Chapter 11 ~ The Date & Smooch

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Chapter 11

**Aria POV**

God I’m so nervous.

I adjust my ‘I have Issues’ jumper as I wait for Liam to pick me up. It’s been a week since the whole hospital ordeal. I have decided to push that all in the past and forget about it. I thought it would be best for everyone.

But the past can come and bite you in the butt.


I look at the sign in horror.


I hear Liam laugh at my horrified expression as he puts his hand in the small of my back and leads my inside the building.

I’m going to die.

This is it.

It was nice knowing you.

Liam pays for our entry fee and leads me over to the paint ball guns and vests. I don’t talk as he helps me into a vest and puts a mask over my face. I’m shaking so hard. I do NOT want to paintball. But if this is Liam’s idea of a fun first date I’ll do it.

“Don’t be nervous Aria; it’ll be fun I promise!” Liam says encouraging me. He’s right. I’m the sheriff’s daughter. I’m a scary badass! I can do this! I can shoot some bitches down!

I look up at Liam to see him all ready looking so adorable in his paintball gear. He looks at me in concern with his puppy face. Aww, even if we’re going into war he looks like a freaking puppy. I’m going to win this paintball fight! But there is only one way I can win. The only way I can, is if I get sugar in my system.

I reach into my back pocket and unwrap the chocolate bar. Liam looks at me like I’m crazy as I start to gobble it down.

“Are you hungry Aria? If you are we can go eat now?” Liam asks concerned. I blush thinking how its very gentlemen like of him to think of me first. When I had my first boyfriend all he thought about was himself. We did whatever he wanted, which was making out with me most of the time. He never asked what I wanted to do.

I shallow the last piece of chocolate and wipe my mouth before saying, “No it’s fine Liam. I just have to get sugar in my system before I shoot anyone.”

He chuckles a bit before kissing my cheek. “You’re so strange.”

“Thanks,” I beam as I put the paintballing mask on. Liam puts his on as we go out into the area where we play. I look around the perimeter scanning for good places to snipe people. The area where we paint ball is out in a field with hay barrels and bins scattered to hide.

“Is this a team effort or an everyman for themselves game?” I ask while secretly crossing my fingers for a every man for themselves game.

“It’s an everyman for themselves ordeal,” Liam replies gazing down at me. “Don’t worry I’ll protect you babe.” He winks as I roll my eyes.

“Maybe it’ll be you that’ll need the protecting babe.” I retort before running off as the sugar kicks in.


I let out a war cry as I swing from the very top of the 20 foot fort that’s set up in the middle of the paintballing shoot the tenth person in a row. I was on a roll! No one has shot me yet. I have shot everyone except Liam. That bastard. I’ll find him!

**Liam POV**

I’m scared.

I hear Aria let out a war cry and hit another person. Poor guy never say it coming. I shouldn’t have let her eat that chocolate. She’s worse than Louis drunk. She’s only on sugar may I remind you.

I look out from behind the hay barrel I’m hiding behind to see one guy crawling on the ground, begging for mercy.  My eyes widen as I see another guy run from around the corner, breathing heavily and slowing down to a jog. He sighs in relief just before he gets shoot in the back.

I turn around and grip my gun tighter as I wait for her to come.           

“Liam come out where ever you are!”

I jump as she screams my name. By the sound of her voice I can tell she’s close. I hear a twig snap behind me. I slowly turn as I hear a paintball gun go off.

Then I go down to the ground, clutching my crotch.

“LIAM I’M SO SORRY!” Aria yells coming out of the bushes. She runs to my side apologizing over and over again.

“My balls,” I wince as I roll back and forth.


**Aria POV**

I giggle as Liam puts an ice pack on his crotch. I eat my pasta slowly trying not to laugh. Liam just glares at me before taking a bite of his pasta. I smile sweetly at him as I attack my food.

“I can’t believe you shot my balls,” he says after a while.

I just laugh. “I was aiming for your head. But it just shows you how bad accuracy I have!” I laugh so hard that I clutch my stomach. Liam looks at me like I lost it.

“I’m glad my pain amuses you,” he says rolling his eyes.

“Awww is little Liam mad because his boys got hit?”

“Yes I am actually.”

“I can make it up to you,” I offer.

He raises an eyebrow as his eyes spark with curiosity, “What is it exactly?”

“A kiss.”

He chokes on his pasta. He coughs until he’s able to shallow. He looks at me with flaming red cheeks. “K-k-k-kiss?”

I rest my head on my hands and lean forward. “I’ll give you a big smooch!”

His lips curve into a smile. “Fine.”

I cheer as Liam shakes his head and pays for the bill.


Liam and I walk hand and hand up to my house. We get to the front door and turn to each other.

“I had lots of fun Liam!” I say smiling at him warmly. “BYE!”

I turn to leave when Liam grabs my arm and spins me around. “Not so fast! Someone owes me a kiss!”

I raise an eyebrow and decide to play with Liam for a bit. “Who? Does Niall? I didn’t know you two had something going on! Why the hell are you on a date with me when you could be with Niall? Liam you little slut-”

Liam presses his lips against mine to silence me.

I freeze not reacting at first. Liam puts his hands in my hair as my arms automatically go behind his neck. Our lips melt together just as the front door opens to reveal sass and ass.

Louis Tomlinson.

“Hey Aria be careful kissing him. Liam has a STD, you can ask Niall he has one too.”

Louis walks away like a boss.

I start laughing and lean my head on Liam’s shoulder as he yells at Louis.

I then look up at the sky and thank my dad for sending me someone like Liam to protect and watch over me.

Thank you dad.



For those who read ABOTRCTIL can you go back and vote on all the chapters? My goal is 1,000 votes before February! Please it wont take that long!

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