Dressed as the Cannon Fodder Ex-Wife of the Regent

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Wen Qi Qi was just a stand-in actress who wanted to make a name for herself in the acting world. But when she opened her eyes, she became the cannon fodder ex-wife of the Regent in the book.

In order to change the ending of the tragic death, she decided to capture the regent.

The regent, who was ascetic and reserved and not close to women, looked at the women who had come up to him. He was expressionless and his voice was cold: “Stay away from this king!”

The noble ladies snickered, how could His Highness the Regent be interested in such a cheap woman as Wen Qi Qi?

Everyone was waiting to see her being abandoned.

Later at the palace banquet, looking at the woman who was a hundred thousand miles away from him, the Regent was still expressionless, but his voice was coaxing: “Qi Qi, come closer to this king.”

A group of civil and military officials: where is the so-called pure heart and soul and not close to women?

The women were looking forward to the day when Wen Qi Qi was abandoned, but instead, they watched her being spoiled by the regent all the way to the sky.

The women’s faces hurt badly.

It started good then it goes bland and repetitive. Most of it is about MC and ML romance while the conflict seems like an add on. A lot of brainless plot. The ending seems rushed.
MC transmigrate as ML's wife. ML is away in border while MC just married him. MC lives in her family, when she just transmigrated, OFL who is MC adopted sister tried to make her elope with a scholar. OFL like ML so she scheme MC, once ML knew that MC elope, he will kill her even if he didn't love her. MC trapped OFL so people thought she is the one who met the scholar. ML expose OFL that she send a letter about MC elopement. MC family want to expel OFL but OFL faked amnesia so they just send her out of capital. It is not clear why they adopted OFL or what's OFL origin. Also MC grandma prefer OFL than MC her own granddaughter just because OFL please her, but she seems despise MC also without reason.
MC warned her 2nd brother to keep an eye of OFL since she is afraid OFL will destroy their family. OFL still met the emperor and save him. The emperor took her as concubine. MC recognize her in a banquet but OFL keep denied her as she is faking amnesia. MC told them that OFL was punished by the family because of her mistake then she is faking amnesia, now since she climbed to emperor she denied relation with MC family who took care of her. The emperor keep saying that OFL is not like that. Imho the emperor is the 2nd stupidest character in this novel. He is blinded by women and envy ML without acknowledge what ML did for him. Since he was young, ML took care the government so he can ascent the throne, until now ML still keep reign on major decisions which make the emperor jealous. Oh the emperor is OML. The original story, OML will meet OFL in MC family and took her as empress then OFL will frame MC family as treason and destroy them. ML also got poisoned by OML.
There's 2 queen dowager which is ML mother or OML grandmother and OML mother. OML mother is ML's sister-in-law. OML mother actually love ML but hide her feeling, over time she is like obsessed with ML and keep trying to kill MC and a girl who like ML.
ML was separated when he was a child, then it was told he got drugged with something like aphrodisiac, not sure by whom. In summary he is miserable. ML father actually want him as emperor but since ML got that accident he change to OML father. ML's accident is actually a scheme of OML's father. It's unknown how the process, it just told that ML is saved by OML father and ML uncle. So ML worked his ass off for OML to repay his gratitude to OML father. Yep ML is the stupidest. ML uncle who is said saved him, kidnapped MC abruptly just to lure ML in his territory where it was a nightmare for ML, then he also drugged ML with the same aphrodisiac when he was a child. The reason is to remind him of his kindness.... So absurd.
MC keep blocking OFL so she was sent to cold palace, but soon she was pregnant. The funny thing is MC sister-in-law who already pregnant from chapter 1, then OFL is pregnant around the mid and MC who is pregnant near the end, they will gave birth around the same time near the ending.... Since OFL is pregnant with the first son, she is kept but not favoured by OML. OML began to like MC so he favored a woman who look like her. Then OML will keep kidnapped MC to get military seal from ML. The MC and ML assassinate scene is really a lot, like within 20 chapter there's one attempt. Either want to kidnap MC or kill ML or kill both of them...
ML was blinded due to poison and no one can cure but a genius doctor. They met a woman who said her master can cure ML. Then after that the woman seems obsessed with ML. She want to make her master/father to cure ML then demand ML to marry her. The woman and genius doctor followed them like leech, from a village to capital to border... In the end the woman died because of OML mother sent assassin to kill her. The genius doctor, in the name to fulfill his daughter last word, he tried to kill MC. Even though he knew that the daughter dead is not related to MC. He killed OML mother then tried to kill MC. OFL hide the genius doctor and making OML angry. OML ordered to take out her child which killed OFL.
ML rebel and become the emperor, I skipped a lot on the ending so I'm not really sure. OML seems like fleeing, he got abandoned by his trusted guard.
Overall it's a good braindead reading. Just enjoy the romance and don't think about the plot holes.

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