Beat Up - Joe Manco x Reader

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Joe and you snuck back into your shared room in the Rojos house, but to your horrors, Ramon was waiting under the blanket. "Tell me what you know," he instructed. Of course, you refused, so his men came in and dragged you down to the storage room, taking your guns on the way. The bounty hunters struggled valiantly, but to no avail. Before the Rojos even reached the storage room, the both of you were already considerably battered from being prevented from escaping.

As soon as you reached the storage room, the Rojos held you two up against a wall and continuously punched, slapped, kicked, kneed, head-butted, and whatever else to get information out of you. When this did not seem to work, the man beating Joe slammed his torso down on a barrel, making Esteban laugh maniacally. Joe was unaffected, but you screamed out. If there was one thing more painful than the rest of it all, it was watching the other get hurt. "Please...don't hurt him..." you begged, tears of sorrow falling from your eyes.

Unfortunately, this only gave the Rojos an idea. While one of them pinned your arms behind your back, the other continued thrashing Joe. You tried to break free, but you were already too winded. "Joe..." you whimpered. The other had lifted Joe off the barrel and thrown him onto the wooden ramp, and hit him thrice. The third hit being a particularly hard one, Joe grunted and panted in pain as he lost his footing and tumbled down the ramp.

When Joe reached the bottom, Rubio stopped him with his foot so that Ramon could hold him by the collar of his coat, "Well then...where did you hide Marisol?" When the blonde did not respond, Ramon turned to Rubio while wiping his hand on his shirt. Rubio made Joe stand up so he could punch him in the face, making Joe grunt again. Silent tears rolled down your face still, but you knew that Joe could take it, so you did not give the Rojos any information.

Rubio then held Joe up once more and punched him to a shelf, then holding him up and punching him so that he fell back over a table and landed on his back. The sound Joe let out gave the impression that he was literally winded. Your man rolled from side to side, panting as he tried to stand up. When he rolled onto his front and grabbed ahold of an elevated area, Esteban, who was sitting there, pressed the burning end of his cigar on Joe's hand, making you whimper a bit louder that you had been for the past while. Joe instinctively drew his hand back. "You want a- you want a drink?" Esteban teased, pouring water from a jug over Joe's head. Joe consumed what he could before Esteban wiped his mouth and said, "No no, it is too soon to drink."

The water had given Joe a bit of his strength back, something that everybody present perceived due to Blondie tripping Esteban over. He even stood up to fight, but Rubio restrained him and slammed him onto the table, making him grunt again. This time however, Joe managed to put his hands on the table, rather than let his head take more damage. As an alternative, Rubio slammed his hand onto Joe's head, but Esteban stopped him, "Bring him over here."

Rubio grabbed Joe by the back of his head and threw him to Esteban. The youngest Rojo brother caught him, and delivered a hard punch to his stomach. Joe was sent flying backwards, and landed on his front. He tried crawling to the elevated area, but Esteban kicked him in the gut, making Joe groan and fall on his side. The poor blonde curled up, clutching his injured abdomen. You closed your eyes, not being able to watch anymore.

The Rojo holding you twisted your arms, making you cry out and forcing you to open your eyes. Joe managed to get himself into a kneeling position, and shifted over to the table and pushed himself up. He threw a weak punch at Chico, who had walked over. Chico merely punched him back onto the table, making him grunt twice.

Don Miguel leant over him, "You're behaving like a stubborn idiot! Tell us where Marisol is and this'll all be ended! We could get you back in shape and you could get out and go from here wherever you want!" The three Rojos crowded round, waiting for the man to give his answer. When no answer came, Chico pushed him onto the floor, and he and Rubio continued kicking him, making him groan and grunt several times.

For some reason, Ramon placed his foot on Joe and said, "That's enough for today." The Rojo holding you released his grip, and you immediately ran to Joe and lay down beside him, on your front, your head on his chest - much like a loyal dog. For, indeed, your loyalty to each other could be compared to that of dogs. Meanwhile the entirety of the Rojos gathered around to discuss what to do with you. You did not pay any attention to them, for you were anxiously waiting for the Baxters to come. Just as you placed your arm around Joe's waist, there was a yell and a crash.

"Esteban, what was that sound?"

"I do not know."

"I heard a yell and a crash." From there, all hell broke loose. As soon as the Rojos were out of sight, you shook Joe awake and helped him out of the Rojos house. By luck, Piripero's cart was waiting outside. You knew that Joe would want to watch the proceedings, so you helped him into a coffin on the left while you got in the one on the right. You did not know what happened after that, for you soon fell asleep in the coffin.

When you woke up, you felt that your head was on somebody's lap, and you could smell the comforting smell that you associated with Joe. You opened your eyes to perceive Joe's smiling face looking down at you. "Good morning, love," he greeted, running a battered hand through your hair.

"Hi...wait, how long was I out for?"

"Eight hours. You were here most of the time."

"Did you sleep at all?"

"Yeah, leant against this wall and shut my eyes. Quite comfortable really, especially with your head on my lap." You smiled and reached up, running your hand through his beard.

Piripero came down the stairs, "Ah, you are awake, good! I have prepared some food for you - you'll need it after that night you had last night."

You sat up and smiled, "Thank you, Piripero."

"Oh, my pleasure. I don't really like the Rojos myself, they cause so much terror."

"Then, you could help us," Joe mused.

"If you mean letting you stay, sure. I'll also get you some supplies."

"Right. And most importantly, find out where Silvanito is."

"Will do. Now come, your food is getting cold." The two gringos stood up and smiled at each other. As they walked up the stairs, they were already discussing on how to finally take the Rojos down.

(A/N:  I'm gonna finish up the Be my Mrs.  Ocean series, then write a Gerard Butler x Reader Valentine's Day imagine.  After that will be a nice Hugh Jackman x Reader, then a weretiger!Sebastian Moran {Michael Fassbender} x Reader.  After that...hehe.)

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