Poor Nick... - Nick Stokes x Reader

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(A/N: Loki-The-Trickster counselled me on what to do with a plothole I had, specifically on whether to go into "your" thoughts early on, or only bring them up during the confession. Thank you so so much, I am much indebted to you. ❤)

Mrs. Hendler held the gun with both hands, pointing it at Nick. She was crying, and had to frequently break in speech to pant through her tears. "There was blood...everywhere. No one else could see it. But I knew...it was there. A dead body," and then she spoke with great effort of breath, "so heavy."

Poor Nick...his eyes were red, but he was refusing to let his tears fall. He was trying so hard to keep calm, and his voice was strained and choked up, because of the excretion from his sinuses. "Ms. Hendler..." he managed to say, "I'm a- good listener." Here his voice choked up even further, poor thing, "You gotta give me the gun."

Her voice raised, "I can't!" but immediately dropped again in sadness and apology, her tears flowing more noticeably, "I'm sorry..."

"No, wait-"

"But you! You arrested my husband!" she interrupted, almost shouting.

"W-wait!" he tried to stall, when her arms flailed slightly, even putting his ungloved hand up.

"Mrs. Hendler." Grissom! Mrs. Hendler turned around to see Gil pointing his gun at her, and Nick, though reaching for his gun, caught the eye of a clearly panicking you. Of course you were not totally freaking out, but your face was pale and your eyes were wide.

Your thoughts, however, were far more tumultuous than what your exterior already betrayed. What if Nick was hit? Mrs. Hendler had a clear shot to any of Nick's vital organs...what would you do then? Gil would shoot her, but that would still not change the fact that Nick...it would not bring him back. Both people getting shot - a life for a life - it was never worth it.

And then came into play your even more personal reasons for Nick to not get shot, reasons, feelings, that you had been harbouring and suppressing since before the both of you transferred from Dallas. Even after all those years, you had never told him how you felt; you had never told him that your feelings for him ran deeper than that of merely friendship. And if he got shot, you would never get the chance to.

On a less selfish note, though, you were certain that the rest of the team would not want to lose somebody who had been so loyal and kind a friend! Hence the head of the said team actually carrying. A gun. For once in his criminalist life. You did not know if they would ever forgive you if something happened to him...you would never forgive yourself. He meant too much to you...losing him would be your undoing. (A/N: Me @all the actors and characters I love. Also, there's actually a scene in season 11, Under a Cloud, where Sara is holding a bomb, and after bomb squad rescues her, she and Jim have a conversation about something like this, about 'sad, isn't it? That it takes something like this to...make us finally think about what matters. What's really important.' 'Yeah...you finally stop and smell the coffee'. That isn't that actual dialogue, of course, but unfortunately, YouTube doesn't have it.)

"Nick don't move," bug man instructed; both Gil and you noticed him withdrawing his hands. "Please. I don't wanna fire my gun anymore that you do." His deep, calm, fatherly voice helped to soothe all three of your nerves a little. "For five years...you've been washing the blood off of your hands." Mrs. Hendler's face tightened at his revelation. "Let's put down the gun." His last sentence was spoken even more soothingly; in any other situation, you would have revelled in his deep voice, almost falling asleep. You would have liked to be six years old, sitting on his thigh on the couch as you leant back against him, his arms around your neck as he held the pages open to one of the more appropriate parts of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, reading to you in that amazing voice of his. (A/N: Potential GSR fic? I think yes. I actually wrote a LOT more than this, but it overshadowed the actual story so...)

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