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A/N: I realize there's a double text in one of the screenshots down below. I apologize for that, but I'm also too lazy to fix it.


"I'm home!" Hanji yelled into her apartment as her roommate stuck his head out.

"Hanji, you're soaked! Change into dry clothes and clean up the floor when you're done!" Moblit ordered as he looked at the woman in concern. She laughed off his worries as she stepped into her bedroom, his yelling muffled by the door.

Her soaked clothes fell to the floor as she pulled out her university sweatshirt and gray sweatpants. A knock was heard at her door and Moblit soon followed after.

"Why are you wet?" He asked wiping his hands on his apron.

"Short or long version?"

Moblit hesitated, he knew exactly how Hanji was. He wouldn't dare fall for her shenanigans again, "Short."

"Park, rain, short guy, umbrella, bus, left notebook, ran to bus, short guy got off bus." Hanji inhaled, "And then he paid for my lunch. Tada!"

"I should've known you were going to do this." He held his hand up to his head, "Clean up after yourself."

Laughter filled the apartment as Hanji obeyed his orders, she knew not to mess with him too much. Moblit could be scary when he wanted to be, she glanced outside her bedroom window and saw the rain pour outside. It was satisfying to say the least.

As the rain pulling her in like a siren singing to a sailors death, her phone pinged loudly. Her head turned to the source as an unknown number filled her screen. Hanji wondered who it could be, Moblit yelled for her to finish cleaning but that was the least of her worries.

Who had gotten her phone number?

Levi hesitated for a moment, he'd have to think of a lie

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Levi hesitated for a moment, he'd have to think of a lie. He wondered how good her memory was, he was sure that she was the type to forget stuff.

 He wondered how good her memory was, he was sure that she was the type to forget stuff

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