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The sun began to set, the sky leaving everlasting colors. Levi took a step back and admired his artwork, "Don't smudge your eyeshadow, it took me forever to fix it cause you won't stop moving."

Hanji took a moment to admire herself in their mirror as she smiled. Quickly digging into her pocket for her phone, "Come on, we need pictures!" She exclaimed as she dragged Levi over to the balcony. Her fingers pressing the red dot as a video started.

"Four-eyes, it's recording, not taking photos."Levi pointed out, his face being pulled in for a quick peck. The sunset illuminating their figures.

"You're so old." Hanji rolled her eyes as her partner stepped to the side and watched as she threw weird poses. The man shook his head in response as he went to move her body, criticizing her posture.

The brunette simply laughed and dipped him as he widened his eyes in surprise, "Must you be too for everything. It could hurt my pride." Levi stated in amusement.

Hanji shrugged and smiled, "Maybe, do you really care?"

"Not really." He replied as he leaned up for a kiss. How he couldn't wait till after the showing to make her a part of him forever.


Shadows of the lamp posts ran over the car as Levi turned at the at the intersection, Hanji banging her head along to "From Now On". Her newest obsession as she brought her phone out to film the two of them, her smile illuminating the car as she leaned over to kiss Levi.

"I want to publish my book." Hanji began, "But I have no clue where to start or if my work is good enough."

"If you don't have shit words in there, it's good." Levi said, the woman nodding her head understanding his words.

"You're right. Who doesn't want to read about a lot love story between a giant and a dwarf?"

"A true love story." He turned towards her to notice her look of love transforming into fear.

"Levi!" Hanji screamed as he turned his attention back to the road, a truck swerving into their lane.


It was a summer evening, a cool breeze swept the highways as the lamp posts left silhouettes on the roads. The sun left little traces of its beauty as specks of orange and pink colored the sky, the moon in full glow. Illuminating the night as Levi awoke with a start as his first instinct was to look at the passenger side of his car. But there was no car, he was laying in the road as he sat up, "H-Hanji?"

No reply.

His hands immediately reached for his phone as the screen was cracked, the man had hoped it would still work. He could replace it later, but right now, they needed help.

"911, what's your emergency?" A calm voice spoke on the other side of the line.

"My name's Levi Ackerman, my fiancée and I were just in a car accident. I suspect around three people injured, and I've no idea where we are." Levi stammered, "I-I can't...Hanji."

"Sir? Sir? I need you to stay on the line so I can ping your location." The operator ordered, "Now I need you to stay still so you don't injure yourself any further, I know that seems impossible right now but it's in your best interest."

"Have you found my location?" He asked, the street light flickering as more people came to survey the accident. The onlookers began pulling out their phones, most likely calling 911.

"Yes sir, but please stay-"

The phone clicked as Levi brought himself up, "Hanji!" He cried, his head whipping around as sirens were heard in the distant. A surge of adrenaline ran through his body as he ran towards his wrecked car, pulling the doors off its hinges. Levi felt a droplet land on his hand but paid no attention to it, "Hanji! Answer me!"

A voice croaked as they called for someone, Levi immediately headed toward the direction as it grew louder. Hanji was found crushed underneath the car, as her hand shot up to her mouth. Blood began spilling out of her mouth as her bloodied hand shot up to her lover, "L-Levi."

The man crouched down next to her as she smiled, "I'm here, the ambulance should be here soon. You'll be okay, Four-eyes."

Hanji laughed as her eye began to water, a shard of glass stuck out of her left eye, "Should we take a picture to remember this?"

She was always the one to use humor to diffuse the tension.

"Tch, there's no time for jokes. You need to conserve your energy." He ordered as more people gathered by him, offering advice.

"We need to pick the car up!"

"Are you crazy?! We need to let the professionals handle this!"

Levi turned to the crowd, "Shut the hell up and go check on the other driver! Anyone dares to touch the car and I'm cutting your hands off!"

"Hey Shorty, I don't think this is the time to worry about your car." She rasped as her head lifted up, coughing up blood as Levi held her up. Whispering praises to her as the sirens grew louder, and only a ringing noise resonated in his ears.

Levi wasn't too sure when he had gotten pulled away from Hanji, but he knew for sure that he hadn't gone down without a fight. Energy sapped from his body as the adrenaline slowly seeped out of him, people wailing and questions being thrown around.

"What happened?"

"Where am I?"

"Do you know your name?"

The same questions being asked over and over, it was enough to drive Levi up the wall. A familiar scream broke the man out of his trance as his feet hit the pavement, "You're hurting her, shithead!"

They ignored him.

"Motherfucker, this hurts like a bitch!" Hanji cried, her chest shaking with every breath she took. Sobs ransacking her body as her brown eye met with Levi's, "Change of plans, no kids Shorty. I like my pussy the way it is, unscathed." A laugh fell from her lips as she winced in pain, struggling to breathe as the paramedics stopped for a moment.

"She needs a tracheotomy! Now!" A man yelled, a tear escaping her lone eye as she made contact with her lover.

"I love you, Levi." She mouthed before slipping into unconsciousness, the paramedics shouting orders as they loaded her up. Before Levi could reply, they shut the doors in his face as they drove off.

"Sir, we need to take you to the hospital." A woman explained as Levi complied. His feet moving before he could comprehend what was happening.

"I love you too, Hanji."

The sky was no longer decorated with the suns colors, it was black as only the moon and stars lit up the sky. Was this symbolic in any way? Was this proof that the sun was going to die soon? That someday, everyone would soon grow to miss her beauty and optimism.

It was a summer evening that was warm.

Now the cold came just as quick, biting at Levi's skin as goosebumps ran down his body.

Instagram: levihansociety
Tiktok: levihansociety
Published: 06/11/2021
Word Count: 1,223 words

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