Electrified (Rise Up part 2) - Gil Grissom x Reader

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(A/N: An answer to a question that you might ask later: yes I had to.)

Many weeks went by.  The one of you went over to the other's house more often than before, and you held each other every morning.  With the increased physical closeness, the both of you became closer emotionally as well. The public displays of affection increased in frequency and intimacy. Well, 'increased' for Gil and you. To other people, it was normal.

There came a time when the both of you were standing in the centre of Gil's office.  You two were holding each other's faces, laughing softly as your foreheads were leant against each other.  Your fingers gently moved over Gil's beard, letting the hairs slide in between and rub your fingers.

Catherine was passing by the office. Gil and you did take notice of her, but did not stop what you were doing. She was one of the many who had gotten used to the unfamiliar but not unwelcome openness between you two; the two of you were the most closed-off people on team graveyard.  But this, this closeness of your faces - this was something new.  All the other touches:  hugs, kisses on the cheek, rubs on the shoulder, and so on, could all be put down as platonic gestures.  And they were sparse enough not to indicate anything deeper than friendship. So this was indeed new. Plus, Gil had excellent work ethic. He would never allow himself to be in a relationship with his subordinate...or would he? She turned sideways to slowly step into the office and asked, "Just what is going on with you guys?" You were still staring at each other, but both knew she had her investigator's look and stance on, and they had heard it in her voice anyway.

No warning, in a flash of light
Don't need no warning, this feeling's right
Vibrations chill through my bones
Sensations flow through your glow
So incredible
The way I feel we do, so phenomenal
And you always push me through, unforgettable
The way I feel with you, unbelievable
How you always push me through
Electrified with you
Electrified with you

"Oh, is there something going on between us?" you smirked at Gil.

So incredible
So phenomenal

Before Gil could respond, Catherine interjected, "Okay, that's a yes, because you never flirt."  But the poor woman was ignored again.

Electrified with you

"Only if you want there to be," he grinned in return.  Catherine's eyes widened - it was only on very special occasions that Gil graced anyone with such a bright smile.  Acknowledging the cue, she turned and walked out to let you two have your privacy.

That threw you off your feet. If your heart was not thumping hard before, it was now. "Y-you're sure?"  Was he really...?

"I'm sure," he whispered, one hand stroking your cheek now to reassure you. Knowing you well enough, he let go of your face and pulled you into a hug, voluntarily pushing you to bury yourself in him.  "I will do everything I can to help you adjust to your new sleep cycle.  I promise."  He could not see you smile, but maybe he felt your tears soaking through his shirt.  He definitely felt how tightly you were squeezing him. "Do you think Catherine has told anybody else?" he murmured.

You shook your head, even though it was still against his chest. "She is more respectful than that."

You felt him nod in silent agreement. "We should tell them, then," he put to you. It was your turn to nod. Still holding onto you with one arm, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He texted Catherine, 'Could you help us gather everyone in my office?' The reply came in quite soon after he sent his text. 'Of course.'

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