Chapter 7 ⚠️

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A/N: *screeches in I'M SO FUCKING SORRY*

⚠️ TW: death ⚠️

Alex's POV - Friday, December 25, 2020, 10:23 am

The police arrived shortly after John passed out. They arrested Francis, which no one was really sad about, then left. I crouched over John until he woke up.

When he began to open his eyes, I said, "Jacky?"

He smiled, then sat up. "What happened?"

"Francis got arrested."

John chuckled. "Good riddance."

And then I did the one thing I'd been waiting to do for almost two weeks.

I kissed him.

It was as if a thousand lead weights had been lifted from my chest. I felt light, free. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and I melted into him, alive with joy. When we finally broke apart, he beamed at me.


I blushed. "Was it bad?"

"Not at all."

I pulled out a pen, then pulled up the sleeve of my hoodie, which I rarely did. After all, it kind of contracted my goal of 'hide the vitiligo'. I uncapped the pen and wrote.


John grinned. "Hi."

He stood up, then helped me to my feet. When I was standing, he didn't let go of my hand. I blushed. He dragged me over to the swings, then made me sit down on one. He went around behind me and began to push, slowly making the swing move. I chuckled.

As the swing went higher and higher, I grinned, laughing. I was happy.


John's POV - Friday, December 25, 2020, 3:43 pm


I scampered out into the living room. "Y-yes, sir?"

"Where the hell were you this morning?"

"I... I was at the park."

"And why were you at the park?"

"I was taking the kids out for Christmas."

"Did I tell you you could go to the park?"

I saw red. "Since when do you care what we do, as long as you're happy?!"



He grabbed me by my shirt collar, then wrapped a meaty hand around my neck. "You don't talk to me like that."

"You're not my dad," I choked. "You're just the sperm donor."

He howled with rage, then slammed me against the wall, tightening his grip on my neck.

"Goodbye, you asshole."


Alex's POV - Friday, December 25, 2020, 4:12 pm

I was playing PS4 with Ned when I felt it. Something had happened to John, I could tell. I threw down my controller and ran out the door, not knowing where I was going. I eventually made my way back to the park, where I saw Peggy in tears, being comforted by her siblings. I rushed over.

"Peggy, what happened?"

She looked up at me, her eyes red.

"Peggy," I said again. "What happened to John?"

"He... he's dead."

The ground seemed to give way beneath me. I crumpled to the grass, my eyes already filled with tears.

"I... how..."

"Martha," Peggy said, hiccuping. "S-she messaged me on his ph-phone."

"No," I said. "He's not dead. He can't be."

She shook her head. "H-he is. I..."

I hugged her tightly, letting my tears pour.


Tuesday, January 18, 2028, 5:13 pm

"The jury finds Henry Laurens, Sr. guilty of two accounts of murder, as well as ten years of child abuse. Additionally, we leave Henry's underage daughter, Mary Laurens, in the care of Mr. Alexander Hamilton."

I hugged Martha. "We won!"

She smiled at me, tears running down her cheeks. "We did."

John's dad screamed profanities as he was ushered away by two police officers. Mary ran up to me. "Do I get to go with you now?"

I smiled at her, then said, "Yeah, you do."

"Yay!" she screeched, taking her hand. "We're gonna have so much fun, you and me and Phil!"

I nodded. "We sure are."

When we got home, my son, Philip, looked at me, then at Mary. "Mary!" He shouted, jumping up to hug her. I smiled, then walked over to the couch and sat down.

So much had changed in the seven years since John's death. Martha, John's sister, had ended up being soulmates with Philip Schuyler, Jr., and the two were happily married. Henry Jr. was going to law school at King's, and hadn't met his soulmate yet, but he was sure he was super close.

Peggy and Maria had gotten married, and adopted a little girl named Chelsea. She was a sweet little girl with curly brown hair and brown skin, just like her mothers's.

Herc and Laf had also gotten married. They were looking to adopt, but hadn't found just the right kid yet.

I had adopted Philip a few years ago; he was eight years old now. I smiled sadly as I watched him and Mary play together, then did something I hadn't done in years. I grabbed a pen off of the end table next to me and wrote a single word on my arm, tears running down my face.



815 words

This was never meant to be a long fanfic, and you can hate me if you want. This was planned from the beginning, though, and I hated writing it knowing he would die in the end. I'm so incredibly sorry.

Goodbye for now.

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