4- Trouble

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It was now two days later, Saturday, and two Slytherin Boys were trying to get a Draco Malfoy out of bed.

They tried tickling him, kicking him, shoving him, but it was no use.

"GET UP!" Theo huffed slamming a pillow on Draco, who was curled up and hiding under the covers.

"Let me at 'im.." Blaise mumbled, pulling his sleeves up and trying to take the blanket off Draco, who held onto it tightly. "Drake! LET GO!" Blaise yelled but Draco didn't budge. Theo suddenly tapped him on the shoulder and winked, Blaise nodded back but didn't know what he was going to do.

Theo made sure Draco heard him walking to the door. "Who is it?" Theo asked in a sing-song voice. "Oh! Hermione, Ginny, Pansy, come in!" He opened the door and closed it. Draco immediately poked his head out to see, but no Hermione. Before he could tuck his head back in Blaise grabbed his blanket and shoved it off, gasping at the sight. Theo joined and his mouth was open. Both boys looked down on their friend just laying there, looking at them.

Blaise started pacing in his spot mumbling and tugging at his hair. Theo was fumbling over his words trying to find the right ones.

"I.." Theo's lip quivered. Draco looked at them disappointedly, but still kept eye contact with Theo. He couldn't find the words, and Blaise kept pacing. Draco quickly picked up the blanket with the blood stains and covered his arm up, but Blaise saw and roughly shoved it off of him in anger.

"Get up." Blaise growled at Draco, who still stayed in his bed. "GET UP!" Blaise screamed at him, going to go and pull him by his arm off the bed, but Theo stopped him from grabbing Draco. Draco looked at Theo, and he couldn't help but tear up at the sight of his reaction.

"I thought you w-were happy!" Theo's face scrunched up a little as tears spilled as he threw his arms about, to no where in particular. Draco sat up and looked at him, then down at his hands sadly.

"At least look at him." Blaise mumbled angrily crossing his arms, and Draco looked back up at Theo.

Theo stepped forward. "What's wrong?" He demanded but Draco shook his head and was ready to get up from his bed.

"This is too much." Blaise wiped at his face tiredly.

"I'm going to get someone to help you." Theo said slowly, nervous for his reaction. Draco grabbed Theo by his shirt roughly and shook his head 'no'. Blaise pushed Draco off of Theo.

"We didn't ask if you wanted it or not." Blaise spat at him. Blaise took Theo out the room quickly and closed the door before Draco could get out. He tried for the door but it was locked. He tried banging on it, his tears escaping his eyes. How could he ever look at them again?


Hermione was shoving past people in the hallways, mumbling apologies to everyone she bumped into. She told the password to the portrait and rushed in, up the stairs to the dorm.

She used the key to open it and then closed the door behind her, looking around. There was a blanket on the floor that was mostly covered in blood, and on Draco's bed sheets were little drops of blood. Her eyes finally landed to the floor where he sat with his bare back faced to her. She came behind him, and hugged him from behind tightly. He didn't react but when she let go she gasped which made him turn to her. Her arm was covered in his blood and she looked at it for what seemed like forever. Her eyes went to his then to his arm.

"Alright." She said breathlessly and helped him up to sit on his bed. She cleaned his bed with magic and his blanket too. She sat beside him with his arm in her hand, and she pointed her wand to his mark, and fixed the bleeding and scarring. 

It now looked like what it was before, but slightly faded. Draco looked at his newly fixed arm.

He looked at her sadly, and quickly hugged her, laying them both down on his bed. Their heads went to his pillow and he closed his eyes, just hugging her tightly to himself. Her eyes widened, and were widened for a while at this sudden interaction but her arms tightened around him, and she relaxed next to him, but didn't close her eyes. She just watched him, and she could do it everyday if the world let her.

She was literally touching him; his skin, his bare chest. She couldn't help but blush and smile at the thought! Maybe he could always end up liking her in the future? He didn't have to kiss her.. even though she really wanted it. But she knew he only hugged her as friends. He needs a friend right now. Theo and Blaise are too angry and upset with him right now.

"Why don't you go and make up with your friends?" She mumbled against his arm and his face moved slowly away from her hair. He nodded sadly and let go of her slowly. He really didn't want to, but she was right. His friends were probably really upset with him. He sat up and just looked down on her as she lay on his bed, looking up at him with a faint smile on her face. He cupped her cheek and it lay there for a few seconds, before he let go and went to his friends who were probably in the courtyard. He never liked to be the one to go and apologise, it was so troubling, but he went anyway. He put a shirt on and grabbed his cloak.

Hermione smiled up at the ceiling and cupped her cheek, where his hand once was and closed her eyes smiling.

"Hey!" Ginny yelled which made Hermione jump.

"So what are you doing on Draco's bed?" Pansy started interrogating with Ginny, waking closer and closer to Hermione, like a lion going to its prey.


"-Did you guys finally kiss?"

"Maybe confess your love to each other?!"

"Maybe a date at Hogsmeade?

"No!" Hermione said getting up and brushing herself off.

"Then what?" Pansy asked smiling.

"Nothing, we just hugged on his bed, and he got up to apologise to Blaise and Theo." Hermione shrugged turning away, pretending to do something to hide her blush.

"Aw man." Ginny said clicking her fingers.

"Hm, then what's his blanket doing so messily on the floor?" Pansy raised her eyes brows at her.

"Listen- we didn't kiss, he still can't talk, and he won't tell me who it is, so I don't know anything." Hermione shrugged and walked past them out the door. Why did she have to send Draco away? She could of been in his arms and savoured the moment instead of cutting it short. She hated herself right now.

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