2- Troubling

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It had been two days, Draco found it easy to not use his voice since it was the weekend. He tried avoiding Hermione and just stayed in his bed, under the covers. His friends had tried to get him to tell him who it was, even though they had a small idea. But Draco wasn't having it. Hermione couldn't love him back.

It made no sense for her to love him.

He'd just make a fool out of himself, as he always did. He'd only embarrass her.

He woke up, and it was now Monday, classes. Draco groaned, but of course no sound came out. He looked physically annoyed.

"Cheer up man, you have allll week to kiss the love of your life." Theo teased as he fixed his tie. Blaise exited the bathroom. Draco wore a glare and pushed Theo out of the mirror to fix himself up.

"What's gotten him so angry?" Blaise asked, smiling innocently.

Theo brushed himself off. "He's just mad that he doesn't know how to kiss properly." Theo said making kissy faces at Draco who was so close to having a go at him.

"Aw, it's okay, after the first time it gets better." Blaise reassured him, patting him on the back. The two boys burst out laughing. Draco shoved him off and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm off to see Pansy," Theo informed them, looking at Draco. "at least I know how to kiss her." He finished, winking at Draco who threw his hairbrush right on his face.

"Ow!" Theo said rubbing his nose and waving them good bye on his way out. Blaise waved good bye happily but Draco just turned around to the mirror again.

The two boys soon finished, Blaise talked Draco's ear off the whole way down to break fast. They collected their plates and went outside to the courtyard to meet their friends, where they usually did in the mornings.

Draco sat by his usual spot on the grass, beside Hermione, and they all sat in a circle. When they arrived everyone was there. Blaise and Draco sat down and ate their food. Of course, Draco ate in silence.

"Hey," Hermione tapped him on the shoulder. "Did you want to study with me later? I can just teach you the material, no talking for you involved." She smiled, hopefully he'd agree. He smirked and nodded. "I'll come and tell you when later." He nodded at her and continued to eat, as his friends laughed together.

They finished and it was now time for classes. Hermione had Charms class with Ginny and Pansy, and the three girls got up to leave for their class, while the boys went their separate ways.


After class Hermione exited and the boys came to their class to all walk together to lunch. Draco walked beside Hermione and as always he offered his arm for her, and she'd take it. They walked behind their four friends in silence, just enjoying each other's company. They all walked through the big courtyard.

Suddenly, Ron, Seamus and Dean, and a whole group of Gryffindors all stopped the six friends. They stopped and Ron started speaking.

"Okay Hermione and Ginny, you've made your points now, you don't have to hang out with them anymore." Ron stated, crossing his arms. The Slytherins all looked at their two Gryffindor friends. Draco looked down on Hermione, her arm still around his.

"What do you mean Ron?" Ginny asked, still holding Blaise's hand tightly.

"He means that you guys don't have to hold hands with them anymore just because the war is over!" A Gryffindor stated from the back of the group.

"Well excuse me, they are my friends, and none of you can tell us to not hang out with them!" Hermione said loudly for them to hear. Now a whole crowd was gathered around. Draco held Hermione tightly.

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