5- Hogsmeade

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It was later in the day, around lunch, and the six had decided they all wanted to go to Hogsmeade to hangout. It was Saturday, which meant all the higher years were at Hogsmeade with their friends, so it was very packed.

Draco liked packed crowds. When it was empty it just didn't feel nice. Crowded crowds just had a much better feeling to it.

Hermione walked past an irritated Ron and his angry Gryffindor friends with her friends, beside Draco, without a care in the world. Ron wasn't going to ruin this for her. If she wanted to be with Draco, she will be. If she wanted to be his friend, she will be. If he wanted to kiss her, who was she to say no?

Yeah, like that could happen in any lifetime.

She rolled her eyes and continued walking beside her friends to The Three Broomsticks.

The six sat in a comfortable silence together, just drinking their drinks. The four pranksters talked about yesterday on Friday, which was their prank day, and how well it went. It was a week since Draco had spoken, since that stupid curse and frankly, he didn't want to be apart of their pranking conversations. Hermione didn't either. Draco took a peek towards her and sighed.

 He should just do it already. What's the worst that could happen?

He got up abruptly and Hermione looked up at him mid sip. He pulled her up with him and dragged her out the shop, her drink spilling on the table as she left it there.

But if he was going to do it, it'd be special. Not only for him but for her.

"Where are we going?" She told him, squeezing his hand lightly. He just smiled faintly down on her and led her a little outside of town, towards a small lake, and a big green field.

"Oh, I know this place." Hermione smiled and skipped ahead of him towards the lake, sitting down on the soft grass, dipping her fingers in. He sat down beside her and lay down, looking at the blue sky, filled with clouds with all sorts of shapes. She followed a few seconds later, laying down next to him, their arms touching.

"Looks like a turtle, does it not?" Hermione pointed to the many clouds, then looked at Draco who shook his head 'no'. She pouted then rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you can't even speak so it's a turtle." She laughed to herself and continued to look up. Draco smiled at her, blushing slightly and looked back up at the clouds.

She kept talking to him about the clouds and her day. When Blaise did this it was considered talking Draco's ear off. But with Hermione; merlin, he loved to listen to her voice. His heart just beat a little faster when their fingers would brush against each others.

"Hey? Tell me if I'm boring you?" She chuckled lightly and looked at him. He was still looking at the sky calmly and shook his head 'no'.

She wasn't boring him? No boy she liked really wanted to hear about her day.

He snapped out of it as soon as he realised she wasn't talking anymore. He looked at her, as if telling her to keep going but she didn't and looked at him nervously. She sat up slowly and looked down on him, tucking her hair behind her ear. He was going to sit up too but she put a hand on his shoulder, telling him to stay there.

"I..I just want to try something." She blushed. Her eyes were widened with a bit of fear as she leaned in and then stopped. Draco looked at her with a calm expression. She swallowed nervously. "J-Just, push me away.." She leaned in slowly. "..if you don't want it.. I just have to try." She told him. He was going to end up kissing someone else anyway and probably be with them. What would a small kiss between them change? Maybe she'd end up heart broken, upset, lonely? Maybe she'd lose him as a friend, and years later she'd see him on Kings Cross Station with the love of his life and his children. 

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