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Hanji's brown eyes glanced up in amazement at the night sky littered with the neon lights from Disneyland. Chatter filled the park as she skipped, Levi trailing behind with his hands in his pockets.

"I've never been here before!" Hanji said in awe, reaching for her phone as she began taking pictures. The shorter male standing next to her, pulling him in for a selfie. Her smile lighting up the picture as Levi held his stoic face.

"Really?" He asked, one thin eyebrow raised, "Have you lived in California your whole life? Or did you move here just for college?"

Hanji hummed absentmindedly, "Hm? Oh! I've lived here my whole life, but I couldn't afford this place. My parents asked me to focus on school and money, so I rarely went to amusement parks."

Throughout the night, they've connected as they waited in line. Levi had to give it to Isabel for thinking of this idea, he was having fun and getting to know Hanji. It's not all conversation, but it's not all quiet which he despised as a group of teen girls walked by, whispering and giggling as they pointed at Levi. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as the operator opened the gate, Hanji grabbing his hand in excitement.

The thing with Hanji, is that she craved to either be in the front row or the last row. There was no in between with this woman as they clicked their belt. She turned to face him, "After this, we're doing splash mountain!" She exclaimed, stomping her feet against the ground in excitement as passengers looked at her in annoyance.

"Oh hell no, we're not doing that ride, Shittyglasses." Levi warned as a mother turned in her seat.

"Excuse me, my child is on this ride."

He glanced at her, "Yea, and? That's not my problem, control your shithead."

The woman huffed in annoyance as Hanji let out a loud cackle as they escalated forward. Her hair falling over her headrest as she grabbed Levi's hand, "Best date ever!"

Her voice drowned out with the screams as they lunged down, her laugh was all that Levi could hear as he looked at her. Her smile lines were prominent, she was a very happy person. But the screams faded into the background as Hanji motioned for him to turn his head forward to catch a picture, and his heart skipped a beat.

But not from the ride.


"$12.48." The man grunted, not bothering to look up from his phone as Hanji reached into her purse to pay.

"Give it to me, magic man!" Hanji declared, "And I only want the clearest!"

Levi tilted his head to the side, "Oi, you do know that's a scam, right? I easily could've taken a picture on my phone."

"You're no fun! Besides, I want an actual picture, not a picture of a picture." She taunted, her smile widening as the man fetched her the picture. Hanji passed it to Levi as he took a moment to admire it.

Everyone had horrified looks on their faces except for Levi and Hanji. The woman had a crazed look on her face, and the raven haired male had a bored expression. But Hanji knew not to get upset with it, she noticed he wasn't the type to express himself.

"Oi, Four-eyes, you hungry?" Levi asked, his thumb pointing to Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill. Hanji's excited look disappeared as she held her stomach, an embarrassed smile on her face.


"So, what do you do?" Hanji asked, digging into her street taco plate with carne asada. Her face drooling at the sight of the amazing food.

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