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Meli was still frowning when she reached the Slytherin common room. She had been replying the events of the day in her head over and over again on her way back. Where did it start going south? What had happened to make Louis snap like that?

She hated that she was overthinking because of a boy. It wasn't like her. She didn't care. She was the one that made people doubt themselves, not the contrary.

Inside, there was only a bunch of students too young to be allowed in Hogsmade. When they noticed Meli's angry face, they retreated to the other side of the room. That was probably a good thing because the girl was ready to take out her frustration on anyone at that moment.

She bursted into her dorm, eager to rant to Jane about dumb, stupid, annoying Louis.

"Bitch, guess what–" she started before stopping right in her track. "What is going on?"

Jane was laying on her back on her bead. Well Diggory was laying on the bed and Jane was laying on her back on Diggory. The Hufflepuff boy had a hand on Jane's stomach, her shirt lifted a bit and was kissing her temple. Jane's smile was sickeningly sweet.

"Hey you. Aren't you supposed to be on your date?" answered Jane, unbothered.

"I'm supposed to be. And i was about to explain to you why I am not but you're to busy hanging with a man." Meli spit the last word out with disgust.

"I think that's my cue." Cedric mumbled.

A broken nose once taught him to leave Meli alone or with Jane when she was in a bad mood. He kissed Jane goodbye and went for the door. Once he left, Meli sat down next to her friend.

"If Draco did something, I swear I'll kill him." Jane puffed a pillow.

"Oh, he didn't have to this time. Louis ruined the whole thing on his own. Merlin, I hate men." Meli said.

"What now?" Jane said with surprise. "Wasn't he like, perfect?"

"He was! I don't know what happened. He was like a completely different person." Meli let herself fall back on the bed.

She proceeded to tell Jane what had happened and again, was grateful for her friend. Jane listened cautiously and got angry at all the right times, reassuring Meli that she wasn't crazy and that Louis had in fact been an asshole.

"What a twat." Jane was shaking her head disapprovingly. "What are you going to do?"

"No bloody idea." Meli stared at the ceiling before pulling herself back in a sitting position. "So, what's up with Diggory and the tournament?"

At her boyfriend's name, Jane smiled. "He doesn't know what'll be the first task since they're not telling the champions anything. He's worried about the others, though. Krum is a brute and Fleur is a great witch. He also thinks having two Hogwarts champions is bad. You know how Potter is, always getting the attention."

That last sentence made Meli think. She should be able to do something about Potter, even if Blaise will kill her. Their fellow students just needed a push in the right direction. "Tell Diggory I'm working on something that'll sort out one of his worries."

"He'll be happy to know you're rotting for him." Jane chuckled.

"Oh, it's not for him. I'll do it because it'll be hilarious." Meli was already forming a plan in her head.

"Is anyone in danger?" Jane asked.

"Not physically."

"That's not reassuring at all."

"It's not meant to be."


Meli was sitting at the base of a three in the courtyard, trying to do her history homework. Trying because above her was Draco with, for some reason, Crabbe and Goyle. They were laughing loudly, seeking attention, and laughed even louder when Harry Potter entered the courtyard. The boy stopped in his track when he saw the badges everyone was wearing. They switched from a flattering picture of Diggory to the sentence Potter stinks and everyone was wearing one.

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