I Became The Stepmother of My Ex-husband

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COO 102 + 2 extra. Current translation 71
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Lin Wei Xi found out after she died that she was just a cannon fodder in a novel, used as contrast to the gentle and considerate and virtuous female lead.

The male lead was her ex-husband, the dignified heir of Yan Wang, his family were superior and brilliant, but the heroine was not her.

The female lead was her concubine-born younger sister, and her husband's white moonlight, his cinnabar mole, no wonder! After Lin Wei Xi died, her husband finally married her sister as he wished.

She watched coldly at the two like honey in the oil, in love and harmonious, everyone using the success of her younger sister to contrast the impropriety of the original wife.

Lin Wei Xi sneered, okay, since your love moves the world, then this sister will come back and be your stepmother!

So she married her ex-husband's father, the father-in-law she never met in the previous life, the country's God of war, who has not remarried after losing his wife, the one that hold military power, the brilliant Yan Wang.

Later Yan Wang, who was in his prime years and used to act decisively, looked at his small, delicate, much younger wife, and had a headache.

No matter, she is still young, he have to spoil her, indulge her, teach her.

The setting is way too similar with Greetings, Ninth Uncle. Both MC is rebirth and found out that she's a cannon fodder in novel, both MC has white lotus sister, same plot MC marry OML turns out it should be the sister, OML thought MC snatched marriage and later he regretted.
MC rebirth to another body, the timeline continue after her death. A lot of time event is changed so it's a bit blur. Both ninth uncle and this novel are great story, but I prefer this one just because the villain got punished harsher.
Story in MC past, she is a granddaughter of Princess Shoukang (sister of old emperor), and di daughter of Duke Yingguo. She marry Yan Wang only son. Yan Wang is a famous general and admired by MC. After marriage MC is strict to the servants. Because there's no female master in Yan Wang mansion, a lot of old servants are taking charge and dissatisfied with MC. Yan Wang wife and mother already dead years ago, only the son live alone with servants. MC shu sister (OFL) told Yan Wang son (OML) that MC snatch her life saving grace and oppressed OFL with her background. OML is angry, and become indifferent to MC. MC fell sick within 1 year of her marriage, she died. Later OML want to marry OFL after few months of MC death (not sure 3 or 5 months later).
MC rebirth as Lin Wei Xi, in the past MC give some money to LWX and her father who beg for job to get medicine for LWX. Later original LWX died and give her body to MC. MC continue her life as LWX. LWX father become a soldier under ML, he died saving ML. 3 years after LWX father death, ML brought back LWX father bone and ask emperor to confer him as martyr. At this time LWX already become MC. MC met ML when MC cursing her aunt who want to marry her for her wealth (MC got wealthy from her father). MC asked ML to take her away. ML took her back to the capital. MC met her shu sister again, Gao Ran who marry MC ex-husband (from past life and the OML). MC also met her grandmother, princess Shoukang. MC become close again with her grandmother without telling her identity. OFL dissatisfied with MC, behind MC back OFL accepted a marriage proposal from queen dowager family. MC become furious and confront OFL, OFL mocked her because MC can't do anything to her. In anger MC asked Yan Wang (ML) to marry her with half threatening saying her father saved ML life. ML agreed since actually he also attracted to MC, but he always mind his old age. ML should be 32, MC is 15-16 (a bit like crime 😄). After marriage MC sort out the old servants then she was afraid that ML will hate her because ML first marriage was rumored as romantic story and the old servants are from his first wife. ML told MC that he didn't care. ML and MC keep showing affection in front of OML and OFL. OFL hate MC because OFL need to serve her as daughter in law.
OML attracted to MC because he felt she is similar to his first wife (duh the same person). OML panicked because MC is his mother now, OML took a concubine to distract himself. OFL angry and scheme the concubine to have affair. The concubine blurt out that OFL cheated her sister (MC past), OFL save OML and give a token from MC so if OML is poor, MC will entangled with him but if OML is wealthy OFL will accuse MC snatching her marriage. MC faint due to shock. MC told OML that OFL frame the concubine with yin yang pot (pot with secret mechanism to pour different content). OML doubt OFL, he chased out the concubine then give cold shoulder to OFL. OFL father confront OML, OML said about yin yang pot. OFL father notice that it's similar with his past concubine. OFL father found out that OFL mother (a concubine) also framed other concubine with the yin yang pot. OFL father went to OFL mother then he got angry (this is where I thought it's time for him to die to keep the secret, and he really died...). OFL and her mother shut their mouth about the father anger. They happily thought that OFL brother will become heir because he's the only male child. But yingguo duke (MC grandfather) choose to adopt a child and register as legitimate son.
OFL schemed again, she made the adopt child lose control of his horse and making the horse hit MC who is pregnant. ML save MC, the adopted child found something's wrong and told ML. ML found out the culprit, he sent OFL to pray in bhuddist temple for life. Later ML found out that MC is actually his dead daughter in law. ML run out of capital to avoid MC. ML went back when MC in labor. ML regretted to choose avoiding MC when he saw MC blood. MC gave birth to a daugther.
OFL found out that MC is her sister. MC met OFL in secret but ML found out. ML killed OFL to keep MC secret. OML also know about it and keep silence. MC felt moved when ML didn't mind her past. MC and ML moved back to ML fief while OML stayed in capital with regrets.

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