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"So what did he want?" Nanaba asked as she wiped down the counter, a group of teenagers rushing past the door.

I turned to look at Levi leaving, "I think he asked me out on a date. But the poor guy sounded nervous."

"Did you say yes?" She grimaced as she saw the man walk off, "He's short, nothing at all like your type."

Before I could reply, a customer came up to greet us asking where a book was. Nanaba quickly shut her mouth and went back to stocking the magazines in the back. I smiled and told her that it was in the mystery aisle, he turned to look and thanked me.

"And I said yes, at least, I either accidentally asked him out or took up his offer." I replied, pulling out my notebook to finish what I was writing.

"How's it coming along? Did you ever find your old notebook?"

My pen dropped as I glanced at the words scrabbled on the paper, "No, but I thought I saw it in Levi's bag. But he certainly wouldn't keep it from me, would he?"

The blonde shrugged, "Do you trust him?"

"I know it's strange, but I actually kinda do. He hasn't done anything that would bring me harm, and he has been trying to help me find it." I explained, smiling at the same customer who approached earlier.

"Did you find everything alright?" I asked, scanning the books he found.

He nodded, "Uh, yea. I also checked out the book you recommended, I might just come back and buy it."

"That's good, Gravity's Rainbow has gone down as one of the most challenging books to read. But then again, I am a sucker for quantum mechanics, mass extinction, speculative metaphysics." I gushed before Nanaba elbowed me, "Sorry, but you seem like a smart kid, I've no doubt that you'll find a love for it."

The blond smiled, "Thank you ma'am, have a nice day!"

I waved back and wished him one as well. But before Nanaba and I could resume our conversation, it had seemed to me that rush hour came. Strangers came and went, leaving a piece of them anytime they grabbed a book. What they immediately go for tells a lot about their character, or more importantly, tells me what they're craving for life.

One of my favorite memories of working here was when a man went straight to romance, but of course he had to cover what he was buying with Stephen King. There's nothing wrong with that, but hey, at least own your shit.

If only everyone in this lifetime could be their true selves, then and only then, I would feel like we could achieve peace.


"Forgot your keys, again?" Moblit yawned as I walked in with a smile, apologizing for the inconvenience.

"You'll never believe what happened to me today, so I was at work, right? And then this bo-" I ranted as I turned on the microwave.

Moblit waved me off, "Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired and I have an early shift tomorrow, your wailing on the door wasn't any help."

"Oh...sorry." I couldn't help feeling dejected as he went back to his room, "At least I still have you."

Moblit wouldn't allow pets, he said that the responsibility would fall onto him. I wish he wouldn't fight me on the things I want, I feel homesick all the time.

I miss my cat, how he loved to cuddle one moment and hate me the next. There's no purer love than a cat and their owner, to be able to hold him and pet him. The purr putting me to sleep, it's been said that when cats purr on you, they're healing you.

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