Imagine crawling into bed with Grissom after a long day

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(A/N:  I listened to P5hng Me A*wy on repeat while writing this, which I think sums up my entire mentality perfectly.)

It was one in the afternoon when you finally clocked out.  Gil and you had worked separate cases, and he had gone home first.  Usually, the one of you would wait for the other, but staying on for five hours was a waste of time, time which was better occupied taking Hank for his exercise before it got too hot in the day.  So Gil had gone to take care of your dog, since you would be too tired by the time you got off to join them.  After a mediocre lunch and a shower at the lab, you left.

The house when you entered it was quiet; that meant Gil and Hank were in the bedroom.  Upon approaching the closed door, your feet were greeted with a relieving bout of cold air.  You opened the door to feel it on your whole body.  You saw Gil curled up on his side facing you underneath the blanket, his hand under his face.  His eyes were open, but blearily so.  He was attentive enough to you though.  Hank was at his feet, asleep, his nose resting on his paws.  He was very cute.

You were smiling at the endearing sight of your lover and your dog.  "Hey," you said as you approached the bed, voice restrained with emotion.  You put a hand on Gil's head, rubbing it just a little.

"Hey," he responded in kind, looking up at you affectionately.  You gave him a smile before backing away to brush your teeth and then change your clothes.  Since you had recently showered, your work clothes could be worn again, so you plopped them on the back of a chair.  You slipped into a comfortable set of long cotton pyjamas.  You went around to your side of the bed and got under the covers, being careful not to disturb Hank.  You instinctively inched closer to Gil, and he spread his arms and pulled you into this body; you gladly embraced him as well.  "Hey," he whispered before kissing you.  Even though you did not feel particular emotion in great strength, some tears fell from your eyes.  He pulled back with a frown, thinking he had done something to upset or hurt you.  "What's wrong?"  He wiped your tears.

You shook your head to indicate that nothing was.  "I'm alright.  I think I'm just's been a long day."

He smiled comfortingly.  He raised a hand to stim with the topmost button of your shirt.  "I'm glad to have you back."

You smiled back at him.  "I'm glad to be here too."

He looked at you for a bit, then pulled you in for one more kiss.  Then, he rolled onto his back and pulled you on top of him.  You sighed as you settled into his soft, warm body, especially with his hand stroking down your spine.  "Go to sleep, (y/n).  I'm here.  I love you."

He felt you smile against his shirt.  "I love you too."  When he placed his other hand on the back of your head, you were soothed into the right headspace to be comfortable enough to drift off.  You let out a little yawn and conked out soon after that.  He soon followed, falling asleep to the sound of your steady breathing.

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