Hiding Place

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Meanwhile in back in  Ponyville inside of the library:

"Okay,now what!?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah! Where do we hide from Twilight's mean parents!?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Girls! Think of somewhere safe where we can hide from those shadows!" Applejack said.

"How about my friends cave!" Fluttershy said.

"A cave! What kind of pony lives on a cave!?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh! It's my bear friend!" Fluttershy said.

"Oh! No! I'm not hiding in a cave! Special with a bear!" Rarity said.

"Rarity is right! We aren't very fans with a bear, sorry Fluttershy!" Applejack said.

"How about if we hid in the clouds no one will find us there!" Rainbow Dash said.

"We can't silly! Some of us ponys don't have wings remember!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh right! Hehe!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Then where do we hide!" Fluttershy said.

"We can go back and hide in the Castle of the Royal Sisters!" A voice said.

"Aaahhh!" They all screamed.

"Relax! It's just me!" Twilight said recovering from her sleep.

"Oh my you scared us! Dear!" Rarity said.

"Sorry!" Twilight said.

"How you feeling Twilight!?" Applejack asked.

"Good! Other than find out my real parents are evil and find out my aunt is practically the Princess of Equestria trying to protect me while my parents are looking for me. I think I'm fine! " Twilight said.

"I guess that's good to hear too!" Applejack said.

"Well glad to hear it!" Pinkie Pie said.

"But how do we go there! Remember, your parents are there with Celestia!" Rainbow Dash said. 

"Celestia is still there!?" Twilight said worried.

"Rainbow you had to say it!" Rarity said.

"Sorry!" Rainbow Dash said.

"We have to go back for Celestia!" Twilight said ran outside towards the Everfree Forest, but Applejack stopped her.

"We can't! Celestia said for us to hide! And that's what we should be doing. Keeping you safe." Applejack said. 

"No! Celestia is my aunt! I can't let her do this alone!" Twilight said realized that she never said that.

"I'm sorry Twilight! But we have to hide I promise she will be fine! And we will find a way to free her!" Applejack said hugging Twilight.

They all felt bad for Twilight, but they knew Applejack was right.

"Okay! Okay!" Twilight said.

"Good! How do we get to the Castle without being noticed?!" Applejack said.

"We wait till they go to Canterlot!" Twilight said.

"And how do we know they'll go there!?" Rarity said.

"If the are really my parents they be looking for me!" Twilight said.

"She has a good point!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Why there thou!?" Rainbow Dash said.

"That's were I live before I came here." Twilight said.

"Right." Rainbow Dash said.

"Guys, I don't think those are regular clouds coming towards us!" Pinkie Pie said pointing her hoof at a dark navi blue and a black shadow cloud coming towards them.

"Quick inside!" Twilight said as they
ran inside the tree library.

Twilight used her magic to make them invisible, just in case they go inside.

Nightmare Moon turned to solid form and stopped in front of the library seeing something earlier.

"What is it!?" Sombra said as he turned to solid form.

"Thei thought thou saw someone here!" Nightmare Moon said.

"We can have a look inside if you like!" Sombra said.

"No! It's better if we move on! Thou want thei daughter as soon as possible. We wish to hold thei daughter. " Nightmare Moon said.

"Aaawww!" A voice was hear from  inside.

"Who's there!?" Nightmare Moon yelled.

Sombra opened the door with his magic and they went inside. They looked around but saw no one.

"It must have been the wind." Sombra said.

"We will let it go, this time." Nightmare Moon said as they turned to shadow/smokes again and flew off.

A few minutes later:

"Phew that was close!" Pinkie Pie said. They all looked at Pinkie. 

"What I do!?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"They almost caught us because of you!" Rainbow Dash said.

"The word is almost! Rainbow Dash my friend! Almost!" Pinkie Pie said. Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Let's go while we still have time!" Twilight said.

"Twilight right come on!" Applejack said. As they were about to go they heard footsteps.

 "Oh no! There back!" Pinkie Pie said panicking as she grabbed her mane in terror.

"Twilight can you do your spell already! We need it now!" Rainbow Dash said.

"It takes time and they're to close " Twilight said. 

They all screamed in terror as they hugged each other.

"Why are you all screaming!?" A voice of a sleepy dragon could be heard.

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