The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

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COO 119 + 3 extra, translation 4

Jiang Yu was born again and returned to a time when she was a poor and naive 17-year-old. In her previous life, because of poverty, she was forced to abandon her dreams of ballet and become the substitute for the white moonlight of a second generation scumbag. Jiang Yu really didn’t want to experience her poor and miserable youth again.

However, when she was helpless, she accidentally discovered that her mobile phone had also traveled with her. Through this mobile phone, she could actually contact people in the future.

So, a steady stream of future business found Jiang Yu——

“Please help me tell my mom, to not do stocks when she has money!”

“Please help me tell myself in the past, to not study in the same university as my boyfriend, for which I made a deliberate mistake in the college entrance examination”

“My dad is no longer alive, help me tell him that I am not a waste of space.”

Jiang Yu relied on the mobile phone business and earned a lot of money. Until one day, when Jiang Yu received a man’s request for help. The man’s voice was low and magnetic, with a hint of wickedness.

Upon hearing this sound, Jiang Yu was so scared that the phone almost flew out of her hand.

He is a criminal with a high intelligence quotient, Qiu Li, who has been constantly reported in the TV news for ten days. For committing a sensational crime. He hoped that Jiang Yu would save him when he was a teenager so that he would not go astray.

According to his information, Jiang Yu found the teenager Qiuli.

Young Qiuli was held up in the dark alley, being punched and kicked, with his eyes filled with repressed and a forbearing light.

And that day, Qiu Li lying in a pool of blood saw the girl in a white dress at the end of the alley.

After seventeen years of endless night, that was the first time he saw the moon.

I won't say it's really good, there are a lot of plot holes but I really enjoyed reading this novel. It's feels like light novel but the conflict is quite deep. It's been a while I've read a good novel with teen protagonist. The story starts light and it went deeper with a lot of twist (even though it's predictable).
MC is rebirth to 17yo. In her previous life she gave up everything and marry Huo Cheng, a second generation from rich family. She is a substitute for HC first love. She was abused badly until ML who is HC's psychiatrist killed HC brutally. He was sentenced to jail for a lifetime.
MC was bind to a system from future. She can get money by helping future people fixing their regrets. MC family is poor, she only have mother who works as massager. MC want to learn ballet but her mother prevent her. In the end MC is accepted to the best school.
MC got task to save ML with huge rewards. MC started to get close to ML. ML was abused by his father, his father is a psychiatrist specialist in hypnosis. After his father went to jail, ML live alone. He got a scholarship from school due to his high IQ. ML can't taste or feel anything due to trauma. Then he realize he could taste food after MC eat it. So they began to date.
ML starts loving MC and MC keep feeling distressed to ML. MC get a task to tell a man that he has a daughter. Turns out he was MC real father. MC didn't know it. MC mother took care MC from baby when MC real mother is a famous ballerina. MC real mother died due to fatigue, she was pressured by her family. MC never knew that she was the ballerina daughter even thought a lot of people said she is really similar to the ballerina.
A famous singer want MC to tell himself to chase his first love because in his time, the first love is dead along with their daughter. Then MC realize that the first love is her mother. She thought the singer is her dad. It is a bit funny when MC called the singer dad in front of MC real father. MC real father got angry and demand MC mother telling the truth but MC didn't believe it.
ML tried to get into best university where his mother teach. Then he tried to meet her and found out that she is not his mother. He yearn for a mother so he hypnotized himself, thinking she was his mother. His real mother is already died due to dystocia. ML felt unworthy and left MC. He hypnotized MC to forget about him.
MC broke the hypnosis when she knew that ML in the future is dead. MC chase ML back. ML already started hypnotized people and making them kill themselves due to their crime. He got offer from his mentor to be an undercover so he could wiped his criminal act. ML agreed. He was shot on the knees and was said he will limp.
MC and ML got together again. MC mother open a bar and marry the singer. MC found out she was the ballerina daughter and live with her real father. MC father met a woman who has different face but her habits are really similar to MC mother. The woman has partial amnesiac. ML father died in jail and left a note saying his mother didn't die. ML open the marriage certificate and saw his mother face is the woman who suspected to be MC mother. ML thought he is MC brother and want to commit suicide. Then he realize that his and MC age is only differ 3 months. ML read his father's diary and found out everything. ML mother really died, then MC mother found ML father to help her faking her death. She want to run away from her family and live normal with MC and MC father. ML father help her but then he imprisoned her. He hypnotized MC mother to think she is ML mother. When MC father read the diary, he got furious and kicked ML.
In the end MC and ML marry. MC is getting afraid because she saw HC. She is afraid that ML will kill him and imprisoned for life. Then she killed HC, that's when she remembered that she also killed HC in her previous life. ML is protecting her and was jailed. ML wake MC up, he realize MC mental is getting bad so he hypnotized her. HC already death few months ago, killed by his wife which is the first love in previous world.
I just read the extra chapters from original website, it wasn't included in Then everything on last chapter become clearer. At the end chapter, MC complete her mission and the app is about to disappear. MC plead to talk with the future ML, then future ML said he is happy, she can look up. MC saw current ML holding a phone. MC thought all along it was ML who plan everything. ML said he remembered the past life but didn't know about the app. In previous life, MC talked to ML about her wish which is the exact thing in her current life. MC felt her current life is fake because she was hypnotized by ML after she killed HC. ML said if she want to get out then she should find the key. Until MC died she never found it.
MC wake up in hospital after she died. She realize it was really a fake world, the key is when she died. She went to the police and confessed. ML beg the polices not to take MC. MC was sentenced for 3 years. After she got out, she married ML.

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