The Young Lady of the General's House

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Eldest Sister: My husband is a Marquis’s son, the pillar of the country.

Shen Jin: My husband doesn’t take concubine.

Second Sister: My husband is from a literary famous family, pure and noble.

Shen Jin: My husband doesn’t take concubine.

Fourth Sister: My husband is a top-scorer in imperial exam.

Shen Jin: My husband doesn’t take concubine.

Fifth Sister: My husband is handsome and romantic, gentle and understanding.

Shen Jin: My husband doesn’t take concubine.

It was a good novel, I thought it will be focusing on MC fighting in backyard, but it's more about the politics. Near the end it seems rushing a lot. I like when MC and ML is not OP but in terms of war and mind plot they are a bit OP. MC other sisters ending also a bit force to highlight MC having a good life.
MC is a concubine daughter of Rui Wang, her mother is not favoured. They often got bullied by concubine Xue and her 3 daughter. The first conflict is when the eldest legitimate daughter giving her bracelet because the 2nd illegitimate daughter envy it. In the end MC was blamed by Rui Wang in order to protect the 2nd daughter. All of them know the truth but choose to blame MC. The eldest daughter feel guilty. MC and eldest daughter become closer. The eldest married a marquis heir. MC become close to Rui wangfei.
Rui Wang got a decree to marry one daughter to a general with bad reputation. The general have 3 engagement and all of them died. It should be the 2nd daughter but because Rui Wang like the concubine, the marriage fell to MC the 3rd daughter. They compensate her using more dowry from the other daughters. MC mother thought it will be fine, at least MC can live on the border, MC knew that she was abandoned by the emperor and her family. The emperor didn't like the general because he hold military power on the border.
When MC arrived on the border city, she didn't meet ML but met ML younger brother. ML is away leading troops to fight the barbarian. MC was left in the house. The people draw a line with her because she is from the emperor family. They inform her that the younger brother got injured and need her as figure head. MC accept it and began to do what she is told to do. They are trapped in the city and was attacked by the barbarian. They wait for reinforcement from capital. MC also asked Rui Wang to send some food. But they didn't get anything. They suggest MC to hide in the bunker, MC refuse and let some children in. She knew if she hide when ML return and found out only her and not his brother, he will also kill MC. Finally ML show up and drove the barbarian. ML knew MC deeds and directly accept her as his wife.
MC got spoiled by ML, she become bolder and lazier. The emperor tried to make ML enter the capital so he can restrain ML. He use MC father birthday as excuse and decreed them to go back. MC and ML went back to capital. There's an earthquake, the official want the emperor to write an apology because of his wrongs so there's earthquake. The emperor didn't want to write it so he blame Rui wang for his extravagance life. The ministers become wary because the emperor blame and punished his younger brother easily, they are afraid to be used as scapegoat and lose their life.
Since it will be too long to write all the novel plot, I'll summarize about MC sisters. The eldest married a marquis heir. First trouble is her husband have a cousin and make her as concubine. The cousin keep making trouble for eldest daughter. With MC helps, they drove out the cousin. When rui wang was blamed by emperor, the eldest daughter directly want to go back to her family, the marquis wife (the mother in law) gave her some money which is impolite. The eldest daughter and her husband went back together but got scolded by rui wangfei. When the eldest and her husband return to marquis house, the marquis wife refuse to see them. The marquis went home and scolded his wife. When there's conflict between Rui wang and emperor, rui wang intend to go to the border. They actually thought to leave the eldest daughter and sacrifice her but somehow they decide to bring her. Fyi the eldest daughter already have a daughter and send her to the border first, this is another weird point why the marquis family just agreed with it. The eldest daughter choose to follow to the border, leaving her husband and the marquis family. She didn't said anything to them so it will look like she abandoned them. She knew that her marriage will be doomed once she return back. This is the part where I thought it was forced to make all the sisters have bad ending. When the eldest daughter come to the border she is dissatisfied with MC mother who took care her daughter. In the end after everything is resolved, she went back to the marquis family. Her husband was sent to country side after she run away. The husband hate eldest daughter and pampered concubine who follow him to country side.
The 2nd daughter marry a scholar family. The family have good reputation but actually they lack money. They cheated the 2nd daughter to use her dowry for the family. The 2nd daughter repeatedly offend MC until rui wang decide to ban her contacting rui wang family. In the end she is dying, MC and eldest daughter met her for the last time. They help her taking revenge to the scholar family and get back her dowry.
The 4th daughter doomed early. When 2nd daughter have conflict with MC, the 4th daughter lied to the concubine and make her stir trouble. Rui wang punished both of them. The concubine become crazy while the 4th daughter is sick.
The 5th daughter abandoned her younger brother in order to follow rui wang. Rui wang actually went back to the capital as hostage and want to send his children to border. He didn't told the children, when he saw the daughter cruelly pushed her younger brother, rui wang let her go back to the capital and locked her up.

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