More Kissing (A Better Camp David Part 2) - Mike Banning x Reader

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(A/N:  I'm writing this because...I just want to kiss him more.)

The next morning, Mike woke up first. That was no surprise, given that you liked your sleep.  He opened his eyes slowly and looked at your sleeping form.  A soft smile came to his face when he saw you, right there with him in his arms. His smile became brighter and his eyes sparkled when fond memories of what had happened the previous night came to him. Finally, after so many years of longing and putting up with the painful yearning in his heart, you were his. And he was yours.  He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to the top of your head for quite some time before pulling back.  He did not want to wake you.  He wanted to watch you when you were at your most peaceful.

You woke up eventually.  It was so tranquil that Mike noticed when the deep, slow breathing from when you were asleep changed to the regular shorter breath exchange that happened when you were awake.  You were fully conscious of the fact that you were sleeping on him.  You sleepily turned your head up to look at him, suspending your head in the air because pressing your chin into him would be painful for him.  Your eyes were still closed halfway.

"Morning, love," he chuckled at your sleepy face. In a different situation, his gravelly morning voice would have made you flustered, but because of what he called you, you became more alert. You stared at him. "Wh-what?" he asked, getting a bit uncomfortable under your gaze. He did not realise what he had done.

"You called me 'love'..." you said, mind a bit distant.

He visibly became flustered, his eyes darting around, looking anywhere except at you.  "Uh, yeah, well I-" He was at a loss as to what to say.

You put your face back down and nuzzled his chest, hoping it would comfort and reassure him.  "It's okay...I like it.  I just wasn't expecting it so fast is all."

His sigh of relief was particularly loud to you, given that your head was so close to his chest cavity. And you also felt his chest heave when he sighed that heavily. But when you kissed his chest, his breath hitched again as he jumped slightly. How cute was that! You giggled and did it again, and he responded the same way again. A giggling fit took you over. As for him, he held you tightly to restrain your movements. (A/N: I am just now realising that this is exactly what happened in an rp with AudrieBryant .) He smiled in fond annoyance as he watched you. He waited for you to calm down. When you did, you lifted your head to look at him with an open expression. Seeing that he could let you go, he did. That allowed you to lean forwards and plant your lips on his, giving him a sweet kiss. He let out an 'mmmmmhhhh', because he was so content, smiling into the kiss. He held you dearly, and he was trying not to melt as he kissed you back. He turned the both of you over, so to secure yourself, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He did this so that he could take control of the kiss. You let him take control, actually preferring it that he did. But of course, if there were times when he wanted you to lead the kiss, you would happily do so.

He slowly detached his lips from yours and leant his forehead against yours, smiling with his mouth slightly open. You were the same. The both of you could feel the other's breath on your face, especially when you each laughed softly. You stared into each other's eyes. He was kneeling with his legs on either side of you, one hand on the bed beside your shoulder, and his other hand holding your cheek. Your arms had slid slightly further apart from each other on his waist.  You pushed down on him to let him know that he could lie on you, which he did. He buried his face in the side of your neck and sighed, making you giggle because his breath tickled you. The both of you held each other. "We have to get up..." he drawled.

Ooookaaaayyyy...his voice.  His voice was always deep and husky, which was honestly so sexy. And it was even rougher because he had just woken up.  Also, he was drawling...the way the words just rolled out of his mouth like that, so smoothly in alluring contrast to his voice.  Oh god.  But, above all, it was right beside your ear.

You were frozen still, and you were almost not breathing.  All coherent thought had disappeared from your mind, and your face certainly showed it.  Just as you had heard his pulse increase because your head was on his chest, so he could hear yours do the same because his face was in your neck. He chuckled, deliberately making his voice even huskier, sending shivers down your spine. "Oh~ so you like it when I speak like this close to your ear~" he spoke, voice still unbearable. You gasped the last of your breath out and held him in a death grip, fingers digging into his skin and legs tight around his waist. He made his voice go back to normal and chuckled, pushing himself up so that his face was some distance from yours and looked down at you, allowing you to breathe. "Breathe, breathe, darling, breathe," he coaxed, sliding his hands to your back and trying to rub it. He pulled you up, so that you were seated on his lap, and rubbed his hands up and down your back. Your breathing calmed down with his help. Your legs were lazily wrapped around his waist, and your arms were just dangling on his shoulders. Your forehead was resting on his chest.  When your breathing was back to normal, he gently pushed you back by your shoulders to look at him.  "There we go," he smiled sweetly, making you smile too.  He gave you a quick peck on the lips.  "Do you want to get up for the day?" he asked.

"Yeah," you answered, nodding, "Yeah." You nuzzled his cheek and neck. He closed his eyes and smiled.  You have him one last kiss on the cheek before getting off his lap and going to your room.  The both of you got ready for the day.

When you opened your door to exit, you found Mike waiting outside. Your entire face smiled, shone at him. You looked like you wanted to say something, but could not find the words. So Mike helped you by smirking, "I'm quicker than you like always woman." You were smiling stupidly at him. He laughed and took you by the arm, dragging you to walk with him, knowing that you would let him guide you.

"Thank you for waiting for me," you finally spoke, cradling his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder with your eyes closed. Your smile could not be erased.

"That's what you're so happy about?" he laughed softly.

"Well, yeah," you said, turning to look up at him.  Your smile dropped but your eyes were still excited.  "It really means a lot to me."

His only response was his softest smile yet, and he leant down to rest his forehead on yours. You blushed and closed your eyes at his close proximity, the smile returning to your face. He stood up straight again and the both of you continued walking, arm in arm.

The both of you walked to the kitchen. Dave was standing at the counter, drinking from a mug of coffee. Roma and O'Neil were standing around, just enjoying the mellow atmosphere. Even the Asher family had woken up earlier than Mike and you, and were sitting at the table. Dave put his mug down and, in jest, chastised, "Took you long enough to get here."  You both just smiled goofily at each other.  "How was last night?"  Dave smiled, serious now.

"The best sleep we've ever had," Mike answered.  You nodded in assent.

"Thank you for doing what you did.  All of you," you said to everyone present.

Mike and you were lying in bed on the first morning after what had happened to the White House.  "I can't believe he did it," Mike voiced as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Yeah...I never thought..." You did not manage to finish your sentence as you started feeling sad again.  You turned away from Mike and curled up to hide your tears.

But he knew you too well and brought you back to his side.  He held you dearly.  "Me neither.  But...I guess...we just gotta move on.  Y'know?  We can't let this hold us down."

You sighed shakily and gripped a fistful of his shirt.  "I know...but...I'm gonna need time to recover..."

"Me too.  We'll do this together.  Okay?  We're with each other, every step of the way."  You nodded and pressed a lingering kiss to his bare chest, the pressure on your lips meant to comfort you rather than him.  He ran his fingers through your hair.  When you stopped kissing his chest, he brought your head up and pressed his lips to your own.

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