Three Marriage

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COO 94 (MTL 91) translation 32

One is a blind girl, the embodiment of an orchid, intelligent with sophisticated grace, and the other, a young noble who loved his wealth as if it were his life.

His endless teasing, and her numerous counter-attacks,
She planned every advance with detail, and he met her with each step,
As he excitedly went about making life difficult for her, all she did was sigh at his childishness.

The uneasy-proud-young noble’s odd actions, contrasted against the calm plotting of an unfazed blind girl.

*Haih, one should never invite the attentions of a petty man…*

The two were at loggerheads from the very beginning, and to no one’s surprise, they soon saw each other as the enemy, and neither tried to understand the other’s position.

And thus it came to this,
as long as the Young Lady did not give in, then the Young Sir would not leave her in peace.

A blind girl thrice married, but to the same person every time.

Thrice wedded, thrice wedded to;

But together forever after.

I've binge read this in 1 day. At first I didn't like ML and thought this would be a bicker couple romantic comedy like Unruly Phoenix Xiaoyao which I got bored on the middle. But this novel is a gem. Both ML and MC are clever and try to outsmart each other. ML teased MC at first, it may looks a bit too much since MC is a blind girl but actually he didn't go out of line. He knows MC is fine despite his tricks. And MC also took revenge and anger ML. This novel has a bit romantic, a little bit comedy and murder case which actually can be guessed easily. But overall it's a good novel. If you can stand the headache reading MTL, I suggest to read it 🙂
ML is from Long family, he was the 2nd child. The first child is a general guarding the border, the 2nd is a business man who loves money and help the new emperor ascend, the 3rd is famous in jianghu. Only ML hasn't married because he loves money and thought marrying will lose him money. MC is a blind girl, she lost her mother when she was 10 yo. Her father raise her by himself and have a famous wine shop in capital.
When ML met a girl who want to marry him, MC ask to met ML. She asked him to build awning on all of his shops because her sister who sold flowers just got sick due to no shelter when she is working. MC told him if he want, she'll help him to get away from the girl who she want to marry him without angering the girl. ML said yes then MC pour a tea to ML. ML got angry but since he promised he can't do anything to MC.
ML start bothering MC, he took her cane silently and watch her panic. MC sent him a qin and music score mocking him who didn't understand music and only love money. They keep bickering until MC got into accident.
MC has a broken engagement due to her blindness. After her engagement broke, Yun Qinxiang try to marry her as concubine but she refused. Yun Qinxiang is an official in criminal department, he marry Ding Sheng daughter. He is famous due to a case 2 years ago.
The case is about Shi Boyan a famous musician who murdered whole of Shi Zechun family. Shi Boyan played a song before his execution. Yun Qingxian is the one who handle the case, he is also close to the victim Shi Zechun because he got recommended by him and can marry Ding Sheng daughter. At that time many musician heard Shi Boyan song and understand the meaning behind his song, injustice. This include MC who at that time hasn't become blind.
Yun Qingxian also admired qin, when he heard MC music he fell in love with her and pursue her. His wife heard about this and confront MC, she threaten her to marry Yun Qingxian as concubine. MC is thinking how to get out from this problem when she was involved in murder case.
When she stayed in an inn, she witness a murder but due her blindness the murder didn't kill her and struck her unconscious. The next morning ML got news that his shopkeeper is arrested due to murder. ML shopkeeper was negotiating to buy the victim shop so he has motive.
MC negotiate with ML, she'll help him find the real murder with promise to marry her. ML agreed. MC become the bait to get evidence. The murderer is the inn waiter because he want to take the victim money.
Yun Qingxiang wife hire a matchmaker to get MC geng tie, MC dad got confuse and thought it was from ML and agreed. ML got angry and went to Ding and Yun masion. Both Ding Sheng and Yun Qingxian scold the wife.
This is the beginning of main story. The connection of each characters are a bit complicated. In summary actually MC didn't have any relation with Shi Boyin case but she become nosy and want to get the true murderer which implicate ML and his family. MC realize after her marriage that she will drag ML family so she devise a plan to make ML divorce her without ML consent. ML got angry and promise to help her find the culprit.
MC and another musician work to crack Shi Boyan message in the song. The musician died due to drown but MC knew it's not accident. Her blindness also because of this. A woman get close to MC by saying she was close to the musician and want to find the murder. But actually she was a fake and her job is to monitor MC and make her lose interest with the case. She plan to kill MC when ML is out of city. MC fight back and killed her, MC hide on top of tree for 2 days waiting ML to find her. She was in comma and saved by Han Xiao (I think she was a protagonist on another novel). ML find out that MC blindness is due to poison. MC still refuse to marry ML and said they'll marry after 5 years. ML refuse and devise a plan to marry MC. He asked queen dowager to grant marriage and force MC to marry him again. They marry on the same date 1 year after first marriage.
MC was captured by criminal department aka Yun Qingxian due to the fake corpse in MC house. ML is actually work with the emperor to trap the murderer. But he didn't know that emperor will force MC out of his family aka divorce again. MC was kidnapped by Yun Qingxian. He told MC his story. This is the only drawback in this novel, the culprit always told the story making before they got caught or die.
The truth is Yun Qingxian was Shi Zechun (the victim) son from previous marriage. Shi Zechun come from village and already marry before he become official. He didn't know he has son until Yun Qingxian came to capital. He marry an official daugther to help his career thus abandoning Yun Qingxian mother. He keep delaying to acknowledge Yun Qingxian as his son. Yun Qingxian played his mother song for Shi Zechun. Yun Qingxian thought his father still love his mother. But then he heard the music score was bought by Shi Boyan from market. Yun Qingxian become angry and killed Shi Zechun family, framing Shi Boyan.
MC got rescued by ML and his family. She marry ML for the 3rd time. The end.

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