind!" Celestia yelled.

"Please tell Luna! I'm sorry!" Sombra said crying.

Celestia just nodded. Sombra went running away. Celestia followed where her sister went. She found her crying near a stream of water. Celestia walked towards her. She put a wing in Luna's back. Luna quickly hugged her tightly.

"He lied to me, Celestia!" Luna said crying.

"It be alright sister!" Celestia said sliding her hoof in Luna's mane.

But deep down she blamed her self for her foolishness that she had cost. 
But what Luna didn't know she was heading a big surprise for her.

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