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When Elae was born, her mother had pressed pause on everything else. She had quit her job at the ministry, stopped going out with friends and lived only to take care of her daughter. When Meli came into their lives, the place was already taken. Jillian loved both her daughters equally but she blamed herself for everything Elae ever did.

Even the day Elae ran away, she had assumed it was because of her. What she didn't understand is that she gave her everything to make her happy. Jillian gave her daughters a home, love, security and she still left. She made a choice, all by herself, that Meli didn't. She thought about it, more then once, but never did because at the end of the day, she loved her mother too much to take away her other daughter.

Henry Hiddleston was difficult to read. The day after Jillian left the Hospital, their first child in hand, he went back to work. He would rarely spend time with his family, locking himself in his office for hours and leaving it only to eat. Dinners were the only regular moments Meli and Elae spent with their father so everything had to be perfect. The food good, the atmosphere calm, the conversation interesting then maybe he would stay a little longer. The rare times they spent, the four of them united, were magic and full of joy.

The need to please him left Elae at age fifteen. They lasted a year of fighting and screaming because Elae was being rude, impolite, reckless or because Henry was being a mood-swinging arsehole, an idiot, a snob with a stick up his arse. They would spend the whole meal yelling at each other, Jillian trying to calm them down and Meli rooting for one or the other.

So Elae left. And after a month of crying and sobbing late at night, asking themselves what went wrong and when it happened, Henry and Jillian suddenly remembered that they had another daughter and that she was still here. So they began pampering her. And Meli, as the attention starved kid she had been, loved it. Until she understood the only reason for all this attention was that Elae wasn't there to get it. So she didn't love it anymore.

Now, she took in the hugs carfuly, forcing herself to remember they never meant it a 100 percent.

"Sweetie, why didn't you come in the front door? Your father and I were waiting for you in the lobby" Jillian enveloped Meli in her arm, the smell of perfume overwhelming. "How did you even get in here?"

"We–um, well..." Meli looked at Jane.

"I told Meli that i was a better flyer then her so she dared me and we took our broom to fly through the window" lied Jane, rather easily.

"Ah, children!" exclaimed Jillian, smiling and pulling Jane in her arms too. "Jane do you want to eat with us?"

"I'd love to but i'm afraid my parents are waiting for me" Jane said with a smile. Jillian nodded and turned back to Meli.

"Sweetie, why don't you accompany Jane to the door and come to the living room" said Miss Hiddleston.

Meli agreed and kissed Jane in both cheeks, the brunette doing te same. Walking backwards down the route, Jane yelled "Don't think i forgot! You're gonna tell me everything even if i have to steal your clothes to make you talk!"

"You wouldn't dare!" screamed back Meli. But at the smile Jane gave her before walking–she never ran if she could avoid it–to her broom, Meli wasn't so sure. She groaned "I have to remember to place a spell on my closet"

She closed the door and walked with apprehension to the living room. The inside of the Hiddleston manor reflected the outside. Big doorframe separated the green and black painted rooms. Old paintings decorated these walls, as well as magic artefacts. The couches and tables looked like they belonged in a castle and were all perfectly clean, thanks to the house elf.

In the living room, her mother there was waiting. Unlike most pureblood families, the Hiddleston never used formal names for each other. Instead of mother and father, it was mom and dad.

"So tell me Meli, how was your school year? Your father and I wrote to you but you always answered with small letters. Are you hiding a boyfriend?" smiled Jillian.

Not like i would tell you, thought Meli but instead she rolled her eyes and answered "No mom, i was just busy. We had homeworks all the time and i spent a lot of time in the Hospital wing, remember?"

"Why, of course i do! And the thing that happened with Draco, what was it again?"

"The idiot spilled some potion that got me glued to him for a month" Meli said. Her eyebrows furrowed but her mother didn't notice, to busy beaming over the young Malfoy.

"He is such sweet boy, Draco. Very polite and charming. Do you remember that time he brought me flowers for my birthday? Oh, it was so–"

Meli restrained herself from telling her mother, after all these years, that Draco had in fact no idea it was the woman's birthday until Jane began singing Happy Birthday. He had then snatched the flowers from a pot close to the entry and given them to Jillian with a bright, big smile.

"Yeah, such a great boy. Anyway, i otherwise spent a great year and we can talk about it more while eating. Now, what do we have for tonight? I'm very hungry" cut Meli. The moment Jane left, Meli noticed the enticing smell of lasagna floating from the kitchen. She was impatient to check if it tasted as good as it smelled.

Jillian shook her head at Meli's interruptions but like always, said nothing. Perhaps it was why Meli sometimes acted so disrespectfuly toward her parents. Because they wouldn't do anything. They would smile, shake their head and sometimes, if they were really angry, they narrow their eyes at her. It wasn't that she wanted them to be mad at her and scream at her...exact she kind of did.

Sometimes she just wanted them to act normally, not like everything was fine, happy, wonderful, with unicorns pooping rainbows. Because it was not fine. Meli could feel it. Every time she stepped into the house, or sat at the table. A part of their family was gone and she wanted them to start acting like it.

"You probably smelled it already with that supersonic nose of yours, but we're eating lasagna. Now come, your dad is waiting in the dining room" Said Jillian, ignoring her daughter's eye roll at the 'supersonic nose' thing. They both walked to the kitchen.


A/N: hellooooo that's it for this chapter, don't hesitate to vote, comment and share. there's more and more people reading this story and it's pretty impressive form my point of view so thanks a lot

i recently posted the first to chapters to a new ff called turning tables so you can go read it if you want

anyway, hope you enjoyed,


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