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"Bitch, are you serious?" screamed-whispered Meli. She had the largest smile plastered on her face.

"Blaise, you bullied Potter since first year with Draco. I get that he's the gayest bloke ever and that he's dated half of the boys in this school, even if all these 'relationships' lasted two weeks, but do you really think you have a shot?" asked Jane.

She was still smiling though.

Her worries were accurate. Blaise was hot but was that enough to have a chance with Potter? He did laugh at every insult Draco ever shot at the guy.

Blaise burried his head in his hand. "I really hope so. I know it's gonna be hard but with some heartfelt excuses and my natural charisma i should be able to at least get him to talk to me, right?"

"Well, I can't wait to see Draco's face when you tell him" laughed Meli. She shot a glance to the platinum blond next her. He still singing some childish song while looking at Pansy with a worried face from time to time.

"Oh lord! You absolutely cannot tell him. He's going to bloody kill me!" whispered Blaise in a hurry. The boy looked absolutely panicked. It was really funny, according to Meli.

"You need to give me something in exchange for my silent" Meli said, still displaying a smile.

"Oh Merlin" muttered Jane. She knew her friend so she wasn't surprised Meli said this but oh, was she worried for Blaise now.

"What do you want, asshole?" said Blaise, narrowing his eyes. He knew Meli too. Well.

"If, or when, you get into the Gryffondor common room, i want you to tell us the password. And then, we'll go inside it... and trash it!" said Meli looking satisfied with herself.

Blaise looked at Jane with a pleading expression. The brunette said no with her head and smiled to significate she couldn't do anything. "I guess i don't really have a choice so yeah, of course"

Meli was squirming on the banc. "This is perfect!" She turned to Draco and slapped him on the arm."Hey little baby you can open your ears now"

Draco shot her a mean look. "I hate you guys" His eyes passes around the three other persons at the table. "You're not gonna tell me anything, right?"

"Nop" said Jane, plopping a spoonful of oatmeal in her mouth. Draco groaned and directed his attention back to his food.


The weekend after Blaise's revelation, the group of four was hanging out together at the Black Lac. The boys were fighting about whether or not Draco was Snap's favourite student while the two girls mocked them from their spot under a tree. Far enough to have privacy but close enough that Meli would be comfortable.

"Draco, i know it's hard for your huge ego to understand but it's ok to not be the worst teacher ever's favourite student"

"But i am!!!"

Meli and Jane chuckled and went back to talking. "So, how are things with Cedric?"

Jane beamed."Girl, he's so sweet. He is the best. He's very calm, he's funny and he keeps me from cursing people when they annoy me. Even tho i'm not sure if that's a good thing"

"Well it definitely isn't. But i'm genuinely happy that he makes you feel so good" said Meli.

And she was. Happy. Did she wish her friend would spend more time with her instead of Diggory? Yes. Was she bloddy tired of hearing about how wonderful he was? Yes. Was she a tad jealous of Jane for being in such a great relationship? Yes. But she was still happy.

"You know, Cedric has this friend who thinks you're hot..."

"I am" interrupted Meli. Jane stopped talking to smile.

"Absolutely and apparently, this boy thinks so too, so, he wanted to know if you would go to Hogsmade with him"

"Jane, im gonna be honest with you. I like your boyfriend because he makes you happy and he's hot. But i would never date a Hufflepuff. Never. It wouldn't work"

"I understand but i promised i would ask" chuckled Jane.

They stayed silent for a few minutes until Blaise and Draco struggled up to the girls level. Blaise's shirt was wrinkled and Draco's hair were completely messed up.

Meli and Jane had been pleased when they saw Draco's haircut at the end of the summer. They hadn't seen each other for the last month of vacation between their second and third year so, when the teenage boy dropped his bag next to them in the train compartment, they were pleasantly surprised to see his new haircut.

When they realized that using way to much hair gel was a problem that other guys then Draco had, the two girl had made it their mission to convince every male student to let them cut their hair.

Let's just say they were pretty good at convincing people and now half of the boys in Slytherin had a pretty haircut Jane-and-Meli-made with a pair of scissors in the common room.

And so, when Draco layed under the tree, his head on Meli's thighs, her fingers flew to the said hair and she played with them with content.

Blaise had sit down between Meli and Jane and placed his arms on their shoulders. Jane's head was now posed on the boy's chest.

The friends just sat there, contemplating the lac stretching in front of their eyes. The view was wonderful, as always and the air smelled like fresh leafs and rain from the day before.

Blaise took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and placed on in between his lips. He then proceeded to give one to Draco and lit them both with a lighter.

Meli was used to the smell by now but Jane always wrinkled her nose. None of them smoke on a regular basis. Jane actually never tried and Meli did only a few times.

Her eyes fell to Draco's face as he slowly pulled to cigarette away from his mouth while elegantly holding it between his fingers.

The smoke went up in the golden light of the late afternoon. If it didn't absolutely destroyed your lungs, Meli would probably smoke more often because she thought it was such an elegant thing to do.

Meli moved her gaze to Blaise. His strong jawline was even more defined then usually because of the sun and his skin was glowing into the light. Potter would be dumb to turn him down.

Her eyes then narrowed to his piercings. He had little diamond earnings and a ring in his nose. They did these summer in Jane's room with a needle, an ice cube from their drinks and a bottle of alcohol from her dad's cabinet.

An idea formed itself in Melis mind."Draco?" she asked.

The blond leaned his head toward her while taking another puff at his cigarette.

"Wanna get your ears pierced?"


A/N: ok, draco with an earning? YES! so imma write it. and um how do you feel about this Blaise/Harry thing? we need a ship name so like don't be shy and comment i always like to read what you guys have to say
Also no actual hate towards Hufflepuffs it's just for character development later
Hope you enjoyed,


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