3- Quidditch Match

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It was now Thursday, the Slytherin VS. Ravenclaw match was today, and the boys were more than excited to finally dive right in and play Quidditch. Well, Draco was excited in his own silent way.

The Slytherin Quidditch Team flew out on the field after the Ravenclaws, and the crowd all erupted into cheers. Draco, Blaise and Theo flew out side by side happily with their fists in the air. Draco scanned the crowd and she already looked back at him. Her heart fluttered at the thought that Draco was actually looking for her. He smiled widely at her and she smiled back just as big, mouthing 'good luck'. He gave her a smirk and gave her a small wave before he flew down to shake hands with the Ravenclaw Captain.

"Looks like the Captains are shaking hands, will they exchange a few words?" The announcer asked the crowd. He was trying hard to hold in his laughs until his punch line. "Probably not!" The crowd all howled in laughter. Draco blushed, trying to hide his face and flew past his friends after he shook hands. His friends chuckled to each other.

"Ah- that was a good one." Ginny finished laughing and filled her mouth with her snacks while nudging Pansy and Hermione, who giggled. But Hermione, not so much. If the kiss happened right after the game and he flew to the girl he liked, she was sure to be heart broken. Hermione started thinking up scenarios on how she would get away, what her excuse would be, and how to hold in her tears. She had a hard time coming up with her plan.

Draco was going to have a little 'chat' with that announcer with his fist. He quickly shook off the feeling of embarrassment and got into his competitive mood. He'd show all the Ravenclaws that were laughing who he was, and that they were an easy team to beat, nothing compared to the Slytherin team. The game finally started, and Draco flew high, looking around for the snitch.

It was a lovely sunny day, every quidditch player's dream. He started looking for a glint of gold anywhere across the field and immediately, he found it. He started racing to it, to catch it before the Ravenclaw Seeker saw him, but he had already seen Draco chase after it and started chasing the snitch. The two were almost neck and neck, but the Ravenclaw Seeker was a bit behind. The snitch suddenly dove up and Draco quickly manoeuvred his broom upwards quickly, reaching out for it. The snitch made a dive and he dived down with it. The Ravenclaw seeker had already gotten dizzy and slowed down. Idiot, Draco thought snickering. He was close to the ground but he caught it before it could dive up again, and the houses cheered for him as he showcased the snitch in his hand.

"Wow! Slytherin has won the game!" The announcer said trying to hold in his laughs. "I'm speechless!" His laughs echoed through the speaker as the crowd cheered louder. Draco glared at him and without a second thought he flew to Blaise and snatched the Bludger off him, and threw it directly to the quidditch announcer. Blaise and Theo patted him on the back laughing, but McGonagall had to save him just in time.

"Mr Malfoy!" McGonagall shrieked through the speaker as the crowd cheered louder. Draco waved her off and looked at the crowd again.

"I-It's quite alright Headmistress," The announcer took over from her, clearly shaken up. "You know what Malfoy? I'll forgive you if you kiss whoever you need to right now." He said amused and the crowd cheered, especially the girls who expected to receive a kiss from him.

Draco looked at Theo and Blaise who nodded reassuringly. Theo rubbed his arm. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He smiled.

"Even though we do make fun of you for it, don't feel obliged to, just because some git in Hufflepuff wants you to." Blaise said eyeing the announcer who smiled at him back. Draco gave him a faint smile, almost a frown, and then looked around for her. And she looked back. Hermione Granger. He wanted to fly over so badly and kiss her.

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