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Meli ignored Louis and smiled at Draco but ultimately made her way to Potter who was looking at her with little interest. She slung an arm through his and shuddered.

"Let's try to act like we don't hate each other, alright?" he said to her.

His eyes of borderline disgust shifted to tenderness when Blaise walked through the door alone. Meli almost vomited. She was happy for them and all but god.

Blaise didn't need a date to look good at a ball. As soon as he entered the hall many girls gravitated around him, all trying to grab his attention. After letting them down with grace, he made his way to Draco.

The third boy Meli had to keep in her mind tonight came up from behind and surprised her by throwing his hands on her shoulders. With a jump, she turned around and hit him, only afterward realizing who it was.

"Louis, hi!" she said, not regretting her action a bit.

With a too-wide smile the Gryffindor tried to hug her hello but before he could, Potter slide his arm around Meli's waisted, tugging her to him.

"Trying to get cosy with my date, McCartney?"

Both Louis and Meli stared at him with confusion. "Aren't you..." started Louis.

"Yeah?" asked Potter back, daring him to say it out loud.

"Ah... Um. Never mind. Don't forget you owe me a dance, Meli."

Meli smiled weakly at his following wink and observed him in silence until he got uncomfortable and left.

"What was that?" she asked Potter.

"You seemed uneasy with him touching you. And Malfoy's eyes digging daggers into back were saying 'if he touches her i'm going to beat his arse'. Just wanted to avoid a murder."

Meli looked over to were Draco and Blaise were standing and noticed that both were effectively staring at them.

She raised an eyebrow, he raised an eyebrow, she rolled her eyes, he jerked his chin to her, she grabbed Potter's arm and dragged him to them.

Eyes were on them, tension rising in the crowd as Potter got closer to Malfoy. The former was pulling back for appearances but really, he was eager to get to the tall, dark boy looking over with a smile.

But before they reached the duo, McGonnagall stepped in their way, slightly panicked.

"What are you two doing? We've been looking for you for ten minutes!"

"What? Why?" stupidly asked Meli's date.

"You're one of the champions, Potter! You're supposed to open the ball with Miss Hiddleston here and the others," the teacher answered, pushing them to the entry.

"Did you know about this?" Potter whispered to her.

"Of course I did," She did not. "I just assumed they made an exception because of your lack of coordination."

He didn't have time to come up with a pathetic insult because then, the music started and the champions entered.

After a very awkward walk down the isle students had formed followed by an equally awkward dance with Saint Potter, Meli finally had the occasion to save them from further embarrassment.

How did one manage to step on every single one of their partner's toes???

Meli ignored Draco's mocking face when they reached the two Slytherins.

Both of the blonds carried the conversation, the two others too busy making heart eyes at each other. Meli thought they ought to be more discrete. Draco was stupid but not that much and by the confused looks he threw them, it wouldn't take long before he figured it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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