1- Introductions

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"Okay! Let's make some people fall in love!" Theo said happily, dragging his friends along with him. 

"We're basically forcing people to kiss the people they like-" 

"-Nonsense, it's called love!" Theo interrupted Blaise. He grabbed Pansy's hand and swung it happily in the air. Ginny and Pansy giggled as they all hid behind a corner, waiting for their next victims.

A Ravenclaw girl suddenly turned the corner, her head down reading.

Ginny snickered. "I got this one guys. I KNOW she's in love with someone in Hufflepuff." She pointed her wand and casted the spell. Nothing visible happened but the Ravenclaw girl would soon come to realise that she couldn't speak anymore. They hid quickly and she walked right past them.

"Awesome, let's do a few more." Pansy smiled pointing her wand to the next victims of the Lip Lock Jinx.


The four were all on the floor trying to hold in their laughs as the group pointed their wands randomly to whoever they saw. 

 They composed themselves and Theo saw someone heading around the corner, their head in a book. He quickly cast it to him and he continued walking, and eventually he arrived to them, and looked down on them all on the floor.

It was Draco Malfoy. Theo had put the lip lock jinx on him! And as soon as his friends noticed what Theo had done they quieted down and stood up. Draco opened his mouth and tried talking but no words came out. He clutched his throat and gave the floor a confused look. His eyes widened and suddenly it looked like his mind clicked. His head shot up to them and they stepped back nervously.

"Now now Draco, my love, just take a deep breath.." Theo trailed off, going next to Pansy for protection. She rolled her eyes. "I thought I was your love." She whined quietly, still backing away as Draco stepped towards them slowly. "You are." Theo said through his teeth, holding onto her hand tightly.

Draco tried to hit Theo but Blaise caught his arm. "Draco- it wasn't us!" Blaise said, panicking and Draco's face became slightly red and he tensed.

"It's time for bed-" Ginny said and pulled Blaise, beckoning for her friends to run, and the four all ran, Draco running after them. It was just after classes, it was day time! Draco thought as he ran after them. He couldn't believe it! How stupid could he be, to be put under the stupid new jinx?

They all ran outside and slowed down when they saw Hermione. They all ran behind Hermione as Draco stopped in front of her. He tried going around Hermione but they just went the other way.

Draco closed his eyes and ran his hand through hair, trying to calm himself down.

Hermione laughed at her friends. "What's wrong guys?" She asked turning around to see them.

"H-He's going to kill us!" Ginny said.

"Why?" Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked at Draco, who just looked at anything but her.

"W-We accidently.. might of.. may of... maybe of put the new jinx on him." Pansy said quietly.

"Woah what?" Hermione smiled and crossed her arms. "Who's the unlucky girl then?" She asked him and then suddenly laughed. "Oh wait, you can't speak." And the five suddenly all laughed, holding onto each other for support. Draco scowled. "Good one Hermione." Blaise said slapping her on the back, and she almost fell over which made everyone laugh even louder. 

Draco looked at his pocket watch, it was almost time for dinner and he turned, leaving them to go eat. They noticed and they all trailed behind him laughing.

Draco knew what he had to do and he just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide away at the thought. He had to kiss Hermione. Hermione was the one he liked. When his friends started hanging out with her friends, ultimately leading to them being friends, he'd developed a small crush on her. 

Actually, it was a big fat crush. He full on liked her, and it wasn't just a thing that would pass. She was so kind to him, funny, beautiful, smart, and helped him with anything he needed. She didn't show any signs of disgust when she'd seen his Dark Mark, and she wouldn't flinch around him. He felt like he could tell her anything, but they weren't that close yet.

The six all arrived and they collected their dinner, and walked to the Slytherin Common Room, to go eat their dinner there, like they usually did. They didn't sit on the tables in the great hall, they didn't like the stares they received, and avoided eating there. Sometimes they'd switch to eating to the courtyard, to the Gryffindor Common Room, but it depended on how they were feeling. They almost always went to the Slytherin Common Room to eat.

Draco felt someone skip next to him. 

"Hey." She smiled up at him, and he smiled back rolling his eyes. "How are you feeling?" She tried stifling her laugh and gave Draco a soft punch on the arm. Hermione loved teasing him. He would have a light blush on his cheeks and he would become flustered. He put an arm around her and she leaned into him as they walked up to his dorm to eat. Hermione would of never imagined this. Being friends with Draco, and hugging him like it was normal. She didn't mind at all.


They all finished eating and were just talking, of course, making fun of Draco who couldn't speak. He just got up and lay down on his bed thinking. 

"Well, the four of us need to serve a short detention." Blaise said rolling his eyes and got up with the four. 

"I wonder why?" Hermione asked getting up to bid them good bye.

Ginny smiled. "I don't know, I think they have it out for us."

Blaise shrugged and held her hand. "Maybe." And he dragged her out. Theo and Pansy left together, only leaving Draco and Hermione together. Hermione turned around to him and made eye contact with him. He rolled over so that his back was faced towards her.

"Come on, are you angry?" She asked coming to stand beside his bed. "Who's the girl, just get it over with and you can speak again. Then you can make fun of me all you like, instead of me making fun of you, I give you full permission." A small part of her hoped he would get up and kiss her, and he would speak again to her, which meant that he loved her, but he didn't. 

He turned to her with a soft smile and sat up, giving her a book. She understood and she opened it, and started reading it to him. He fell asleep to her voice, and she set the book down, ready to leave, but not before she put her hand softly on his shoulder. "Good night." She said and left to go to bed.

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