• 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 •

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𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 | 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

Tommy's Point of View

     I'm going to go back to sleep," [y/n] yawned as we walked up the stairs. "You?"

     "I'm going, too." I nodded. "Goodnight again, then."

     I walked back to my room and was greeted by my computer desk, waiting for me to stream. I was tempted to, but I decided not to.

     I actually want to write down what I feel right now. I used to have a personal journal I've been keeping for a long while now, and I'd be relieved if I ever find it.

     I looked around my bedroom and saw the battered notebook inside my closet. I thought I was smart to hide it in here but that was literally the first thing I saw when I opened my wardrobe.


Dec 2
3:01 am

It's been a while. I just want to clear my head for a moment and that's why I'm writing all my thoughts in here.

Dad wanted [y/n] and I to be together. He didn't exactly say that but I get what he was hinting at.

I mean, who wants their parents disappointed? I gave in and acted like I like [y/n] and now, I myself don't even know if I'm acting or not.

When I told [y/n] I was nervous, I wasn't lying. Well, sort of... Kind of? Let me make this clear:

Dad wants us together. I acted like I'm in love. I was really getting into it and now maybe I am liking [y/n] a bit.

Let's just hope our feelings are mutual.


     I closed the old notebook and threw it in my bedroom corner. Laying flat on my bed and arms spreading out, I stared at the wooden ceiling fan rotating at a slow pace.

     "You really are an idiot, aren't you?" [y/n] laughed. "People tend to do dumb things when they're nervous."

     Those words kept running inside my head for a good while now.

     What was I thinking?

     I probably hurt [y/n]'s feelings back when I was trying to act like a different person.

     "I should try to apologize," I thought and sat up. The only thing illuminating my room was the cool color of the moonlight piercing through my window.

     I want to but I shouldn't. It's probably best to let someone sleep at this hour, especially when they're tired.

     The entire house was awfully quiet and this was the only time I enjoyed it being like this.

     I don't know what to say. Maybe I should go to [y/n]'s room and apologize.

     "Hey, I'm sorry for being an ass," I thought, practicing what I should say. "I know I've apologized to you before but I felt like I was saying sorry just because you were crying."

     I decided to go outside and as I was about to close the door behind me, I heard a loud thump from a room a few steps away from me. It was as if someone slammed their hand on a table out of frustration.

     "[y/n]?" I knocked on the door.

     "Oh, hold on, I'll be right out!" A faint voice sprung out of the varnished oak door.

     "Are you okay?" I asked barely in my normal voice since my mother is probably asleep.

     "In a sec!"

     "Alright...?" Confusion started to hit me. [y/n] doesn't usually take this long to answer the door, especially when I'm the one behind it.

     "Hey," I was greeted with a smile.

     "You alright? I heard something.."

     "No, I was just..."

     "Tell me the truth, I feel like something's bothering you." We both looked at each other's eyes, only mine was more stern.

   "Tommy, it's early in the morning. Can we talk in a few hours?" The door started to close but I stopped it using my hand in between the semi-opened door and its doorframe.

     "We can, but I don't think you'd like being alone here with something that's bothering you."

     We stared at each other for a brief moment, until [y/n] gave in and opened the door completely for me to come in.

     "Since my best friend doesn't talk to me yet and I don't know why," [y/n] sighed, closing the door as I sat on the bed. "It looks like I have to share everything with you now that you're here."

     That sentence gave me a small smile. "I'm all ears."

     We sat in front of each other.

     Here goes.


This was supposed to be a filler but I got carried away into writing more ✋🏼😔

     or you can't watch MCC ever again



𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜. | 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ✓Where stories live. Discover now