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Her brown eyes stayed watching his every movement. How he frantically dashed back and forth preparing dishes, curses falling under his breath. It's been two days since the night at Levi's. A smile forming as they spent the night apologizing to each other.

"Why are you smiling?" The sandy blond asked, a glimmer in his heart that he'd be the answer. But her stoic expression returned as she resumed her writing.

"Nothing." Hanji spat, her bangs falling into her eyes, hiding her disdain.

Moblit's face dropped, muttering an 'okay' as he placed the dish in front of her without a word. The days before Levi, they always talked. The apartment was never silent, only at night when they lay to rest. But even then, Hanji's snoring filled the empty space, now they grew apart.

Levi remained a strong wall, and the woman couldn't help but to thank her love. Because of him, she saw her best friend in a new light that revealed his intentions and she couldn't believe how blind she was before. Her writing became ineligible as she realized her thoughts were on paper, and anger washed over her like a tidal wave, engulfing her as she attempted to stay on top.

"You okay, Hanji?" Moblit asked, noticing her body language changed. He feared the answer as their eyes locked.

"Do I look okay? Or do I look like someone whose best friend snatched their phone and deleted messages?" Tone low as he placed his fork down and raised his cup to his lips, the silence overbearing as Hanji awaited his answer.

Seconds after, his eyes looked down at hers, pain evident, "So you know?"

Her hand slammed her book shut, "Of course I was going to know sooner or later! What did you expect? I wasn't going to try and see Levi again?!"

"Well, yeah, actually." The man picked up the fork, "I only want what's best for you, Hanji. You're my best friend."

"A friend wouldn't do this to someone they love."

Not another word was said between the two as Hanji picked up her things and retreated to her room. Anger spewing out of her as her room crumbled to a crush, destruction surpassed her usual eccentric personality became locked away. Her treasures soon became trash, broken fragments decorating the floor. And it all came back to coincidence, the day she met Moblit, it was sunny and clear. But their friendship was far from that.

Dull rain hit the pavement as memories of the day she met the gloomy painter flashed across like a neon sign. What a contrast between the two. He was like the sun, brought happiness on to others and people missed him when he went away. The crashing momentarily stopped as she stood in thought, but gradually shook them out of her head like they were gnats. And thus, the crashing resumed.


"You called because she was throwing a temper tantrum?" A deep voice rang throughout the apartment, his head shaking in disgust at the mess they called home.

"I wouldn't have called if I knew it would subside." Moblit snapped back, his hand massaging his temple as he began counting inside his head. Slowing his breath to control his pettiness.

With a click of his tongue, he made his way into Hanji's bedroom to hear the crashing ensue, "Four-eyes, you're messier than usual." Levi spoke softly, his hand pushing the door back behind him.

Her head whipped back to face him, "I saw a bug." She murmured, sliding her glasses down.

"Must be huge." He replied, picking up a pillow, his gray eyes following the broken glass.

"He lied to me..." Hanji trailed off, "To protect me." Her brown eyes sullen as traces of anger disappeared from her body, only sadness and grief stayed.

"I'm sure he did what he thought was right in his eyes." Levi stated, making her bed as she kept her eyes glued to the window. Her lover grew concerned as he sat the broom by the dresser and stood beside her, eyes watching the crowd down below.

"Why are you siding with him, Levi?"

She only used his name when she was serious, "I'm not." He defended himself, watching a couple dance in the sidewalk as they laughed loudly.

"Would you have done the same thing?" She asked, looking down at the man.

He stopped and thought for a moment, 'Would I?' The thought never crossed his mind, he never saw Isabel in that way. But she was like his little sister, it felt wrong to even consider it. He had his answer, "No, I wouldn't have done that. It was an invasion of your privacy, he should've been honest." His hand reached down to pick up a book, "But I can see why he did it, he does care for you, Hanji. Moblit just doesn't show it the right way."

The brunette scoffed, "Is it really the right way?" She tore away from the window and stepped in the glass, thankful she wore shoes.

Levi shrugged, "Maybe it's his right way. And sit on the damn bed while I clean, you're just making it messier." He scolded, shoving her onto the bed.

Her hands latched onto his neck, "You love me, right?" Her lips tracing his collarbone.

"How can you think of sex when your room is a disaster?"

Hanji simply rolled her eyes, "And how can you have stolen my notebook?"

Levi stopped and turned, "What?" Was all he could say to the distraught woman.

"I knew you stole my journal from the first day." Her hand tore out the ponytail, "I just didn't want to believe it."

"Then why go out with me?" He asked, gathering the books and placing them alphabetically on the shelf.

"I don't know, fate?" Hanji answered, slipping under the covers as sleep washed over her. The raven haired man stared at the sleeping body that went to rest. Quiet snores filled the room as Levi glanced at his lover, a warm feeling spread throughout his chest.

He cleaned the rest of the mess without a hassle and stole glances at the sleeping woman. 'Later.' He thought as he tore himself away from her room, going to meet with her roommate who was currently occupied with studies.

Moblit turned at sound of a click, hope diminishing when he saw who it was. Levi's expression was void of any emotion as he sat in front of the tense man, his Adam's apple bobbing with every nervous gulp.

"We need to talk." Levi spoke, his tone harsh and cold as Moblit sat still, ridden with anxiety.

Instagram: levihansociety
Tiktok: levihansociety
Published: 04/11/2021
Word Count: 1,122 words

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