Chapter 5 ⚠️

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A/N: I apologize in advance.

⚠️ TW: implied death, self-harm, abuse⚠️

Alex's POV - Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 1:38 am


"Jamie!" I reached out, trying to grab my brother's hand as he flailed about in the rising water. Tears streamed down my face.

"Jamie, Jamie, no!"

His head disappeared under the muddy waves.

And I never saw him again.

~Dream over~

I woke up to find myself sobbing quietly into my pillow. I glanced at Ned, who was still asleep, then quietly got up and tiptoed over to my desk, unlocking one of the drawers and pulling out a small pocketknife. I had just begun to carve into my wrist when the writing appeared again.

please stop

I frowned. Why did they care so much? It's not like we knew each other or anything.

I decided to write back.

Why do you care?

bc were soulmates, they wrote back.

You don't even know me.

ik that ur a boy

I frowned. How would you know that?

bro im gay af

I chuckled softly. So it was a boy, then.

So you're a boy.


Cool. I wasn't sure.

imma draw u a picture

I frowned, confused. Suddenly, a shape began to form on my palm. It slowly took the form of a turtle. I smiled.

A turtle?

well y not u know I mean it is like 2 am

That's true.

1780 a winters ball

I almost burst out laughing.

And those three pretty sisters were the envy of all.

yo if u could marry a sister ur rich son

Is it a question of if, Odom, or which one?


I see you are a man of taste.

well obv im talking 2 u

I blushed.

IDK, talking to me is kinda dumb.

i dont think so

And why not?

bc its fun

By now, our conversation had made it to my elbow. I chuckled softly.

You aren't so bad.

im better in person ;)

I felt myself go red, and I knew I was grinning like a maniac.

Is that so?

what r u tryna hide odom

Oh my God.

bro thats not the words

I know, but look at what I've started.

Broken Lams Modern AU {High School} {Soulmates} {Mature} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now