Become Husband and Wife According To Pleasure

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COO 68, translation 218 (split, around 60)

Su Qiuzi’s mother died early, her father remarried, her father didn’t care about her mother and didn’t love her enough to live into her late twenties.

But at her step-sister’s birthday party, she was proposed to by a man whom her step-sister was bent on marrying.

This man, dashing, highly respectable, with gentle elegance was the Xia City famous bachelor.

However, only after marrying him did she realize how deep the love was hidden under his gentle appearance.

Su Qiuzi originally thought it was supposed to be an unfair marriage, but in reality, it was her who was doing whatever she wanted in her heart.

ML: I use my world to protect and to take possession of your heart. Only I can ruin that glow in your eyes.

The story is a lot of fluff. The fluff are okay, but for the story flow... It's a rush or it could be said that the story only focus on fluffy interaction. Other things is only add on. Even the main conflict, it only show up and finished in 1 chapter.
MC mother is said to elope with her driver, making her father hate her and never cared about her. MC stepmother and stepsister always bullied MC. MC works part time in pottery store from high school to save money for leaving her home. Her boss is a second generation rich man, which thought she is a poor student. ML met MC in her stepsister birthday and directly propose to marry her. MC accepted it despite knowing that she is being used. 20 years ago, MC father was an employee in ML grandpa company. He betrayed ML company and remarry MC stepmother, he took clients from ML company for the stepmother company. So ML family have grudge to MC father. ML and MC marriage only needed for company cooperation. MC knew they will divorced after the cooperation is over. ML is really generous and taking care MC. He knew MC past who always alone in her own family. Slowly they got close and fall in love. Then MC met a man which is the driver son. The man's mother is disabled, after his father death and was said elope with his boss wife, his mother commit suicide with him. But his mother repent on last minute and push him back, she jump from building in front of him. The man went to high school with MC, he got close to MC without telling his identity. Making MC fall in love with him. MC first love is him, and when she confessed, the man told her that he was having revenge because of MC mother who ruined his family, since her mother is dead so she should pay her mother's debt. MC commit suicide by swallowing pills but survived. No one know her suicide attempts (so she just revive on her own?)....
When MC met the man again, he said he is investigating his father and her mother case. He is a police officer now, he went to military for this. MC didn't care about him. Until he showed MC the truth and MC father's company bankrupt. MC mother was killed by MC father. MC mother were ML employee too, she married MC father and stop working. She knew MC father plan to betray ML company and remarry current stepmother. To save herself and MC, MC mother plan to go to ML grandpa, taking the evidence. But MC father found out and ask a truck driver to crash them. He told everyone that his wife elope with the driver. ML already know the truth but never told MC even if he already love MC and saw her suffering, he thought if MC knew beforehand, it will make MC hate her father and ruin his plan to make MC father bankrupt. MC felt cheated, she know ML is using her but never knew she was used like this. She asked to separate, she said if she knew it early she would endure it for ML since he is her only ray in her life. She told him that she commit suicide because of her mother's issue. ML panicked when he thought MC will leave him. He succeed his revenge and his grandpa is satisfied but it cost him MC feeling. He thought he will protect her but he is the one who hurt her.
MC choose to become host in remote places. They didn't met for a month, ML chose to stay away from her and will coax her back after MC calm down. Then he received news that MC place got earthquake. He regret it and panic, he went to MC place. When he found MC, he cried. Then they reconcile. ML no longer pretense as gentleman who fulfill all MC wish, he become thick skin to get close to MC. MC knew she will eventually go back with ML as long as he promised to change. She is happy to see ML become more honest with her.
There is no further explanation regarding MC family, the last info is when MC knew about her mother, she went to her father and tried to kill him, ML stop her in time. This is why I said the conflicts just resolved really fast without anymore info.

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