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Location: Mountain by Dragonet cave

Random Nightwing POV:

I was on a mission from Morrowseer to deliver an egg of unknown species along with the Nightwing egg of "prophesy" to the cave where the Talons have set up to raise them. This unknown egg was ridged with black and red coloring. It was when the light of the moon was at its lowest and i could hide the easiest. It was a little over an hour more of flying until i reach the cave entrance. Off to my left i hear wing beats and i look over and i see several dark shapes come out from behind a rock wall behind and to my left. I immediately begin to change direction to an alternate route to the cave.

???: Over here i heard movement!!

???2: Why do we have to go after every one we possibly see or hear?

???: In case its the talons with more of the eggs from the prophesy we have to end it or the Queen wont have any more prisoners for the arena.

???2: Well i never liked that arena to many unneeded deaths.

???: Hush you could be killed for that type of talk!

Crap i have to land and hopefully make it there on foot so i wont be seen. I land and position the bags with the eggs so that they don't hit each other and make any noise. The bags had open tops to them and the moon was shining right on top of the nightwing egg.

3rd person pov:

As the nightwing got closer to the cave something he never realized was that the nightwing egg started to develop a silvery sheen to it. After about an hour of walking and climbing he found the muddy ravine with a boulder at the end. He reached out and grabbed a wooden beam under the boulder and lifted it moved the rock out of the way. Inside waiting for him was three dragons a skywing, a seawing and a sandwing. He quickly gave the bags to them and was about to leave until.

Skywing: Whats with this second egg? It looks nothing like any egg I've ever seen.

Nightwing: Morrowseer wants you to raise it to see what it is. He is positive that it is dragon just not any one he has ever seen. Just go with it Kestrel The rest of the nightwings don't like it either but we follow him when it comes to this prophesy.

Kestrel: Fine Webs put them with the rest of the eggs.

The now named seawing takes the bags and brings them into a separate cave chamber followed by the sandwing. He takes both eggs out of their bags and places them with the rest of the eggs.

Webs: That egg i looks like its prepared to fight even before birth or is it just me Dune?

Dune: No it has an aura of intimidation to it i can feel it as well but we can only see after it hatches.

Kestrel comes in after a short period of time.

Kestrel: lucky us it is slated to hatch a day or two before the rest so we wont have to wait long.


Time skip: The night before the brightest night

Dune pov:

I was making my way to the library to find a scroll to read when i hear.


I look into the egg room and see the strange egg broken apart... WITH NOTHING INSIDE!!

Dune: Guys the egg has hatched!!

As I wait for them to come I begin searching the room for the hatchling. I hear scuttling to my left. I look and I see a shape in the corner clinging to the wall like a bug it tail swinging side to side.

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