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"I'm guessing you haven't forgiven him yet." Levi spoke, hands covered in paint as he dipped the brush. Hanji only scoffed in reply, pulling her hair back as she continued writing.

"What gave it away?"

The man flicked his wrist, splashes of yellow falling onto the easel. A sigh leaving him, "Considering that most of your shit is here, I'm pretty sure you haven't forgave him."

Hanji bit back a sarcastic reply as she closed her journal with a snap. Rubbing her temple, her eyes closed as an idea crossed her mind, "You'd rather talk about my feelings than have sex with me?"

His hand stopped as his back stiffened, "Sex is healthy, but so is communicating. You're upset, Hanji."

The brunette scoffed, "You could've just said no, Shorty."

"Four-eyes, I'd be crazy to pass up a chance to sleep with you." He replied, tone soft in the beginning. Gray eyes peering into hers. Hanji looked away as she placed the book in a drawer next to her "lost" journal. The betrayal still stung a bit, but she could move on.

With how unpredictable life was, she didn't like staying mad at the people she held dear to her heart. Her lover turned to face her but Hanji had her back to him, unable to see his dissatisfied look. Levi did love her, but he was unable to say it. Perhaps the lack of emotional environment left him emotionally stunted.

Silence lingered as he tapped the side of the cup of water, tapping resonated as he washed the brush against the canvas. Tapping resumed.




Hanji perked up, rushing to put her glasses on as she stared at the artist. His hands busy as he kept tapping the glass, lost in thought. Three taps. All keeping rhythm.

"Is...is that your way of saying you love me?" Voice small, completely different from the unapologetic woman. Levi turned at her voice, surprised to see how happy she was, her gloomy mood from days before gone.


Her smile faltered as she realized, "Oh, nothing. Just nonsense."

It took a moment for it to register into the man's mind, but he quickly caught on as he quit tapping. His hands grabbed a towel and wiped quickly, "Yes." His voice cracked, he cleared his throat and tried again. A bit embarrassed by his body failing him, "Yes." His voice came out more calm and collected.

Her joy didn't return, "You don't have to lie, Levi. I guess I just over-thought it."

"Oi, you didn't." Levi retorted, sitting beside the brunette, "Even though I can't verbally say it doesn't mean I can't find other ways to express it." His eyes tracing the outline of her face as they sat in silence.

"You truly love me, Shorty?" Adorn, chestnut brown eyes laced with curiosity and vulnerability.

Levi fell in a trance like state as the tension pulled him closer, eyes beginning to shut as he mumbled a "yes". Hanji cupped his face, a shit eating grin appearing, "I missed my period."



"Did you pee on it right?"

She laughed, her bouts of joy bouncing off the walls, "How else do you pee on a stick?"

"Four-eyes!" Levi groaned, his head sinking into his hands. They were so careful, always used a condom, checked her ovulation days, even took Plan B when they didn't use protection.

The door behind him shifted as Hanji had a glum look and Levi's heart dropped, "It's negative!" She cheered, chugging down the remainder of her drink that Levi bought her. Her hands immediately reaching for the bag and popped open a bag of bugles, placing them on her fingers, "Look, I'm a witch."

He stared at the woman in disbelief, "Hanji, what the fuck?!"

The brunette shot him an empty look and mumbled a "what?" through the chips. He sat next to her on the couch, holding her shoulders, "Four-eyes, you realize we have to be a lot more careful, right? We can't have an unexpected pregnancy."

Hanji shrugged, "Why not?"

His eyebrows furrowed in question, "Because you're still in college. Because we've only been together for almost three months. Because we're not married, not financially stable, don't own a house, haven't discussed it, and the list goes on."

The woman moved her feet off the table, "I see your point, but consider this as a rebuttal, cute tiny things."

"Hanji." The raven haired man groaned, standing up to pace the room as he realized she wasn't going to take this serious, "You've got to get on birth control."

"Why do I have to?" Hanji popped a bugle in her mouth, "It's best to unload the gun than shoot at a bulletproof vest. Don't you think, Shorty?"

Levi sighed, "So what?" He threw his hands out, "You want me to get a vasectomy?"

Her eyes stayed on her hand as she admired the bugle nails, "It's reversible, easy to get, and a lot more effective than condoms or birth control."

"I'm not discussing this with you." His hand rubbing at his temple, "I'm going to bed."

"Okay, but we're discussing this tomorrow, Levi."

"Like hell we are!" The door slammed behind him as Hanji rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue in response.

"My, my. He's so grouchy, so much anger for a little man." She told herself as her phone vibrated on the coffee table, with an exaggerated groan. Hanji lifted herself up expecting to see Levi's contact flash across her screen.

As the ringing in her ears loomed over the silence in the apartment, Hanji turned back to the room that her and Levi slept in

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As the ringing in her ears loomed over the silence in the apartment, Hanji turned back to the room that her and Levi slept in. Waves of guilt crashing over as her stomach dropped and her hand immediately swept over the keyboard. And the damage had already been done.

Instagram: levihansociety Tiktok: levihansociety Published: 04/17/2021Word Count: 983 words

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Instagram: levihansociety
Tiktok: levihansociety
Published: 04/17/2021
Word Count: 983 words

Paint With Words | levihan Where stories live. Discover now