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This could've been avoided easily. If Meli hadn't been distracted by memories of the date she just went on. If she had gotten back into her house by the window of her bedroom. If she had listened to what her mother was trying to say before she left. If she had noticed the car in the driveway, slightly hidden by the darkness but still apparent enough that she should've seen it. If she had remarked the lights of the dining room, the one reserved for when there was guests, turned on through the window in front of the house. If she had heard the noises on the other side of the front door before opening it with a dreamy smile.

There was a lot of 'if's' but none of them changed the fact that standing in front of her, inside of her house while she was on the porch, was the whole Malfoy family.

Draco's eyes found her face immediately but Meli took a moment to observe the impressive family trio before her eyes.

Hans extended, like he was about to open the door, Draco was in front. He was wearing a black shirt, a black tie and an elegant cape. He had obviously dressed up and his hair was pulled back a little, like someone tried to do them first-and-second-year-Draco style but had given up halfway. The look in his eyes was one that you couldn't read unless you knew him well. Draco was tired, bored, and he wanted to leave.

That someone was probably Narcissa Malfoy, standing over her son's right shoulder. Her hair, black with strands of white were pulled in an impeccable bun. She was wearing a long black dress that floated around her ankles and whose sleeves wrapped around her shoulders. She looked at her goddaughter, visibility intrigued.

Finally stood Lucius Malfoy. The man was tall and frankly, intimidating. He was wearing some elegant black and silver robes that made his long platinum hair struck out even more then usual. He wore a black velour cape with a deep green inside. In his left hand was his two-in-one cane-wand with the silver handle. He stared at Meli over Draco's head, frowning disapprovingly of the amount of skin her corset showed.

Meli stares right back but Lucius just narrowed his eyes so she turned her head a last time to see her parents, worried looking at her behind the Malfoy's. Her mother's eyes were wide and her father was simply shaking his head. Like he'd given up.

Finally someone spoke. "Meli?" Ok, it could've been anyone else and Meli would've been happy.

She moves her eyes so that they would meet Draco's. His grey eyes were filled with confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? This is my house! What are you doing here?" She trailed of at the end, felling everyone staring at her.

"Your parents invited us. Aren't you supposed to be at Jane's?"

Now, Meli was the lost one. "Jane's? Who told you I was at Jane's?"

Her mother raised a hand in the back. "I thought you were going to Jane's and that was why you weren't there for the guests."

"I didn't know the Malfoys were our guests. I was on a da-" Her mouth closed on the last word but it was perfectly clear what she was about to say.

Draco straightened his posture and in a few seconds, all emotions disappeared off his face. He tied up his cap and turned to the group of adults watching their interaction like a movie. "I think it is time for us to go now. Right, Father?"

Lucius' eyes lingered on Meli a moment before turning to her parents. "My son is right. Henry, Jillian, it has been delightful."

"Oh, it was our pleasure. We hope to see you again soon." said Henry, smiling at the other family.

Narcissa kissed Jillian and Henry on the cheeks and kissed Meli on the forehead before following the two blond men who were already going down the road to their car.

Being wizards, the Malfoys didn't need a car. They could use the Floo Network or even fly on brooms if there was no other options. But why would Lucius Malfoy take the risk of getting his robes dirty when he could show off an expensive car, gift of the Minister of Magic.

As he opened the back door, Draco turned back and looked at Meli from afar. All that the girl saw before his blond head disappeared in the back of the grey car, was him shaking his head with disappointment.

She huffed and swirled around, slamming the door behind her. She wanted to lay down and not let anything ruin the perfect afternoon she just had. But of course the Hiddleston parents weren't going to let that happen.

"You went on a date? Henry did you know about that?" said Jillian with a big smile.

Henry was clearly not as happy with the news. "No darling, I did not."

"Oh, sweetie you have to tell me everything! Do not leave any details out." Jillian took Meli's hands in her owned and tried to sit her down on a couch.

"Actually mom, I'm pretty tired so I think I'll just go clean up and go to sleep. I already ate dinner." said Meli, standing back up and making her way to the stairs backwards.

She was out of view when her mother let out a shaky breath. The sound made her stomach twist with guilt because of how many times she had heard that same noise behind closed door. The many nights after Elae's depart where she would tiptoe to the kitchen downstairs and press her ear against the wood. She would hear this particular noise and her father pacing around the room. And all she wanted to do was open the door and say 'I'm still here. Hold me.' But she never did. She knew they would turn their face away from her and tell her to go back to sleep.

She ignored the guilt and went to her bedroom. The room was a mess, clothes, clean or not, laying around. Meli dropped her bag by the door and jumped on her bed to land face buried in the pillows.

Even after what happened in the last ten minutes, all worries faded away as she remembered her date. Louis made her laugh, he was hot and there had been almost no awkward moment between them. She had fun and butterflies in her stomach all afternoon because of the way he looked at her. And, he wasn't scared of Draco anymore.

Draco. His expression when she said she was in a date. He looked...betrayed. Sad, but more as if she disappointed him.

Like he has something to say about it. He was the one licking his way down this girl's mouth. Meli though to herself, turning around with frustration and throwing on the floor.

Why am I still thinking about that? How did he manage to ruin this for me without even saying anything?

Meli groaned and was about to throw another pillow when the cry of a bird on the other side of the window stopped her movement.

It was Louis' owl, with a letter, and at the sight, Meli let the pillow down and ran with a smile to let it in.

Dear Meli,

I know I am supposed a certain amount of time before contacting you again but the hell with that. I realize that less then an hour after our date might be too soon but the hell with that too.

I really enjoyed our afternoon together. It was great. You were great. I sincerely hope you had as much fun as I did. I also hope we'll find some time to see each other this summer. If not, I'll wait patiently till the beginning of fourth year.

With affection,


As her eyes flew down the paper, a smile drew itself on her lips. Draco was still in te back of her head but now, it didn't annoy her as much.


A/N: i have a science exam tmr and i'll probably fail but wish me luck anyway

i will concentrate more on the summers as well as the school year in this ff because i always feel like we don't see enough of them?

Anyway please vote, comment, share and go read my other book if you feel like it!

Hope you enjoyed,


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